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Effects of the lampricide TFM:1%Niclosamide to the pocketbook mussel

Detailed Description

Images of some of the physiological and reproductive endpoints used to evaluate the effects of the lampricide TFM:1%Niclosamide to the pocketbook mussel: (a) degree of foot extension, (b) filtering activity, (c) release of packets of glochidial larvae, and (d) degree of mantle lure extension to attract host fish.

A. Degree of foot extension as a test endpoint in evaluating the effects of TFM:1% Niclosamide on pocketbook mussels

B.  Filtration as a test endpoint in evaluating the effects of TFM:1% Niclosamide on pocketbook mussels

C.  Release of glochidia larvae as a test endpoint in evaluating the effects of TFM:1% Niclosamide on pocketbook mussels

D. Degree of mantle lure extension as a test endpoint in evaluating the effects of TFM:1% Niclosamide on pocketbook mussels




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