Elastic and Inelastic Aquifer Compaction
By Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center
1999 (approx.)
Detailed Description
When long-term pumping lowers ground-water levels and raises stresses on an aquitard layer beyond the preconsolidation-stress thresholds of that layer, the aquitards compact and the land surface subsides permanently.
Public Domain.
Figure from USGS Circular 1182, (Galloway, 1999)
Land subsidence in the United States
No abstract available.
Devin L. Galloway, David R. Jones, S. E. Ingebritsen
Land subsidence in the United States
This report explores the role of science in defining and understanding subsidence problems, and shows that the optimal use of our land and water resources may depend on improved scientific understanding to minimize subsidence. More than 80 percent of the identified land subsidence in the Nation is a consequence of human impact on subsurface water, and is an often overlooked environmental...
Devin L. Galloway, David R. Jones, S. E. Ingebritsen
The Virginia Extensometer Network
Borehole extensometers are instruments that monitor land subsidence caused by aquifer compaction. They provide precise, high-resolution measurements of changes in aquifer-system thickness. These changes in aquifer-system thickness contribute to vertical land motion (VLM) across the Virginia Coastal Plain, and are driven primarily by groundwater level decline due to human water usage. The Virginia...
Land subsidence in the United States
No abstract available.
Devin L. Galloway, David R. Jones, S. E. Ingebritsen
Land subsidence in the United States
This report explores the role of science in defining and understanding subsidence problems, and shows that the optimal use of our land and water resources may depend on improved scientific understanding to minimize subsidence. More than 80 percent of the identified land subsidence in the Nation is a consequence of human impact on subsurface water, and is an often overlooked environmental...
Devin L. Galloway, David R. Jones, S. E. Ingebritsen
The Virginia Extensometer Network
Borehole extensometers are instruments that monitor land subsidence caused by aquifer compaction. They provide precise, high-resolution measurements of changes in aquifer-system thickness. These changes in aquifer-system thickness contribute to vertical land motion (VLM) across the Virginia Coastal Plain, and are driven primarily by groundwater level decline due to human water usage. The Virginia...