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Figure 4 Shyvers et al

August 2024 (approx.)

Detailed Description

Categorized heatmaps showing projected change in habitat suitability resulting from habitat restoration actions (or pairs of actions) in the Poncha Pass satellite population of Gunnison sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus). Change in suitability values were quantified as the change in binned percentile from the reference resource selection function (Saher et al. 2022) maps to the modified maps, based on habitat use locations from the Saher et al. (2022) models. The heatmaps show change in suitability for each 30-m2 pixel, except for areas where (1) new habitat was projected to be created, (2) non-habitat was projected to remain non-habitat despite intervention, or (3) negative impacts to suitability were projected to occur. Habitat was defined as those pixels with habitat suitability ranks exceeding the value that captured 95% of use locations in the Saher et al. (2022) reference models. All heatmaps represent changes for crucial habitats in the breeding season, except for a single summer-season action (mesic improvements). From Leveraging local habitat suitability models to enhance restoration benefits for species of conservation concern | Biodiversity and Conservation (


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