An illustration showing use of a bat echometer and a light trap to detect emerging aquatic insects
Detailed Description
An illustration by Diana Valentin from Northern Arizona University shows the use of a bat echometer and a light trap to detect emerging aquatic insects, along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. This illustration was drawn during Diana Valentin's internship with USGS. The study examined how the diversity and abundance of emerging aquatic insects affecting bat abundance and foraging. For more information, see: Metcalfe, A.N., Fritzinger, C.A., Weller, T.J., Dodrill, M.J., Muehlbauer, J.D., Yackulic, C.B., Holton, P.B., Szydlo, C.M., Durning, L.E., Sankey, J.B., and Kennedy, T.A., 2023, Insectivorous bat foraging tracks the availability of aquatic flies (Diptera): The Journal of Wildlife Management, e22414, online,
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