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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Geohydrology of the Central Oahu, Hawaii, ground-water flow system and numerical simulation of the effects of additional pumping

A two-dimensional, finite-difference, ground-water flow model was developed for the central Oahu flow system, which is the largest and most productive ground-water flow system on the island. The model is based on the computer code SHARP which simulates both freshwater and saltwater flow. The ground-water model was developed using average pumping and recharge conditions during the 1950's, which was
Delwyn S. Oki

Wet atmospheric deposition of pesticides in Minnesota, 1989-94

All of the rain samples during the growing season had detectable quantities of at least one pesticide, but most of the pesticides were only infrequently observed. The most frequently detected compounds were the herbicides alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine, and metolachlor, and in 1994, its first year of registration, acetochlor. Peak concentrations of most herbicides in rainfall occurred shortly after
Paul D. Capel, Ma Lin, Paul J. Wotzka

Ground water and streamflow in the Nett Lake Indian Reservation, northern Minnesota, 1995-97

The Nett Lake Indian Reservation, about 164 square miles in area, is in northern Minnesota. About 300 people live in Nett Lake Community, about 100 people live in Palmquist Community, and a few people live in other parts of the Reservation. Water resources in the Reservation include: (1) ground water in sand and gravel aquifers and bedrock aquifers; (2) Nett Lake; (3) streams in the Nett Lake Rive
J. F. Ruhl, G. A. Payne

Ground-water conditions in Georgia, 1997

Ground-water conditions in Georgia during 1997 and for the period of record were evaluated using data from ground-water-level and ground-water-quality monitoring networks. Data for 1997 included in this report are from continuous water-level records from 71 wells and chloride analyses from 14 wells. In 1997, annual mean ground-water levels in Georgia ranged from 6.2 feet (ft) lower to 5.6 ft hi
A. M. Cressler

Transport, behavior, and fate of volatile organic compounds in streams

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are compounds with chemical and physical properties that allow the compounds to move freely between the water and air phases of the environment. VOCs are widespread in the environment because of this mobility. Many VOCs have properties making them suspected or known hazards to the health of humans and aquatic organisms. Consequently, understanding the processes af
R. E. Rathbun

Ground water and surface water: A single resource

The importance of considering ground water and surface water as a single resource has become increasingly evident. Issues related to water supply, water quality, and degradation of aquatic environments are reported on frequently. The interaction of ground water and surface water has been shown to be a significant concern in many of these issues. Contaminated aquifers that discharge to streams can
Thomas C. Winter, Judson W. Harvey, O. Lehn Franke, William M. Alley

Tracing nitrogen sources and cycling in catchments

This chapter focuses on the uses of isotopes to understand water chemistry.I Isotopic compositions generally cannot be interpreted successfully in the absence of other chemical and hydrologic data. The chapter focusses on uses of isotopes in tracing sources and cycling of nitrogen in the water-component of forested catchment, and on dissolved nitrate in shallow waters, nutrient uptake studies in a
Carol Kendall

Puerto Rico, humedales [Puerto Rico, wetlands]

La isla de Puerto Rico, localizada al noreste del Mar Caribe y sus islas principales, Vieques, Culebra e Isla de Mona, poseen humedales en abundancia . El clima subtropical, la lluvia abundante y las complejas formas topográficas y geológicas de estas islas dan origen a los humedales, que varían desde los raros e inusuales bosques cubiertos por nubes en las tierras altas, hasta los extensos mangla
D. Briane Adams, John M. Hefner, Teresa Dopazo

Geologic framework and hydrogeologic characteristics of the outcrops of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers, Medina Lake area, Texas

The hydrogeologic subdivisions of the Edwards aquifer outcrop in the Medina Lake area in Medina and Bandera Counties generally are porous and permeable. The most porous and permeable appear to be hydrogeologic subdivision VI, the Kirschberg evaporite member of the Kainer Formation; and hydrogeologic subdivision III, the leached and collapsed members, undivided, of the Person Formation. The porosit
Ted A. Small, Rebecca B. Lambert

Ground-water levels, predevelopment ground-water flow, and stream-aquifer relations in the vicinity of the Savannah River Site, Georgia and South Carolina

Ground-water levels, predevelopment ground-water flow, and stream-aquifer relations in the vicinity of the U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Site, Georgia and South Carolina, were evaluated as part of a cooperative study between the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of Energy, and Georgia Department of Natural Resources. As part of this evaluation: (1) ground-water-level fluctuations
John S. Clarke, Christopher T. West

Hydrogeologic and water-quality data, Lower Sioux Indian Community, southwestern Minnesota, 1995-97

This report presents hydrogeologic and water-quality data for the Lower Sioux Indian Community during 1995-97, collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Lower Sioux Indian Community. The data collected include: (1) water levels, temperature, and dissolved oxygen of Larson Lake, including a vertical profile of temperature and dissolved oxygen near the center of the lake; (2) l
M.L. Strobel, L.M. Pottenger
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