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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Semi-implicit finite difference methods for three-dimensional shallow water flow

A semi-implicit finite difference method for the numerical solution of three-dimensional shallow water flows is presented and discussed. The governing equations are the primitive three-dimensional turbulent mean flow equations where the pressure distribution in the vertical has been assumed to be hydrostatic. In the method of solution a minimal degree of implicitness has been adopted in such a fas
Vincenzo Casulli, Ralph T. Cheng

Recovery of benthic-invertebrate communities in the White River near Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, following implementation of advanced treatment of municipal wastewater

The City of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, completed construction of advanced-wastewater-treatment systems to enlarge and upgrade existing secondary-treatment processes at the City’s two municipal wastewater-treatment plants in 1983. These plants discharge their effluent to the White River. A study was begun in 1981 to evaluate the effects of municipal wastewater on the quality of the White River nea
Charles G. Crawford, David J. Wangsness

Chemical, crystallographic and stable isotopic properties of alunite and jarosite from acid-Hypersaline Australian lakes

Chemical, crystallographic and isotopic analyses were made on samples containing alunite and jarosite from the sediments of four acid, hypersaline lakes in southeastern and southwestern Australia. The alunite and jarosite are K-rich with relatively low Na contents based on chemical analysis and determination of unit cell dimensions by powder X-ray diffraction. Correcting the chemical analyses of f
Charles N. Alpers, R. O. Rye, D. Kirk Nordstrom, L. D. White, B.-S. King

Use of geochemical biomarkers in bottom sediment to track oil from a spill, San Francisco Bay, California

In April 1988, approximately 1500 m3 of a San Joaquin Valley crude oil were accidentally released from a Shell Oil Co. refinery near Martinez, Californa. The oil flowed into Carquinez Strait and Suisun Bay in northern San Francisco Bay Sediment and oil samples were collected within a week and analysed for geochemical marker compounds in order to track the molecular signature of the oil spill in th
F. D. Hostettler, J. B. Rapp, K. A. Kvenvolden

Energy, time, and channel evolution in catastrophically disturbed fluvial systems

Two diverse fluvial systems show that with time, channels adjust such that the rate of energy dissipation is minimized. One fluvial system, characterized by high relief and coarse-grained sediment, was subjected to an explosive volcanic eruption; the other system, characterized by low relief and fine-grained sediment, was subjected to dredging and straightening. Study of the expenditure of kinetic
A. Simon

Gravel-bed deposition and erosion by bedform migration observed ultrasonically during storm flow, North Fork Toutle River, Washington

Ultrasonic depth sounding provides useful and unexpected information about peak discharge and sediment transport when applied during storm flow in channels with erodible beds. Streambed elevation was measured with dual ultrasonic depth sounders during the rise, crest, and recession of a storm flow in the North Fork Toutle River, Washington, on 3 December 1987. The sounder transducers were held in
R.L. Dinehart

Redistribution of soil nitrogen, carbon and organic matter by mechanical disturbance during whole-tree harvesting in northern hardwoods

To investigate whether mechanical mixing during harvesting could account for losses observed from forest floor, we measured surface disturbance on a 22 ha watershed that was whole-tree harvested. Surface soil on each 10 cm interval along 81, randomly placed transects was classified immediately after harvesting as mineral or organic, and as undisturbed, depressed, rutted, mounded, scarified, or sca
D.F. Ryan, Thomas G. Huntington, Martin C. Wayne

Herbicide transport in rivers: Importance of hydrology and geochemistry in nonpoint-source contamination

Alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine, metolachlor, and metribuzin were measured at six sites during 1984 and 1985 in large subbasins within the Cedar River, IA. A computer model separated the Cedar River discharge hydrograph into groundwater and overland-flow components. The concentration of herbicides in the river when groundwater was the major flow component was less than 1.0 μg/L and averaged 0.2 μg/L
P. J. Squillace, E.M. Thurman

Water resources data, South Carolina, water year 1991

No abstract available. 
C.S. Bennett, T.W. Cooney, K.H. Jones, P.A. Conrads

Seasonal changes in microhabitat selection by rainbow trout in a small stream

Shifts in microhabitat selection by rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were related to seasonal and ontogenetic factors in a small stream characterized by short riffles, small pools, and boulder substrate. Resource availability did not differ significantly between summer and November sampling dates for most variables related to water velocity, substrate, and cover, although depths were greater and
Donald M. Baltz, Bruce C. Vondracek, Larry R. Brown, Peter B. Moyle

Geochemical evolution of acidic ground water at a reclaimed surface coal mine in western Pennsylvania

Concentrations of dissolved sulfate and acidity in ground water increase downflow in mine spoil and underlying bedrock at a reclaimed surface coal mine in the bituminous field of western Pennsylvania. Elevated dissolved sulfate and negligible oxygen in ground water from bedrock about 100 feet below the water table suggest that pyritic sulfur is oxidized below the water table, in a system closed to
Charles A. Cravotta
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