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State News Releases

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Menlo Park Map Store Changes Walk-in Policy

Menlo Park Map Store Changes Walk-in Policy

Effective September 6, 2016, walk-in sales and services at the California Geological Survey map sales office (located in the U.S. Geological Survey...

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Preventing Human-Caused Earthquakes

Preventing Human-Caused Earthquakes

New research from the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Colorado shows actions taken by drillers and regulators can lessen risk in the case...

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High Rate of Tumors Found on white sucker in some Wisconsin Rivers

High Rate of Tumors Found on white sucker in some Wisconsin Rivers

There is an elevated incidence of skin and liver tumors among White Suckers caught in certain Wisconsin rivers that flow into Lake Michigan according...

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Media Advisory: USGS Crews Measure Flooding in Northeast Iowa

Media Advisory: USGS Crews Measure Flooding in Northeast Iowa

Reporters: Do you want to accompany a USGS field crew as they measure flooding? Please contact Jason McVay at 319-430-6962.

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USGS Streamgage Reactivated After 13 Year Absence

USGS Streamgage Reactivated After 13 Year Absence

A U.S. Geological Survey streamgage, dormant since 2003, was recently reactivated in the city of Frankton, Indiana through a funding partnership with...

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Living with Vog on an Active Volcano: New Resources

Living with Vog on an Active Volcano: New Resources

New informational products about the health hazards of volcanic air pollution known as “vog,” are available through a new interagency partnership.

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Water Levels Declining in Areas Along San Pedro River near Sierra Vista, Arizona

Water Levels Declining in Areas Along San Pedro River near Sierra Vista, Arizona

Streamflow and groundwater levels are declining in some locations along the San Pedro River near Sierra Vista, Arizona, according to a new report by...

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Media Advisory (Public Lecture): New Eyes in the Sky – Drones for Science

Media Advisory (Public Lecture): New Eyes in the Sky – Drones for Science

News reporters are invited to attend a public lecture to learn how U.S. Geological Survey scientists are using drones, or unmanned aircraft systems...

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Media Advisory: Living with Vog on an Active Volcano – New Resources

Media Advisory: Living with Vog on an Active Volcano – New Resources

Reporters are invited to attend a telephone press conference on Thursday, August 18, 2016, 2:00 p.m. HST, about new informational resources regarding...

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Groundwater Recharge in Upper Colorado River Basin May Hold Steady Under Climate Change

Groundwater Recharge in Upper Colorado River Basin May Hold Steady Under Climate Change

Future groundwater replenishment in the Upper Colorado River Basin may benefit from projected increases in future basin-wide precipitation under...

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Scientists Deploy Seismographs in Napa Valley

Scientists Deploy Seismographs in Napa Valley

Media Advisory: Photo Opportunity

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Discover Jemez Postwildfire Debris-Flow Hazards With the Click of a Mouse

Discover Jemez Postwildfire Debris-Flow Hazards With the Click of a Mouse

A new interactive map and companion report from the U.S. Geological Survey allows residents living in and around New Mexico’s Jemez Mountains to see...

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