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Earthquakes can be unsettling.

Feeling the ground beneath you shake and seeing the environment around you roll and rock can leave one feeling wary of what is to come next. This was certainly the case for the community of Ridgecrest, California, on July 4th, 2019, as they experienced a magnitude 6.4 earthquake. As scientists and responders from different agencies and organizations focused their energy on emergency response, another stronger earthquake shook the area about 33 hours later.  

In the video, “Remembering Ridgecrest,” USGS scientists recollect how they responded on July 4, 2019, and their most memorable moments during the immediate and subsequent response. This video is only a small snapshot of the many USGS employees who responded, and only begins to allude to the myriad of partner agencies and institutions who were involved. This kind of research and partnership ultimately can help save lives and property.  

Video Transcript
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