Satellite imagery shows the rupture and shifting of land near Ridgecrest, CA from the July 2019 earthquakes.
Remembering Ridgecrest
Stories from the July 4, 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake
Earthquakes can be unsettling.
Feeling the ground beneath you shake and seeing the environment around you roll and rock can leave one feeling wary of what is to come next. This was certainly the case for the community of Ridgecrest, California, on July 4th, 2019, as they experienced a magnitude 6.4 earthquake. As scientists and responders from different agencies and organizations focused their energy on emergency response, another stronger earthquake shook the area about 33 hours later.
In the video, “Remembering Ridgecrest,” USGS scientists recollect how they responded on July 4, 2019, and their most memorable moments during the immediate and subsequent response. This video is only a small snapshot of the many USGS employees who responded, and only begins to allude to the myriad of partner agencies and institutions who were involved. This kind of research and partnership ultimately can help save lives and property.
Could the M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA Earthquake Sequence Trigger a Large Earthquake Nearby?
Surface Displacement Observations of the 2019 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake Sequence
Pre-existing features associated with active faulting in the vicinity of the 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake sequence
Satellite imagery shows the rupture and shifting of land near Ridgecrest, CA from the July 2019 earthquakes.

3,557 earthquakes recorded since July 4, 2019 above Magnitude 2
M6.4 12km W of Searles Valley, CA
2019-07-04 17:33:49 (UTC)
51,000+ responses via Did You Feel It?
M7.1 18km W of Searles Valley, CA
2019-07-06 03:19:53 (UTC)
42,000+ responses via Did You Feel It?
3,557 earthquakes recorded since July 4, 2019 above Magnitude 2
M6.4 12km W of Searles Valley, CA
2019-07-04 17:33:49 (UTC)
51,000+ responses via Did You Feel It?
M7.1 18km W of Searles Valley, CA
2019-07-06 03:19:53 (UTC)
42,000+ responses via Did You Feel It?
Geologists with USGS, the California Geological Survey (CGS) and Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake (NAWS) worked together in response to the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence in California that occurred July 4-6, 2019. The earthquakes were large enough that the fault rupture reached the earth’s surface.
Geologists with USGS, the California Geological Survey (CGS) and Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake (NAWS) worked together in response to the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence in California that occurred July 4-6, 2019. The earthquakes were large enough that the fault rupture reached the earth’s surface.

USGS scientist Jessie Thompson Jobe collects and records information on earthquake surface ruptures observed along a roadway following the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. Photo credit: Ryan Gold (USGS)
USGS scientist Jessie Thompson Jobe collects and records information on earthquake surface ruptures observed along a roadway following the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. Photo credit: Ryan Gold (USGS)

USGS Geophysicists Elizabeth Cochran and Nick VanDerElst install a seismometer on the base Photo credit: Ben Brooks, USGS
USGS Geophysicists Elizabeth Cochran and Nick VanDerElst install a seismometer on the base Photo credit: Ben Brooks, USGS
USGS scientist Jessie Thompson Jobe measures fault offset at the site of the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence rupture. Photo credit: Chris DuRoss, USGS
USGS scientist Jessie Thompson Jobe measures fault offset at the site of the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence rupture. Photo credit: Chris DuRoss, USGS

USGS scientist Jaime Delano, observes a sand blow caused by liquefaction during the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. Photo credit: Chris DuRoss
USGS scientist Jaime Delano, observes a sand blow caused by liquefaction during the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. Photo credit: Chris DuRoss

Kate Scharer examining striations along fault scarp while completing GPS survey of fault rupture. Here the fault has about 2.6 m of horizontal displacement and 0.5 m of vertical. The rake of the striations is 47 degrees. Photo credit: Jamie Delano, USGS
Kate Scharer examining striations along fault scarp while completing GPS survey of fault rupture. Here the fault has about 2.6 m of horizontal displacement and 0.5 m of vertical. The rake of the striations is 47 degrees. Photo credit: Jamie Delano, USGS
USGS Pasadena Earthquake Response Coordinator surveys displaced rocks near the southern end of the surface rupture of the 5 July 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. USGS photograph. Photo credit: Sue Hough, USGS
USGS Pasadena Earthquake Response Coordinator surveys displaced rocks near the southern end of the surface rupture of the 5 July 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. USGS photograph. Photo credit: Sue Hough, USGS

This animation shows preliminary results from precise relocation of the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, through July 6 (UTC), including the foreshock sequence and the first ~20 hours of aftershocks from M 7.1 mainshock. The animation begins in a map view and then transitions into a rotating vertical slice. Earthquakes are colorcoded by time of occurrence
This animation shows preliminary results from precise relocation of the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, through July 6 (UTC), including the foreshock sequence and the first ~20 hours of aftershocks from M 7.1 mainshock. The animation begins in a map view and then transitions into a rotating vertical slice. Earthquakes are colorcoded by time of occurrence

This animation shows preliminary results from precise relocation of the Ridgecrest foreshock sequence, up to the the time of occurrence of the M 7.1 mainshock. The animation begins in a map view and then transitions into a rotating vertical slice. Earthquakes are colorcoded by time of occurrence, with early events in dark blue and later events (up to the
This animation shows preliminary results from precise relocation of the Ridgecrest foreshock sequence, up to the the time of occurrence of the M 7.1 mainshock. The animation begins in a map view and then transitions into a rotating vertical slice. Earthquakes are colorcoded by time of occurrence, with early events in dark blue and later events (up to the

Kate Scharer (USGS) provides CO CAPT Paul Dale (Navy) with the field mapping team’s initial product, showing the surface fault rupture at NAWSCL as well as the temporarily deployed seismic and GPS sensors that were rapidly deployed. Contributions of field data from within the base were from CGS & USGS, and from outside the base were from Univ.
Kate Scharer (USGS) provides CO CAPT Paul Dale (Navy) with the field mapping team’s initial product, showing the surface fault rupture at NAWSCL as well as the temporarily deployed seismic and GPS sensors that were rapidly deployed. Contributions of field data from within the base were from CGS & USGS, and from outside the base were from Univ.

Kate Scharer (USGS) provides CO CAPT Paul Dale (Navy) with the field mapping team’s initial product, showing the surface fault rupture at NAWSCL as well as the temporarily deployed seismic and GPS sensors that were rapidly deployed. Contributions of field data from within the base were from CGS & USGS, and from outside the base were from Univ.
Kate Scharer (USGS) provides CO CAPT Paul Dale (Navy) with the field mapping team’s initial product, showing the surface fault rupture at NAWSCL as well as the temporarily deployed seismic and GPS sensors that were rapidly deployed. Contributions of field data from within the base were from CGS & USGS, and from outside the base were from Univ.

Oblique photograph showing surface faulting from the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake. The dirt track (center) is right-laterally offset approximately 2.5 m (~8 ft).
Oblique photograph showing surface faulting from the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake. The dirt track (center) is right-laterally offset approximately 2.5 m (~8 ft).

Fault rupture crosses dirt road, with California Geologial Survey vehicles for scale. Displacement at this location is primarily normal (vertical). Photograph taken near the northern end of the rupture resulting from the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake.
Fault rupture crosses dirt road, with California Geologial Survey vehicles for scale. Displacement at this location is primarily normal (vertical). Photograph taken near the northern end of the rupture resulting from the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake.
Vertical fault rupture on road with truck.
Vertical fault rupture on road with truck.
Truck scanning road offset on the base with USGS geologist Josie Nevitt walking along side.
Truck scanning road offset on the base with USGS geologist Josie Nevitt walking along side.
USGS geologist Josie Nevitt and geodesist Todd Ericksen collect a sample from the fault zone of the main rupture.
USGS geologist Josie Nevitt and geodesist Todd Ericksen collect a sample from the fault zone of the main rupture.
Aerial view shot from Blackhawk helicopter overflight on July 6 of the zone of high surface displacement.
Aerial view shot from Blackhawk helicopter overflight on July 6 of the zone of high surface displacement.
USGS geophysicist Ken Hudnut demonstrating Drop Cover and Hold Technique during the foreshock sequence to the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake.
USGS geophysicist Ken Hudnut demonstrating Drop Cover and Hold Technique during the foreshock sequence to the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake.
USGS geodesist Todd Ericksen sets up GPS surveying equipment on July 5th.
USGS geodesist Todd Ericksen sets up GPS surveying equipment on July 5th.
The predictive skills of elastic Coulomb rate-and-state aftershock forecasts during the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence
Airborne lidar and electro-optical imagery along surface ruptures of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, Southern California
Dynamic rupture simulations of the M6.4 and M7.1 July 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquakes
The 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence ground motions: Processed records and derived intensity metrics
A high-resolution seismic catalog for the initial 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence: Foreshocks, aftershocks, and faulting complexity
Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) and Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC): Data availability for the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence
Preliminary report on engineering and geological effects of the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
Observation of the seismic nucleation phase in the Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence
Could the M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA Earthquake Sequence Trigger a Large Earthquake Nearby?
Surface Displacement Observations of the 2019 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake Sequence
Pre-existing features associated with active faulting in the vicinity of the 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake sequence
Satellite imagery shows the rupture and shifting of land near Ridgecrest, CA from the July 2019 earthquakes.
Satellite imagery shows the rupture and shifting of land near Ridgecrest, CA from the July 2019 earthquakes.

3,557 earthquakes recorded since July 4, 2019 above Magnitude 2
M6.4 12km W of Searles Valley, CA
2019-07-04 17:33:49 (UTC)
51,000+ responses via Did You Feel It?
M7.1 18km W of Searles Valley, CA
2019-07-06 03:19:53 (UTC)
42,000+ responses via Did You Feel It?
3,557 earthquakes recorded since July 4, 2019 above Magnitude 2
M6.4 12km W of Searles Valley, CA
2019-07-04 17:33:49 (UTC)
51,000+ responses via Did You Feel It?
M7.1 18km W of Searles Valley, CA
2019-07-06 03:19:53 (UTC)
42,000+ responses via Did You Feel It?
Geologists with USGS, the California Geological Survey (CGS) and Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake (NAWS) worked together in response to the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence in California that occurred July 4-6, 2019. The earthquakes were large enough that the fault rupture reached the earth’s surface.
Geologists with USGS, the California Geological Survey (CGS) and Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake (NAWS) worked together in response to the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence in California that occurred July 4-6, 2019. The earthquakes were large enough that the fault rupture reached the earth’s surface.

USGS scientist Jessie Thompson Jobe collects and records information on earthquake surface ruptures observed along a roadway following the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. Photo credit: Ryan Gold (USGS)
USGS scientist Jessie Thompson Jobe collects and records information on earthquake surface ruptures observed along a roadway following the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. Photo credit: Ryan Gold (USGS)

USGS Geophysicists Elizabeth Cochran and Nick VanDerElst install a seismometer on the base Photo credit: Ben Brooks, USGS
USGS Geophysicists Elizabeth Cochran and Nick VanDerElst install a seismometer on the base Photo credit: Ben Brooks, USGS
USGS scientist Jessie Thompson Jobe measures fault offset at the site of the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence rupture. Photo credit: Chris DuRoss, USGS
USGS scientist Jessie Thompson Jobe measures fault offset at the site of the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence rupture. Photo credit: Chris DuRoss, USGS

USGS scientist Jaime Delano, observes a sand blow caused by liquefaction during the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. Photo credit: Chris DuRoss
USGS scientist Jaime Delano, observes a sand blow caused by liquefaction during the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. Photo credit: Chris DuRoss

Kate Scharer examining striations along fault scarp while completing GPS survey of fault rupture. Here the fault has about 2.6 m of horizontal displacement and 0.5 m of vertical. The rake of the striations is 47 degrees. Photo credit: Jamie Delano, USGS
Kate Scharer examining striations along fault scarp while completing GPS survey of fault rupture. Here the fault has about 2.6 m of horizontal displacement and 0.5 m of vertical. The rake of the striations is 47 degrees. Photo credit: Jamie Delano, USGS
USGS Pasadena Earthquake Response Coordinator surveys displaced rocks near the southern end of the surface rupture of the 5 July 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. USGS photograph. Photo credit: Sue Hough, USGS
USGS Pasadena Earthquake Response Coordinator surveys displaced rocks near the southern end of the surface rupture of the 5 July 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. USGS photograph. Photo credit: Sue Hough, USGS

This animation shows preliminary results from precise relocation of the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, through July 6 (UTC), including the foreshock sequence and the first ~20 hours of aftershocks from M 7.1 mainshock. The animation begins in a map view and then transitions into a rotating vertical slice. Earthquakes are colorcoded by time of occurrence
This animation shows preliminary results from precise relocation of the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, through July 6 (UTC), including the foreshock sequence and the first ~20 hours of aftershocks from M 7.1 mainshock. The animation begins in a map view and then transitions into a rotating vertical slice. Earthquakes are colorcoded by time of occurrence

This animation shows preliminary results from precise relocation of the Ridgecrest foreshock sequence, up to the the time of occurrence of the M 7.1 mainshock. The animation begins in a map view and then transitions into a rotating vertical slice. Earthquakes are colorcoded by time of occurrence, with early events in dark blue and later events (up to the
This animation shows preliminary results from precise relocation of the Ridgecrest foreshock sequence, up to the the time of occurrence of the M 7.1 mainshock. The animation begins in a map view and then transitions into a rotating vertical slice. Earthquakes are colorcoded by time of occurrence, with early events in dark blue and later events (up to the

Kate Scharer (USGS) provides CO CAPT Paul Dale (Navy) with the field mapping team’s initial product, showing the surface fault rupture at NAWSCL as well as the temporarily deployed seismic and GPS sensors that were rapidly deployed. Contributions of field data from within the base were from CGS & USGS, and from outside the base were from Univ.
Kate Scharer (USGS) provides CO CAPT Paul Dale (Navy) with the field mapping team’s initial product, showing the surface fault rupture at NAWSCL as well as the temporarily deployed seismic and GPS sensors that were rapidly deployed. Contributions of field data from within the base were from CGS & USGS, and from outside the base were from Univ.

Kate Scharer (USGS) provides CO CAPT Paul Dale (Navy) with the field mapping team’s initial product, showing the surface fault rupture at NAWSCL as well as the temporarily deployed seismic and GPS sensors that were rapidly deployed. Contributions of field data from within the base were from CGS & USGS, and from outside the base were from Univ.
Kate Scharer (USGS) provides CO CAPT Paul Dale (Navy) with the field mapping team’s initial product, showing the surface fault rupture at NAWSCL as well as the temporarily deployed seismic and GPS sensors that were rapidly deployed. Contributions of field data from within the base were from CGS & USGS, and from outside the base were from Univ.

Oblique photograph showing surface faulting from the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake. The dirt track (center) is right-laterally offset approximately 2.5 m (~8 ft).
Oblique photograph showing surface faulting from the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake. The dirt track (center) is right-laterally offset approximately 2.5 m (~8 ft).

Fault rupture crosses dirt road, with California Geologial Survey vehicles for scale. Displacement at this location is primarily normal (vertical). Photograph taken near the northern end of the rupture resulting from the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake.
Fault rupture crosses dirt road, with California Geologial Survey vehicles for scale. Displacement at this location is primarily normal (vertical). Photograph taken near the northern end of the rupture resulting from the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake.
Vertical fault rupture on road with truck.
Vertical fault rupture on road with truck.
Truck scanning road offset on the base with USGS geologist Josie Nevitt walking along side.
Truck scanning road offset on the base with USGS geologist Josie Nevitt walking along side.
USGS geologist Josie Nevitt and geodesist Todd Ericksen collect a sample from the fault zone of the main rupture.
USGS geologist Josie Nevitt and geodesist Todd Ericksen collect a sample from the fault zone of the main rupture.
Aerial view shot from Blackhawk helicopter overflight on July 6 of the zone of high surface displacement.
Aerial view shot from Blackhawk helicopter overflight on July 6 of the zone of high surface displacement.
USGS geophysicist Ken Hudnut demonstrating Drop Cover and Hold Technique during the foreshock sequence to the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake.
USGS geophysicist Ken Hudnut demonstrating Drop Cover and Hold Technique during the foreshock sequence to the M7.1 Searles Valley earthquake.
USGS geodesist Todd Ericksen sets up GPS surveying equipment on July 5th.
USGS geodesist Todd Ericksen sets up GPS surveying equipment on July 5th.