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Daily updates about ongoing eruptions, recent images and videos of summit and East Rift Zone volcanic activity, maps, and data about recent earthquakes in Hawaii are posted on the HVO website. 

Volcano Watch is a weekly article and activity update written by U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists and colleagues.

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Volcano Watch — Fishponds versus lava flows

Volcano Watch — Fishponds versus lava flows

The North Kona Coast of the Big Island is fortunate to have several Hawaiian fishponds preserved. These ponds were major construction feats by which...

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Volcano Watch — Update on Soufriere Hills, Montserrat

Volcano Watch — Update on Soufriere Hills, Montserrat

Last Friday, July 18, marked the two-year anniversary of the ongoing eruption of Soufriere Hills volcano on the small Caribbean island of Montserrat...

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Volcano Watch — How big was it? Magnitude and intensity of an earthquake

Volcano Watch — How big was it? Magnitude and intensity of an earthquake

Following the June 30th M5.3 Kalapana earthquake, there seemed to be a misunderstanding of what the magnitude of an earthquake really means.

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USGS HVO Press Release — Lava Flow Nears Coast

USGS HVO Press Release — Lava Flow Nears Coast

A lava flow is nearing the extreme southwest end of Royal Gardens subdivision on the south flank of Kīlauea. 

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Volcano Watch — Earthquake reflects instability of Kīlauea's south flank

Volcano Watch — Earthquake reflects instability of Kīlauea's south flank

The earthquake that woke many Big Island residents at 5:47 a.m. on Monday, June 30, was the biggest on the island since February 1, 1994, and the...

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USGS HVO Press Release — Earthquake Felt Island-Wide

USGS HVO Press Release — Earthquake Felt Island-Wide

An earthquake shook the entire Island of Hawai‘i at about 0547 this morning. 

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Volcano Watch — Increases in vog may not mean increases in volcanic activity

Volcano Watch — Increases in vog may not mean increases in volcanic activity

Sometimes people call the U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) and ask us if more gas is coming out of the volcano because air...

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Volcano Watch — The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes

Volcano Watch — The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes

A popular local morning radio program had a contest early last week, and the question posed was "Where is the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes?"...

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Volcano Watch — Kīlauea Eruption Update—June 13, 1997

Volcano Watch — Kīlauea Eruption Update—June 13, 1997

Kīlauea's 14-year-old east rift zone eruption continues. Episode 55, ongoing since February 24, 1997, is characterized by shifting vent locations...

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Volcano Watch — Kīlauea is the nation's most deadly volcano

Volcano Watch — Kīlauea is the nation's most deadly volcano

What volcano in the United States has been the most deadly since the country was founded? Mount St. Helens? Mount Rainier? Lassen Peak? Good guesses...

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USGS HVO Press Release — Earthquake Swarm Beneath Campground

USGS HVO Press Release — Earthquake Swarm Beneath Campground

Shortly before 07:00 a.m. on the morning of June 2, 1997, the seismic network of the U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory began to...

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Volcano Watch — Dikes in the East Rift Zone

Volcano Watch — Dikes in the East Rift Zone

Great rift zones define the divergent boundaries in the mosaic of mobile tectonic plates that form the Earth's crust. From these divergent plate...

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