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Daily updates about ongoing eruptions, recent images and videos of summit and East Rift Zone volcanic activity, maps, and data about recent earthquakes in Hawaii are posted on the HVO website. 

Volcano Watch is a weekly article and activity update written by U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists and colleagues.

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Volcano Watch — Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project

Volcano Watch — Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project

Early last week, C. Barry Raleigh, Dean of the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, announced that the...

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Volcano Watch — Iceland's subglacial eruption

Volcano Watch — Iceland's subglacial eruption

While scientists in Hawaii have been investigating the recent activity of Lō‘ihi Volcano beneath 3000 ft of seawater, in Iceland they're watching an...

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Volcano Watch — Pavlof Volcano, Alaska

Volcano Watch — Pavlof Volcano, Alaska

USGS geologist Tina Neal reports from HVO's sister observatory in Anchorage (AVO) that Pavlof, the recently awakened volcano at the tip of Alaska...

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Volcano Watch — More submersible work on Lō‘ihi

Volcano Watch — More submersible work on Lō‘ihi

Scientists from the University of Hawai`i at Manoa are once again engaged in a research cruise over Lo`ihi, the submarine volcano southeast of the...

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Volcano Watch — The three U.S. Volcano Observatories

Volcano Watch — The three U.S. Volcano Observatories

The U.S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program funds the operations of three volcano observatories in the United States. They are the Hawaiian...

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Volcano Watch — Eruption status and shoreline hazards

Volcano Watch — Eruption status and shoreline hazards

The current Kīlauea East Rift Zone eruption, which began in January 1983, continues without significant changes. 

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Volcano Watch — Geologic hazards

Volcano Watch — Geologic hazards

The primary mission of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) is to evaluate earthquake and volcanic hazards and provide timely information to the...

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Volcano Watch — Lava tubes

Volcano Watch — Lava tubes

Lava flows can travel long distances if they develop insulating conduits for transporting fresh molten lava to the flowfront. These conduits are, of...

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Volcano Watch — Volcanic gases provide clues to how volcanoes work

Volcano Watch — Volcanic gases provide clues to how volcanoes work

In a double handful of molten magma (weighing about a pound), there is less than a tenth of an ounce, by weight, of dissolved gas—roughly the same...

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Volcano Watch — Growth of Lō‘ihi Seamount

Volcano Watch — Growth of Lō‘ihi Seamount

Floating hydrophones and sonobuoys recorded the crackling and grinding noises that are often indicative of an ongoing submarine eruption, but the...

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Volcano Watch — Submersible studies of Lo`ihi Seamount

Volcano Watch — Submersible studies of Lo`ihi Seamount

In response to the intense off-shore earthquake swarm that began on July 16, scientists at the University of Hawaii (UH) received funding for a...

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Volcano Watch — A massive earthquake swarm at Lo`ihi Seamount

Volcano Watch — A massive earthquake swarm at Lo`ihi Seamount

It was only 42 years ago that Lo`ihi and four other seamounts were discovered during a bathymetric survey of the area south and southeast of the Big...

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