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FSP FAQs: Project Reporting and Cooperator Publications

General overview of Fundamental Science Practices for review and approval of manuscripts, abstracts, presentations, posters, web pages, audiovisual materials, geonarratives/storymaps, book reviews, preprints, Restricted-File Federal Interagency Reports, and other written materials, use of the Information Product Data System, and description of the dark archive. 

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Why must the accepted manuscript be placed in the IPDS after it is published by the journal? [145]

The IPDS serves as an archive for short-term, temporary records. In the event the journal does not provide free public access, the accepted manuscript that is placed in the IPDS can be provided to the public through the USGS Publications Warehouse. This will ensure the USGS meets the OSTP public access requirement for federally funded research. [Read more]


Why must the accepted manuscript be placed in the IPDS after it is published by the journal? [145]

The IPDS serves as an archive for short-term, temporary records. In the event the journal does not provide free public access, the accepted manuscript that is placed in the IPDS can be provided to the public through the USGS Publications Warehouse. This will ensure the USGS meets the OSTP public access requirement for federally funded research. [Read more]

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What if a USGS coauthor finds out from the non-USGS lead author that the scientific information product has been accepted by the journal and will be published more quickly than expected? [144]

Inform your supervisor, Center Director, and BAO to expedite review and approvals; BAOs may be able to move the product up in their queues. Manuscripts that will be posted online as soon as they are received by the journal should obtain Bureau approval prior to submission. To avoid these situations, discuss the USGS FSP process with coauthors before a manuscript is sent to a journal. [Read more]


What if a USGS coauthor finds out from the non-USGS lead author that the scientific information product has been accepted by the journal and will be published more quickly than expected? [144]

Inform your supervisor, Center Director, and BAO to expedite review and approvals; BAOs may be able to move the product up in their queues. Manuscripts that will be posted online as soon as they are received by the journal should obtain Bureau approval prior to submission. To avoid these situations, discuss the USGS FSP process with coauthors before a manuscript is sent to a journal. [Read more]

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A journal requests that a USGS scientist contribute to a “book review”—what are the FSP review and approval requirements? [169]

The intent of the book review is to address the content, not advance the notion of purchase. Book reviews are, by definition, new interpretive content. As for other new interpretive science information, two peer reviews are required and Bureau approval by a BAO is required for the book review prior to it being submitted to the journal for publication. [Read more]


A journal requests that a USGS scientist contribute to a “book review”—what are the FSP review and approval requirements? [169]

The intent of the book review is to address the content, not advance the notion of purchase. Book reviews are, by definition, new interpretive content. As for other new interpretive science information, two peer reviews are required and Bureau approval by a BAO is required for the book review prior to it being submitted to the journal for publication. [Read more]

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What are the requirements for audiovisual media and products? [168]

The USGS OCAP provides policy direction for audiovisual products, including video productions, motion picture films, public service announcements, video news features, and electronic/satellite transmissions that are produced by or attributed to the USGS. OCAP reviews, approves, and certifies these products for approval by DOI Office of Communications. [Read more]


What are the requirements for audiovisual media and products? [168]

The USGS OCAP provides policy direction for audiovisual products, including video productions, motion picture films, public service announcements, video news features, and electronic/satellite transmissions that are produced by or attributed to the USGS. OCAP reviews, approves, and certifies these products for approval by DOI Office of Communications. [Read more]

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Can working notes be posted to a public web page as supplementary material for others to use? [167]

No, working notes, field notes, and other related material that have not met FSP requirements of peer review and Bureau approval cannot be publicly posted. These materials are considered predecisional and are protected from public disclosure, unless materials have been specifically included for publication as part of the approved manuscript or are subject to a FOIA request.


Can working notes be posted to a public web page as supplementary material for others to use? [167]

No, working notes, field notes, and other related material that have not met FSP requirements of peer review and Bureau approval cannot be publicly posted. These materials are considered predecisional and are protected from public disclosure, unless materials have been specifically included for publication as part of the approved manuscript or are subject to a FOIA request.

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What is the FSP policy for using previously approved abstracts, poster sessions, and presentation materials for various meetings? [166]

If previously approved abstract, poster session, or presentation is reused in a different meeting venue, additional Bureau approval is not required as long as the content has not substantially changed. Authors should always ensure that supervisors and management are informed whenever USGS scientific information is presented, even if the material has been presented in a prior venue. [Read more]


What is the FSP policy for using previously approved abstracts, poster sessions, and presentation materials for various meetings? [166]

If previously approved abstract, poster session, or presentation is reused in a different meeting venue, additional Bureau approval is not required as long as the content has not substantially changed. Authors should always ensure that supervisors and management are informed whenever USGS scientific information is presented, even if the material has been presented in a prior venue. [Read more]

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What is the FSP policy for presentation materials and posters used in poster sessions? [165]

Presentation materials and poster sessions presented once and not left for conference dissemination or posted on a public website do not require peer review; however, the Science Center Director has discretion to require peer review. Poster session/presentation materials requiring Bureau approval must be tracked and approval documented in the IPDS. [Read more]


What is the FSP policy for presentation materials and posters used in poster sessions? [165]

Presentation materials and poster sessions presented once and not left for conference dissemination or posted on a public website do not require peer review; however, the Science Center Director has discretion to require peer review. Poster session/presentation materials requiring Bureau approval must be tracked and approval documented in the IPDS. [Read more]

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What is the FSP policy for abstracts? [164]

Abstracts may be for scientific conference or meeting sessions or they can be extended abstracts. Science Center Director determines need for peer review of short abstracts and grants Bureau approval. Extended abstracts have the same approval requirements as journal articles and require approval by an OSQI Bureau Approving Official. Abstracts must be tracked in the IPDS. [Read more]


What is the FSP policy for abstracts? [164]

Abstracts may be for scientific conference or meeting sessions or they can be extended abstracts. Science Center Director determines need for peer review of short abstracts and grants Bureau approval. Extended abstracts have the same approval requirements as journal articles and require approval by an OSQI Bureau Approving Official. Abstracts must be tracked in the IPDS. [Read more]

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Do final technical project progress reports to cooperators or partners have to go through the FSP review and approval process? [163]

Yes, all scientific information products, including those submitted to an agency that has provided funding to the USGS to carry out scientific research, assessments, or investigations reporting final technical outcomes (new interpretive information) of a project must be peer reviewed and receive Bureau approval.


Do final technical project progress reports to cooperators or partners have to go through the FSP review and approval process? [163]

Yes, all scientific information products, including those submitted to an agency that has provided funding to the USGS to carry out scientific research, assessments, or investigations reporting final technical outcomes (new interpretive information) of a project must be peer reviewed and receive Bureau approval.

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What are FSP requirements for release of research data collected by USGS but funded by external cooperators? [118]

If data are collected by USGS employees, students, emeritus and other volunteers, and contractors to benefit the USGS, or using USGS funds, it is the responsibility of the USGS to ensure appropriate release. An agreement between the cooperator/collaborator and USGS should specify the data management responsibilities. [Read more]


What are FSP requirements for release of research data collected by USGS but funded by external cooperators? [118]

If data are collected by USGS employees, students, emeritus and other volunteers, and contractors to benefit the USGS, or using USGS funds, it is the responsibility of the USGS to ensure appropriate release. An agreement between the cooperator/collaborator and USGS should specify the data management responsibilities. [Read more]

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What are the requirements related to planning and conducting data collection and research? [115]

USGS data collection and research activities are governed by work plans. Work plans ensure scientific goals are achievable and appropriate to the mission of the USGS. [Read more]


What are the requirements related to planning and conducting data collection and research? [115]

USGS data collection and research activities are governed by work plans. Work plans ensure scientific goals are achievable and appropriate to the mission of the USGS. [Read more]

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