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Explore our planet through photography and imagery, including climate change and water all the way back to the 1800s when the USGS was surveying the country by horse and buggy.

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Mélokani ndokh - The Water Cycle, Wolof
Mélokani ndokh - The Water Cycle, Wolof
Mélokani ndokh - The Water Cycle, Wolof
Mélokani ndokh - The Water Cycle, Wolof

Mélokani ndokh - The Water Cycle, Wolof

Suvning aylanma harakati - The Water Cycle, Uzbek (JPEG)
Suvning aylanma harakati - The Water Cycle, Uzbek (JPEG)
Suvning aylanma harakati - The Water Cycle, Uzbek (JPEG)
Suvning aylanma harakati - The Water Cycle, Uzbek (JPEG)

Suv Yerda doimo harakatda bo‘ladi. Suvning tabiiy aylanma harakati Yerning yuqori qismida, yuzasida hamda ostida suvning uzluksiz harakatini tavsiflaydi. Ushbu aylanma harakat gidrologik sikl atamasi bilan ham nomlanadi. Suvning holati doimo suyuq holatdan bug‘ holatga va muz holatlariga o‘zgarib turadi.

Suv Yerda doimo harakatda bo‘ladi. Suvning tabiiy aylanma harakati Yerning yuqori qismida, yuzasida hamda ostida suvning uzluksiz harakatini tavsiflaydi. Ushbu aylanma harakat gidrologik sikl atamasi bilan ham nomlanadi. Suvning holati doimo suyuq holatdan bug‘ holatga va muz holatlariga o‘zgarib turadi.

Man holds a Lesser Snow Goose marked with a GPS collar
USGS biologist Jeffrey Kohl holds a Lesser Snow Goose
USGS biologist Jeffrey Kohl holds a Lesser Snow Goose
USGS biologist Jeffrey Kohl holds a Lesser Snow Goose

USGS biologist Jeffrey Kohl holds a Lesser Snow Goose marked with a GSM/GPS solar-powered neck collar.

వాటర్ సైకిల్ - The Natural Water Cycle, Telugu
వాటర్ సైకిల్ - The Natural Water Cycle, Telugu
వాటర్ సైకిల్ - The Natural Water Cycle, Telugu
వాటర్ సైకిల్ - The Natural Water Cycle, Telugu

వాటర్ సైకిల్ - The Natural Water Cycle, Telugu

Cikli i Ujit për Fëmijë - The Water Cycle for Schools, Albanian
Cikli i Ujit për Fëmijë - The Water Cycle for Schools, Albanian
Cikli i Ujit për Fëmijë - The Water Cycle for Schools, Albanian
Cikli i Ujit për Fëmijë - The Water Cycle for Schools, Albanian

Cikli i Ujit për Fëmijë - The Water Cycle for Schools, Albanian

Shërbimi Gjeologjik i SHBA-ve dhe Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara për Bujqësinë dhe Ushqimin (FAO) kanë krijuar një diagramë të ciklit të ujit për shkollat.

Cikli i Ujit për Fëmijë - The Water Cycle for Schools, Albanian

Shërbimi Gjeologjik i SHBA-ve dhe Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara për Bujqësinë dhe Ushqimin (FAO) kanë krijuar një diagramë të ciklit të ujit për shkollat.

De Water Cyclus voor Scholen - The Water Cycle for Schools, Dutch
De Water Cyclus voor Scholen - The Water Cycle for Schools, Dutch
De Water Cyclus voor Scholen - The Water Cycle for Schools, Dutch
De Water Cyclus voor Scholen - The Water Cycle for Schools, Dutch

De Water Cyclus voor Scholen - The Water Cycle for Schools, Dutch

De Geologische Dienst van de Verenigde Staten en de Voedsel en Landbouw Organisatie van de Verenigde Naties hebben een water cyclus diagram voor scholen gemaakt.

De Water Cyclus voor Scholen - The Water Cycle for Schools, Dutch

De Geologische Dienst van de Verenigde Staten en de Voedsel en Landbouw Organisatie van de Verenigde Naties hebben een water cyclus diagram voor scholen gemaakt.

Ètò Ìsònyíká-omi-aláìdékun - The Water Cycle, Yoruba
Ètò Ìsònyíká-omi-aláìdékun - The Water Cycle, Yoruba
Ètò Ìsònyíká-omi-aláìdékun - The Water Cycle, Yoruba
Ètò Ìsònyíká-omi-aláìdékun - The Water Cycle, Yoruba

Ètò Ìsònyíká-omi-aláìdékun - The Water Cycle, Yoruba

La Ciklo de Akvo por Infanoj - The Water Cycle for Schools, Esperanto
La Ciklo de Akvo por Infanoj - The Water Cycle for Schools, Esperanto
La Ciklo de Akvo por Infanoj - The Water Cycle for Schools, Esperanto
La Ciklo de Akvo por Infanoj - The Water Cycle for Schools, Esperanto

La Usona Geologia Servo (angle U.S. Geological Survey, USGS) kaj la Organizaĵo pri Nutrado kaj Agrikulturo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj (angle Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO) kreis skemon de la akvociklo por infanoj kaj bazlernejoj.

La Usona Geologia Servo (angle U.S. Geological Survey, USGS) kaj la Organizaĵo pri Nutrado kaj Agrikulturo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj (angle Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO) kreis skemon de la akvociklo por infanoj kaj bazlernejoj.

Leboyo la meetse, The Natural Water Cycle, Northern Sotho
Leboyo la meetse, The Natural Water Cycle, Northern Sotho
Leboyo la meetse, The Natural Water Cycle, Northern Sotho
Leboyo la meetse, The Natural Water Cycle, Northern Sotho

Leboyo la meetse, The Natural Water Cycle, Northern Sotho

This diagram shows the natural water cycle only.

Leboyo la meetse, The Natural Water Cycle, Northern Sotho

This diagram shows the natural water cycle only.

O Ciclo da Água (The Water Cycle, Portuguese)
O Ciclo da Água (The Water Cycle, Portuguese)
O Ciclo da Água (The Water Cycle, Portuguese)
O Ciclo da Água (The Water Cycle, Portuguese)

O que é o ciclo da água?

Oběh vody - The Water Cycle for Schools, Czech
Oběh vody - The Water Cycle for Schools, Czech
Oběh vody - The Water Cycle for Schools, Czech
Oběh vody - The Water Cycle for Schools, Czech

Oběh vody pro děti

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) a Organizace pro výživu a zemědělství pŕi OSN vytvořily schéma oběhu vody pro děti a základní a střední školy.

Oběh vody pro děti

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) a Organizace pro výživu a zemědělství pŕi OSN vytvořily schéma oběhu vody pro děti a základní a střední školy.

Vandkredsløbet for Skoler - The Water Cycle for Schools, Danish
Vandkredsløbet for Skoler - The Water Cycle for Schools, Danish
Vandkredsløbet for Skoler - The Water Cycle for Schools, Danish
Vandkredsløbet for Skoler - The Water Cycle for Schools, Danish

Vandkredsløbet for Skoler

De amerikanske geologiske undersøgelser (USGS) og FN's Fødevare- og Landbrugsorganisation (FAO) har sammen udarbejdet en figur over vandkredsløbet rettet mod skolebørn.

Vandkredsløbet for Skoler

De amerikanske geologiske undersøgelser (USGS) og FN's Fødevare- og Landbrugsorganisation (FAO) har sammen udarbejdet en figur over vandkredsløbet rettet mod skolebørn.

Vattnets Kretslopp - The Water Cycle, Swedish
Vattnets Kretslopp - The Natural Water Cycle, Swedish
Vattnets Kretslopp - The Natural Water Cycle, Swedish
Vattnets Kretslopp - The Natural Water Cycle, Swedish

Vattencykeln beskriver förekomsten och rörelsen av vatten inuti, utanpå och utanför jordytan. Jordens vatten rör sig hela tiden, och byter ständigt skepnad, från flytande form till ånga till is och tillbaka igen.

Vattencykeln beskriver förekomsten och rörelsen av vatten inuti, utanpå och utanför jordytan. Jordens vatten rör sig hela tiden, och byter ständigt skepnad, från flytande form till ånga till is och tillbaka igen.

Vòng tuần hoàn nước - The Natural Water Cycle, Vietnamese
Vòng tuần hoàn nước - The Water Cycle, Vietnamese
Vòng tuần hoàn nước - The Water Cycle, Vietnamese
Vòng tuần hoàn nước - The Water Cycle, Vietnamese

Vòng tuần hoàn nước

Кръговрат на водата (Цикъл на водата) - The Water Cycle for Schools, Bulgarian
Кръговрат на водата - The Water Cycle for Schools, Bulgarian
Кръговрат на водата - The Water Cycle for Schools, Bulgarian
Кръговрат на водата - The Water Cycle for Schools, Bulgarian

Кръговрат на водата (Цикъл на водата)

Геоложката служба на САЩ (USGS) и Организацията по прехрана и земеделие (FAO) на Организацията на обединените нации създадоха диаграма на кръговрата на водата за училищата.

Кръговрат на водата (Цикъл на водата)

Геоложката служба на САЩ (USGS) и Организацията по прехрана и земеделие (FAO) на Организацията на обединените нации създадоха диаграма на кръговрата на водата за училищата.

Diagram van de watercyclus - The Natural Water Cycle, Dutch
Diagram van de watercyclus - The Water Cycle, Dutch (JPG)
Diagram van de watercyclus - The Water Cycle, Dutch (JPG)
Diagram van de watercyclus - The Water Cycle, Dutch (JPG)

Diagram van de watercyclus - The Water Cycle diagram in Dutch

Dit diagram toont de natuurlijke watercyclus, waarbij menselijke invloed wordt genegeerd.

Diagram van de watercyclus - The Water Cycle diagram in Dutch

Dit diagram toont de natuurlijke watercyclus, waarbij menselijke invloed wordt genegeerd.

Die Hidrologiese Siklus - The Natural Water Cycle, Afrikaans
Die Hidrologiese Siklus - The Water Cycle, Afrikaans
Die Hidrologiese Siklus - The Water Cycle, Afrikaans
Die Hidrologiese Siklus - The Water Cycle, Afrikaans

Die Hidrologiese Siklus - The Natural Water Cycle, Afrikaans

Jy mag dink dat elke druppel reën wat uit die lug val of elke glas water wat jy drink is splinternuut, maar dit was nog altyd hier en is deel van die natuurlike watersiklus.


Die Hidrologiese Siklus - The Natural Water Cycle, Afrikaans

Jy mag dink dat elke druppel reën wat uit die lug val of elke glas water wat jy drink is splinternuut, maar dit was nog altyd hier en is deel van die natuurlike watersiklus.


Leboyo la meetse - The Water Cycle, Northern Sotho
Leboyo la meetse - The Water Cycle, Northern Sotho
Leboyo la meetse - The Water Cycle, Northern Sotho
Leboyo la meetse - The Water Cycle, Northern Sotho

Leboyo la meetse - The Water Cycle, Northern Sotho

Oil with a taffy-like consistency in a natural seep along a small creek, being poked with a stick to show its gooey nature.
Natural oil seep along Tarwater Creek, San Mateo County, California
Natural oil seep along Tarwater Creek, San Mateo County, California
Natural oil seep along Tarwater Creek, San Mateo County, California

The natural oil seep in this photo is located in Pescadero Creek County Park, where the Canyon Trail crosses Tarwater Creek. The oil is black, has a taffy-like consistency, and smells like motor oil.

The natural oil seep in this photo is located in Pescadero Creek County Park, where the Canyon Trail crosses Tarwater Creek. The oil is black, has a taffy-like consistency, and smells like motor oil.

Four people around a table
Sampling sea floor sediment cores from along the Queen Charlotte Fault
Sampling sea floor sediment cores from along the Queen Charlotte Fault
Sampling sea floor sediment cores from along the Queen Charlotte Fault

USGS and Geological Survey of Canada scientists sample sediment cores collected from the sea floor along the Queen Charlotte Fault. This was taken while they were working with (or in) the Geological Survey of Canada.

USGS and Geological Survey of Canada scientists sample sediment cores collected from the sea floor along the Queen Charlotte Fault. This was taken while they were working with (or in) the Geological Survey of Canada.

Four scientists stand around a table in a lab with gray sediment core samples on the table, and they are examining the sediment.
Selecting sediment samples from cores
Selecting sediment samples from cores
Selecting sediment samples from cores

(Left to right) Danny Brothers (USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center [PCMSC]), Peter Haeussler (USGS Alaska Science Center), Maureen Walton (PCMSC), and Jamie Conrad (PCMSC) select seafloor sediment samples from cores collected along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault.

(Left to right) Danny Brothers (USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center [PCMSC]), Peter Haeussler (USGS Alaska Science Center), Maureen Walton (PCMSC), and Jamie Conrad (PCMSC) select seafloor sediment samples from cores collected along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault.

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