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Field Guides

Field guides provide geologic insight during volcanic visits.

Field guides are developed by USGS, local-government, or university geologist to offer factual and informative geologic history for for visitors to volcanic landscapes.


Lassen Volcanic Center

Clynne, M. A. & Muffler, L. P. (2017). Geologic field-trip guide to the Lassen segment of the Cascades Arc, northern California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-K2, 65 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022K2


Muffler, L. P. & Clynne, M. A. (2015). Geologic field-trip guide to Lassen Volcanic National Park and vicinity, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2015-5067, 67 p. doi:10.3133/sir20155067

Long Valley Caldera

Hildreth, W. & Fierstein, J. (2017). Geologic field-trip guide to Long Valley Caldera, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-L, 119 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022L

Medicine Lake

Geologic field-trip guide to Medicine Lake Volcano, northern California, including Lava Beds National Monument. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report (2017). U.S. Geological Survey. , 2017-5022-K1, 53 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022K1


Fink, J. H. & Anderson, S. W. (2017). Emplacement of Holocene silicic lava flows and domes at Newberry, South Sister, and Medicine Lake volcanoes, California and Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-I, 41 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022I

Mount Shasta

Christiansen, R. L., Calvert, A. T. & Grove, T. L. (2017). Geologic field-trip guide to Mount Shasta Volcano, northern California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-K3, 33 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022K3



Soda Lakes

Price, J. G. & LaPointe, D. D. (1998). Ancient lakes and volcanoes near Fallon: Field trip for families and rockhounds. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Educational Series , E-28, 4 p.


New Mexico

Carrizozo Lava Flow

Anthony, E. Y., Hoffer, J., Williams, W. J., Poths, J. & Penn, B. (1998). Geochemistry and geochronology of Quaternary mafic volcanic rocks in the vicinity of Carrizozo, New Mexico. Mack, G. H., Austin, G. S. & Barker, J. M. (Eds.) , New Mexico Geological Society Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 49 La Cruces Country II , 49, p. 117-122.


Allen, J. E. (1952). The Carrizozo Malpais. Roswell Geological Society Guidebook , p. 9-11.

Zuni-Bandera Volcanic Field

Laughlin, A. W., Charles, R. W., Reid, K. & White, C. (1993). Field-trip guide to the geochronology of the El Malpais National Monument and the Zuni-Bandera volcanic field, New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources Bulletin , 149, 23 p.



Crater Lake

Geist, D., Wolff, J. & Harpp, K. (2017). Field-trip guide to a volcanic transect of the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-M, 31 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022M


Bacon, C. R. & Wright, H. M. (2017). Geologic field trip guide to Mount Mazama and Crater Lake Caldera, Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-J1, 47 p.


Bacon, C. R., Donnelly-Nolan, J. M., Jensen, R. A. & Wright, H. M. (2017). Overview for geologic field-trip guides to Mount Mazama, Crater Lake Caldera, and Newberry Volcano, Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-J, 3 p.

Mount Bachelor

Scott, W. E. & Gardner, C. (1990). Field Trip Guide to the Central Oregon High Cascades, Part I: Mount Bachelor-South Sister Area. Oregon Geology , 52, pp. 99-117.

Mount Hood

Scott, W. E. & Gardner, C. (2017). Field-trip guide to Mount Hood, Oregon, highlighting eruptive history and hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-G, 115 p. doi:


Pierson, T., Scott, W. E., Vallance, J. W. & Pringle, P. T. (2009). Eruption-related lahars and sedimentation response downstream of Mount Hood: Field guide to volcaniclastic deposits along the Sandy River, Oregon. O'Connor, J. E., Dorsey, R. J. & Madin, I. P. (Eds.) , Geological Society of America Field Guide , 15, 221-236. doi:10.1130/2009.fl d015(11)


Scott, W. E., Gardner, C., Sherrod, D. R., Tilling, R. I., Lanphere, M. A. & Conrey, R. M. (1997). Geologic history of Mount Hood Volcano, Oregon; a field-trip guidebook. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report , 97-263, 38 p.


Swanson, D. A., Cameron, K. A., Evarts, R., Pringle, P. T. & Vance, J. (1989). Cenozoic Volcanism in the Cascade Range and Columbia Plateau, Southern Washington and Northernmost Oregon. AGU Field Trip Guidebook , T106, 60 p. doi:ISBN: 0-87590-604-4


Geist, D., Wolff, J. & Harpp, K. (2017). Field-trip guide to a volcanic transect of the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-M, 31 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022M


Bacon, C. R., Donnelly-Nolan, J. M., Jensen, R. A. & Wright, H. M. (2017). Overview for geologic field-trip guides to Mount Mazama, Crater Lake Caldera, and Newberry Volcano, Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-J, 3 p.


Fink, J. H. & Anderson, S. W. (2017). Emplacement of Holocene silicic lava flows and domes at Newberry, South Sister, and Medicine Lake volcanoes, California and Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-I, 41 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022I


Jensen, R. A. & Donnelly-Nolan, J. M. (2017). Field-trip guide to the geologic highlights of Newberry Volcano, Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-J2, 30 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022J2


Jensen, R. A., Donnelly-Nolan, J. M. & Mckay, D. (2009). A field guide to Newberry Volcano, Oregon.O'Connor, J. E., Dorsey, R. J. & Madin, I. P. (Eds.) , Geological Society of America Field Guide , 15, pp. 53-79.


Jensen, R. A. (2006). Roadside Guide to the Geology of Newberry Volcano., 4th Edition, 182 pp. doi:ISBN 0-9646287-1-6

Three Sisters

Fink, J. H. & Anderson, S. W. (2017). Emplacement of Holocene silicic lava flows and domes at Newberry, South Sister, and Medicine Lake volcanoes, California and Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-I, 41 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022I


Scott, W. E. & Gardner, C. (1990). Field Trip Guide to the Central Oregon High Cascades, Part I: Mount Bachelor-South Sister Area. Oregon Geology , 52, pp. 99-117.



Indian Heaven Volcanic Field

Swanson, D. A., Cameron, K. A., Evarts, R., Pringle, P. T. & Vance, J. (1989). Cenozoic Volcanism in the Cascade Range and Columbia Plateau, Southern Washington and Northernmost Oregon. AGU Field Trip Guidebook , T106, 60 p. doi:ISBN: 0-87590-604-4


Swanson, D. A., Cameron, K. A., Evarts, R., Pringle, P. T. & Vance, J. (1989). IGC Field Trip T106: Cenozoic Volcanism in the Cascade Range and Columbia Plateau, Southern Washington and Northernmost Oregon. AGU Field Trip Guidebook , T106, 60 pp.


Hammond, P. E. (1987). Lone Butte and Crazy Hills: subglacial volcanic complexes, Cascade Range, Washington. Centennial Field Guide , 1, pp 339-344.

Mount Adams

Swanson, D. A., Cameron, K. A., Evarts, R., Pringle, P. T. & Vance, J. (1989). IGC Field Trip T106: Cenozoic Volcanism in the Cascade Range and Columbia Plateau, Southern Washington and Northernmost Oregon. AGU Field Trip Guidebook , T106, 60 pp.

Mount Rainier

Jutzeler, M. & McPhee, J. (2017). Field-Trip Guide to Subaqueous Volcaniclastic Facies in the Ancestral Cascades Arc in Southern Washington State—The Ohanapecosh Formation and Wildcat Creek Beds. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-B, 24 p. doi:


Pringle, P. T. (2008). Roadside Geology of Mount Rainier National Park and Vicinity. Information Circular , 107, 191 p.


Swanson, D. A., Cameron, K. A., Evarts, R., Pringle, P. T. & Vance, J. (1989). Cenozoic Volcanism in the Cascade Range and Columbia Plateau, Southern Washington and Northernmost Oregon. AGU Field Trip Guidebook , T106, 60 p. doi:ISBN: 0-87590-604-4


Driedger, C. (1986). A Visitor's Guide to Mount Rainier Glaciers. Pacific Northwest National Parks and Forests Association , 80 p. doi:ISBN-10: 0914019112

Mount St. Helens

Brand, B. D., Pollock, N., Sarocchi, D., Dufek, J. & Clynne, M. A. (2017). Field-trip guide for exploring pyroclastic density current deposits from the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-C, 34p.


Pallister, J. S., Clynne, M. A., Wright, H. M., Van Eaton, A. R., Vallance, J. W., Sherrod, D. R. & Kokelaar, B. P. (2017). Field-trip guide to Mount St. Helens, Washington - An overview of the eruptive history and petrology, tephra deposits, 1980 pyroclastic density current deposits, and the crater. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-D, 65 p.


Major, J., Crisafulli, C. M. & Frenzen, P. (2009). After the disaster: The hydrogeomorphic, ecological, and biological responses to the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington. O'Connor, J. E., Dorsey, R. J. & Madin, I. P. (Eds.) , Geological Society of America Field Guide , 15, pp. 111-134.


Doukas, M. P. (1990). Road Guide to Volcanic Deposits of Mount St. Helens and Vicinity. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin , 1859, 53 p.


Swanson, D. A., Cameron, K. A., Evarts, R., Pringle, P. T. & Vance, J. (1989). Cenozoic Volcanism in the Cascade Range and Columbia Plateau, Southern Washington and Northernmost Oregon. AGU Field Trip Guidebook , T106, 60 p. doi:ISBN: 0-87590-604-4




Morzel, L. A., Shanks, W. P., Lowenstern, J. B., Farrell, J. M. & Robinson, J. E. (2017). Geologic field-trip guide to the volcanic and hydrothermal landscape of the Yellowstone Plateau. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-P, 100 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022P


Vazquez, J. A., Stelten, M., Bindeman, I. N. & Cooper, K. M. (2017). A field trip guide to the petrology of Quaternary volcanism on the Yellowstone Plateau. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-Q, 68 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022Q


Fournier, R. O., Christiansen, R. L., Hutchinson, R. A. & Pierce, K. L. (1994). A field-trip guide to Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho; volcanic, hydrothermal, and glacial activity in the region. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin , 2099, 46 p.

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