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Electronic thermal sensor and Data Collection Platform technology: Part 5 in Thermal surveillance of active volcanoes using the Landsat-1 Data Collection System

Five Data Collection Platforms (DCP) were integrated electronically with thermall sensing systems, emplaced and operated in an analog mode at selected thermally significant volcanic and geothermal sites. The DCP's transmitted 3260 messages comprising 26,080 ambient, surface, and near-surface temperature records at an accuracy of ±1.15 °C for 1121 instrument days between November 14, 1972 and April
Duane M. Preble, Jules D. Friedman, David Frank

Rise of a variable-viscosity fluid in a steadily spreading wedge-shaped conduit with accreting walls

Relatively rigid plates making up the outer 50 to 100 km of the Earth are steadily separating from one another along narrow globe-circling zones of submarine volcanism, the oceanic spreading centers. Continuity requires that the viscous underlying material rise beneath spreading centers and accrete onto the steadily diverging plates. It is likely that during the rise the viscosity changes systemat
Arthur H. Lachenbruch, Manuel Nathenson

Geologic interpretation of an aeromagnetic map of the west-central Columbia Plateau, Washington and Oregon

A low altitude, total intensity aeromagnetic map of the ?west-central Columbia Plateau, underlain principally by the Yakima Basalt,. shows Positive and negative anomalies that stand out from a moderate intensity .background reflecting .interbedded flows of normal and reversed magnetic polarity. One set of anomalies is related to anticlinal ridges, nother follows the traces of known or inferred fau
Donald A. Swanson, Thomas L. Wright, Isidore Zietz

Chemical compositions of Kilauea east-rift lava, 1968–1971

The major element chemical compositions of lava from four eruptions on the east rift zone of Kilauea between August 1968 and October 1971 reflect three petrologic processes:Production of chemically distinct batches of magma in the mantle.Separation of olivine, augite, and plagioclase from liquid during flow in the rift-zone conduits.Mixing of different magmas during ascent to the surface.Chemicall
Thomas L. Wright, Don Swanson, Wendell A. Duffield

Mechanism of Formation of Pillow Lava

Much of the ocean floor is covered by lava of a distinctive character. The lava appears to be made up of closely packed ellipsoidal masses about the size and shape of pillows - hence the term pillow lava. Only within the last few years has the abundance of pillow lava on the ocean floor been fully recognized. Ocean-bottom photographs and dredge samples have shown that the great bulk of new ocean f
James G. Moore

A deep research drill hole at the summit of an active volcano, Kilauea, Hawaii

Drilling and geophysical logging data for a 1,262 m‐deep bore hole in the area inferred to overlie the magma reservoir of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, support earlier interpretations based on surface geophysical surveys that a zone of brackish or saline water lies above the reservoir. Temperatures encountered within the hole are not sufficiently high to warrant commercial interest; the maximum tempera
Charles J. Zablocki, Robert I. Tilling, D. W. Peterson, Robert L. Christiansen, George V. Keller, John C. Murray

Estimating the “thickness” of the Boulder Batholith, Montana, from heat-flow and heat-productivity data

Estimates of minimum thickness of the Boulder batholith, computed using the linear relation between heat flow and heat productivity and assuming constant heat productivity with depth, are highly nonspecific. They can vary between about 3 and 20 km, depending on values of surface-rock heat productivity and values of assumed contribution of nonbatholith heat sources (such as lower crustal and upper
Robert I. Tilling

Palaeomagnetism and magnetic–polarity zonation in some Oligocene volcanic rocks of the San Juan Mountains, south–western Colorado

Palaeomagnetic results have been obtained from thirty sites in intrusive and extrusive rocks of Oligocene age from the San Juan Mountains, south-western Colorado. All specimens from each site were subjected to af demagnetization, and the reliability of each site determined. Twenty-three sites gave reliable results. Because five sites from the thick intracaldera part of the La Jara Canyon Member of
J. F. Diehl, Myrl E. Beck, Peter W. Lipman
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