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The 2024 Climate Adaptation Leadership Award from the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies recognized the Southeast and South Central CASCs in the “Broad Partnerships” category and a former Northeast CASC Fellow as an “Emerging Leader.”   

Congratulations to the Southeast and South Central CASCs for being recognized with a 2024 Climate Adaptation Leadership Award (CALA) from the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) for its collaborative efforts to enhance climate adaptation within State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs) across the region. 

The award was given in the “Broad Partnerships” category, recognizing the Southeast and South Central CASCs’ partnership with the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS). Together, they are supporting states and territories as they update SWAPs by the 2025 deadline for federal funding eligibility. While including climate change in SWAPs is not mandatory, understanding its impacts on Species of Greatest Conservation Need can help states and territories protect those species. Limited information about climate adaptation options, and a limited capacity to implement them, have been challenges for agencies. This partnership helps address those challenges by providing technical expertise, climate-related information, co-leading a working group, and drafting additional chapters for SWAP revisions.  

The CALA award recognizes Southeast CASC’s commitment to empowering agencies across the region with the resources, knowledge, and partnerships needed for adapting to climate challenges and sustaining wildlife and habitats. 

Additionally, former Northeast CASC Fellow Hannah Baranes, was recognized as an “Emerging Leader” in the field of coastal science for her action-oriented coastal science skills that she acquired during her fellowship and has applied as an Assistant Research Scientist at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute. 

The CASC network also congratulates Consortium Partner organization GLIFWC for being recognized with an honorable mention in the “Broad Partnerships” category as creators of Ganawenindiwag: Working with plant relatives to heal and protect Gichigami shorelines." 

Learn more about other 2024 CALA Awardees. 

Learn more about the CALA Awards. 

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