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The purpose of the Environmental Justice Subcommittee is to address the need for a coordinated Federal strategy to identify and address gaps in science, data, and research related to environmental justice which led to the development of the Environmental Justice Science, Data, and Research Plan.

Acting South Central CASC Assistant Regional Administrator, Marina Tomer, and Southwest CASC Research Social Scientist, Nicole Herman-Mercer, are members of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Environmental Justice Subcommittee team that developed the Environmental Justice Science, Data, and Research Plan. The purpose of the Environmental Justice Subcommittee is to address the need for a coordinated Federal strategy to identify and address gaps in science, data, and research related to environmental justice.

The recently released Research Plan highlights opportunities for federal research to help tackle environmental inequities. It outlines and explains recommendations that are organized into four thematic areas: 

  • Enhancing meaningful involvement and engagement of the public. 
  • Fortifying just treatment, equitable access, and protection from environmental injustice. 
  • Strengthening work and partnership with non-federal entities. 
  • Institutionalizing environmental justice. 

The plan guides federal agencies to advance environmental justice by identifying and addressing longstanding gaps, barriers, and missing science, data, and research relevant to environmental justice.

Read the full Environmental Justice Science, Data, and Research Plan here.

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