Combining Global Perspectives to Assess Biodiversity Loss
National and North Central CASC researchers joined a global effort to better understand species extinction and conservation challenges across the globe.
Assessing global biodiversity, or the variety of plant, fish, and wildlife species in a habitat or ecosystem, can leave scientists with more questions than answers. National CASC biologist, Sarah Weiskopf, and North Central CASC ecologist, Brian Miller, co-authored an article in the journal, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, that incorporates the perspectives of 3,331 scientists from 187 countries to fill in the blanks on global biodiversity. With these scientists providing a broad range of expertise in various species, habitats and ecosystems worldwide, they found that an estimated 30% of species have either become endangered or extinct since the year 1500.
Not only does this collaborative effort allow researchers to study lesser-known species, but it also provides a platform for underrepresented groups in biodiversity science, such as women and those in the Global South, to voice their expertise and recommendations. By incorporating various perspectives in global biodiversity studies, resource managers can more effectively plan for future environmental threats.
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