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The Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program is an innovator in mapping, field studies, data collection, and laboratory analyses, whose expertise is sought by other governmental agencies, educational institutions, and private companies. In turn, we seek collaborative research and development opportunities with similar groups.

Explore the data published by our scientists.

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Seafloor Elevation Change from the 1930s to 2016 Along the Florida Reef Tract, USA

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted research to quantify bathymetric changes along the Florida Reef Tract (FRT) from Miami to Key West within a 982.4 square-kilometer area. USGS staff calculated changes in seafloor elevation from the 1930s to 2016 using digitized historical hydrographic surveys (H-sheets) acquired by the U.S. Coast and Geode

Chirp sub-bottom data collected in 2019 in Whiskeytown Lake, California during USGS field activity 2018-686-FA

High-resolution chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center in May of 2019 in Whiskeytown Lake, California using an Edgetech SB-512i sub-bottom profiler. These data were collected to measure possible debris flows into the lake during the 2018-2019 rainy season following the July-August 2018 Carr fire that burned vegetation around th

Hydrodynamic and sediment transport model of San Pablo Bay, California, Nov-Dec 2014

A three-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model of San Pablo and Suisun Bays was constructed using the Delft3D4 (D3D) modeling suite (Deltares, 2021a) to simulate water levels, flow, waves, and suspended sediment for time period of Nov 1 to Dec 31, 2014. This data release describes the construction and validation of the model application and provides input files suitable to run the m

Mineralogy, rare earth elements, and strontium isotopic composition of phosphorites and phosphatized rocks from the Rio Grande Rise, south Atlantic Ocean

Phosphorites and phosphatized rocks from the summit of the Rio Grande Rise were collected via dredge during the oceanographic research cruise RGR1 to the western RGR. The location (latitude, longitude, depth), mineralogy, concentrations of phosphorus and rare earth elements, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of phosphorites and phosphatized FeMn crusts, ironstones and carbonates from 10 dredge sites are presen

Hydrodynamic model of the San Francisco Bay and Delta, California

A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the San Francisco Bay and Delta was constructed using the Delft3D Flexible Mesh (DFM) modeling suite ( to simulate water levels. Required model input files are provided to run the model for the time period from October 1, 2018, to April 30, 2019. This data release describes the construction and validat

Discharge measurements made in Bayou Heron and Bayou Middle, Grand Bay, Mississippi in January 2017

Grand Bay, a 30-square-kilometer embayment of the Gulf of Mexico bordered by 20 square kilometers of salt marsh, is experiencing rapid lateral shoreline erosion at up to 5 meters per year. Determining whether the eroded sediment is exported to the deep ocean or imported via tidal channels and deposited on the marsh platform is critical to understanding the long-term response of the marsh to wave a

Station information, seabed imagery, and CTD instrument data collected on Stellwagen Bank in January, 2016, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2016-004-FA

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen

Geophysical and core sample data collected offshore Oceanside to San Diego, southern California, during field activity 2018-638-FA from 2018-05-21 to 2018-05-26

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected geophysical and core sample data aboard the R/V Bold Horizon in 2018 on cruise 2018-638-FA offshore Oceanside to San Diego, southern California. The data were collected to assess sand and gravel resources in Federal and State waters for potential use in future beach nourishment projects along stretches of the coast where critical erosion hotspots have be

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2019 From Rockaway Peninsula, New York

As part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux Project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore geophysical survey to map the shoreface of Rockaway, New York (NY) between September and October of 2019. The objective of the project is to improve the understanding of barrier island geomorphic evolution and the se

Aerial Imagery collected during unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) operations in Massachusetts and Maine between March 2018 - September 2018

Low-altitude (80 and 100 meters above ground level) digital images were collected at Sage Lot Pond in Waquoit, Massachusetts, two sites on the Mill River in Taunton, MA, Great Marsh in Barnstable, MA, the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve in Wells, ME, and on the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Quissett Campus in Woods Hole, MA using 3DR Solo unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) during 2

Modeled extreme total water levels along the U.S. west coast

This dataset contains information on the probabilities of storm-induced erosion (collision, inundation and overwash) for each 100-meter (m) section of the United States Pacific coast for return period storm scenarios. The analysis is based on a storm-impact scaling model that uses observations of beach morphology combined with sophisticated hydrodynamic models to predict how the coast will respond

Coastal wetlands of the Blackwater region, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland

This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of Blackwater, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and others, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S.
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