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Budget, Staffing, and How our Program Works

Our mission has three directives: (1) conduct research to deliver actionable science to cooperating agencies and organizations; (2) develop the natural resource conservation workforce of the future through graduate educa­tion; and (3) fulfill the training and technical assistance needs of cooperators. Our staff profiles and selection of science are located at the bottom of this page.

2022 Year in Review

2022 Year in Review

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility




Fiscal year (FY) 2022 included a budget increase for the fourth year in a row and brought the budget to approximately $26 million (M) (fig. 1). Part of the congressional budget language for this year’s increase was to establish a new unit in Michigan. That directive was fulfilled, with the comple­tion of a Cooperative Agreement establishing a new CRU in the State of Michigan (fig. 2). The new Michigan Unit will be based at Michigan State University (MSU) in East Lansing, Michigan. Founding partners include Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR), MSU, USFWS, USGS, and WMI. Gratitude is extended to Northeast Regional Supervisor Dr. Cyndy Loftin for her leadership in helping to create this unit. Dan Eichinger and his staff at Michigan DNR, Russ Mason (Michigan DNR and MSU), Charlie Wooley and Craig Czar­necki (USFWS), and Bill Moritz (WMI) are to be commended for their engagement and support for the new unit. This latest addition to the CRU family will build on newly established productive relationships to deliver solutions to problems using sound science in Michigan.

Cooperative Research Units Program FY 2022 Budget
Graph showing budget and staffing data for the U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units program during fiscal years 2003-2022. Note that the scale of the left y-axis starts at 75 personnel. 


The recent budget increases allowed the CRU to actively fill positions over the past 2 years, with 37 new scientists brought onboard (26 in FY21 and 11 in FY22). However, 27 vacancies remained at the end of the FY22 owing to the loss of 14 scientists (retirements, resignations, death) over the past 2 years, and the addition of 6 new positions at the new units. Hiring actions have been initiated to fill another nine positions, including Unit Leader positions at the new Nevada, Michigan, and Indiana Units.

woman wearing a hat, yellow and white plaid shirt, yellow sunglasses, taking a selfie with a cell phone,
Brielle K Thompson is a PhD candidate at the University of Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Brielle is a Master's student in the Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management program at the University of Washington. She is co-advised by Dr. Sarah Converse and Dr. Julian Olden. Her graduate research involves applying mathematical, statistical, and geospatial models to better inform invasive species management.

Operational Support

The recent budget increases provided needed operational support to the CRUs, with respect to capital investments for items such as vehicles and safety equipment. This significant financial commitment has been lacking in recent years as a result of an extended period of flat funding during government budget sequestration (2013–18) that resulted in little to no financial support for operational investments. Consequently, operational equipment such as the vehicle fleet continued to age without replacement and the vehicles are now approaching the end of their serviceable life. Under the scenario with 30+ vacancies, the units could be operational with the existing vehicle fleet because demand was down. However, with 37 new scientists recently brought into the program and 27 more yet to come, a significant investment is needed in operational items, such as vehicles, watercraft, all-terrain vehicles, utility terrain vehicles, along with laboratory and safety equipment to support the active and growing field research programs of potentially 60+ new scientists.

Dara Farrell is a postdoc at the Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. One of Dara's projects uses a computer vision model to identify fish in underwater video. Using machine learning to automate fish location and identification in underwater video may advance the application of underwater video across fisheries and aquaculture research and management fields.

Research Priorities

Following the original legislation that created the CRU program (Public Law 86–686), all research priorities are set locally at each unit in consultation with Federal and State cooperators. Unit scientists and unit supervisors work with cooperators to help them identify their needs, and unit supervi­sors ensure that all research conducted is aligned with the USGS mission. Unit scientists, associated faculty, staff and students regularly conduct research projects in coordination with, and to meet the needs of, USGS headquarters, regions, and science centers. See the Notes from the Field section for examples of collaborative work with science centers, States, non-government organizations (NGOs), and other Federal cooperators. Final approval for each project is made by CRU headquarters management (Chief or Deputy Chief) to ensure that projects meet the USGS mission and the Department of Interior (DOI) priorities.

Bright tufted puffin birds nesting on rocks on the Oregon Coast.
Tufted puffins (Fratercula cirrhata) are an iconic species in the Pacific Northwest that provide a wide range of ecological, economic, and historically important services such as ecotourism for local communities- and bringing marine derived nutrients to terrestrial habitats. Tufted puffin populations on the Oregon Coast have declined dramatically over the past 30 years from over 5,000 birds in 1989 to only 550 birds in 2021. 

Project Controls

Research Work Orders (RWOs) are the mechanism through which host universities receive Federal financial support to conduct research, as provided for in the 1978 amendment to Public Law 86–686. RWOs are an extension of the Cooperative Agreement establishing each unit. Funds from the USGS, other DOI bureaus, or other Federal agencies are obligated via financial assistance into a RWO and awarded to the host university for a specific research project.

The Deputy Chief ensures that the project meets the require­ments for a RWO, including the following (1) the project must be novel research; (2) the project must be consistent with the mission of the USGS and DOI priorities; (3) the project must have an educational component; (4) the budget is complete and appropri­ate; and (5) no apparent conflicts of interest exist.

Happy seals swim at the Oregon Coast
Seals swim along the Oregon Coast. Modeling animal movement through landscapes is a key component to understanding population
ecology, how populations can be managed, how human actions impact the population.

Regional Engagement and Coordination

CRU headquarters staff and leadership work closely with key regional partners, including USGS Center Directors, USGS Regional Directors, USGS Ecosystems Mission Area leadership, as well as leadership from other agencies, such as the USFWS. The Chief of the CRU program works closely with USGS Center Directors and USGS Regional Directors on topics of mutual inter­est. For example, the development of an interagency pollinator science laboratory that engages regional staff, center scientists, and external partners (such as, USFWS, U.S. Department of Agri­culture [USDA], the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, National Park Service [NPS], and the Smithsonian Institution) in research to inform pollinator conservation activities at State and Federal agencies.

Tufted puffin birds roost on the rocks along the Oregon Coast.
Tufted puffins are an iconic species in the Pacific Northwest that provide a wide range of ecological, economic, and historically important services such as ecotourism for local communities- and bringing marine derived nutrients to terrestrial habitats. Tufted puffin populations on the Oregon Coast have declined dramatically over the past 30 years from over 5,000 birds in 1989 to only 550 birds in 2021. In 2018, the tufted puffin Species Status Assessment determined that factors related to breeding site conditions are one of the most probable causes of puffin decline; however, little is known about the specific characteristics of nesting habitat along the Oregon Coast. To address this knowledge gap, we used aerial photography and ground truthing to examine changes in suitable breeding habitat for tufted puffins on the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge over the past few decades. Assessing how suitable puffin breeding habitat characteristics have changed over time will provide necessary information to guide refuge managers in habitat restoration and support adaptive management decisions. 

Leveraging Resources and Creating Jobs

Through their research programs, CRU scientists create jobs at the host university. Each CRU scientist supports graduate students, postdoctoral, and research technicians, which col­lectively amounts to approximately 1,000 university positions supported per year. The number of degrees awarded and active students, postdoctoral researchers, and university research staff during FY22 in the CRU program are shown in the infographic below. The CRU program also leverages the contributions of each cooperator, such that Federal salary dollars are matched on a 1:3 basis by State and host university contributions and grant funds. In FY22, the CRU budget of $26M brought in approximately $40M in reimbursable research funds to the host universities, who provided more than $20M through in-kind support (such as, office space or use of university equipment), tuition, and reduced overhead.

Image: Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Pollinator Research
A Ph.D. student setting up a trap to capture bees.

Staff Profiles

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Roberta Chaves


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Engaging Hunters in Selecting Duck Season Dates Using Decision Science

The USGS New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) have been working together on a decision making process for setting duck season dates in New York.

Engaging Hunters in Selecting Duck Season Dates Using Decision Science

The USGS New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) have been working together on a decision making process for setting duck season dates in New York.
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Citizen Science Helps to Inform Ornamental Fishery Decisions in Hawaii

The commercial collection of marine ornamental fishes from coral reefs for the aquarium trade is one of the most controversial fisheries in Hawai'i. Most of the controversy relates to whether the fishery is being managed sustainably. The Hawai'i Cooperative Fishery Research Unit is assessing the impact of the marine ornamental fishery on Hawaiian reefs by using citizen-diver data.

Citizen Science Helps to Inform Ornamental Fishery Decisions in Hawaii

The commercial collection of marine ornamental fishes from coral reefs for the aquarium trade is one of the most controversial fisheries in Hawai'i. Most of the controversy relates to whether the fishery is being managed sustainably. The Hawai'i Cooperative Fishery Research Unit is assessing the impact of the marine ornamental fishery on Hawaiian reefs by using citizen-diver data.
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New Habitat Suitability Maps for At-Risk Herpetofauna Species in the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem

Five at-risk species of herpetofauna – the gopher tortoise, gopher frog, striped newt, southern hognose snake, and Florida pine snake – have been petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and are the subjects of conservation planning efforts of federal, state, and other partners in the Southeast.

New Habitat Suitability Maps for At-Risk Herpetofauna Species in the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem

Five at-risk species of herpetofauna – the gopher tortoise, gopher frog, striped newt, southern hognose snake, and Florida pine snake – have been petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and are the subjects of conservation planning efforts of federal, state, and other partners in the Southeast.
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2019 CRU Year in Review Story Map

Established in 1935, the Cooperative Research Units Program is a partnership among the U.S. Geological Survey, Universities, State fish and wildlife agencies, the Wildlife Management Institute, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

2019 CRU Year in Review Story Map

Established in 1935, the Cooperative Research Units Program is a partnership among the U.S. Geological Survey, Universities, State fish and wildlife agencies, the Wildlife Management Institute, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
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Oxbow Restoration in Iowa with an Emphasis on Topeka Shiner

The Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is leading research on two projects focusing on oxbow restorations and the federally endangered Topeka shiner. These projects have provided insight into the habitat preferences and fish assemblage associations of Topeka shiner in oxbows, compared the occurrence and abundance of the species in restored and unrestored oxbows.

Oxbow Restoration in Iowa with an Emphasis on Topeka Shiner

The Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is leading research on two projects focusing on oxbow restorations and the federally endangered Topeka shiner. These projects have provided insight into the habitat preferences and fish assemblage associations of Topeka shiner in oxbows, compared the occurrence and abundance of the species in restored and unrestored oxbows.
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Yellowstone's Migrating Bison Manipulate Springtime Green-Up

The USGS Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit coauthored a paper titled “Migrating bison engineer the green wave” published recently in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , a leading journal publishing new discoveries across many disciplines.

Yellowstone's Migrating Bison Manipulate Springtime Green-Up

The USGS Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit coauthored a paper titled “Migrating bison engineer the green wave” published recently in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , a leading journal publishing new discoveries across many disciplines.
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Species Status Assessments to Support Endangered Species Decision Making

The USGS Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the USGS Leetown Science Center are partnering with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to re-envision the way science supports endangered species decision making. The USFWS is required under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) to consider the health of species at risk of extinction.

Species Status Assessments to Support Endangered Species Decision Making

The USGS Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the USGS Leetown Science Center are partnering with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to re-envision the way science supports endangered species decision making. The USFWS is required under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) to consider the health of species at risk of extinction.
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On October 8, 2019, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that the Kirtland’s warbler, one of the initial species added to the Endangered Species Act (ESA), had recovered enough to be removed from protection under the ESA. The songbird that nests only in the young jack pine forests in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ontario was down to just 167 breeding pairs in 1974.

On October 8, 2019, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that the Kirtland’s warbler, one of the initial species added to the Endangered Species Act (ESA), had recovered enough to be removed from protection under the ESA. The songbird that nests only in the young jack pine forests in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ontario was down to just 167 breeding pairs in 1974.
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App Allows Citizen Scientists to Contribute to Monarch Butterfly Research

Researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (Maine CRU) have developed a model that predicts areas that have a high suitability for monarch butterflies for roosting during their fall migration to Mexico.

App Allows Citizen Scientists to Contribute to Monarch Butterfly Research

Researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (Maine CRU) have developed a model that predicts areas that have a high suitability for monarch butterflies for roosting during their fall migration to Mexico.
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Scientists Without Borders - Range-Wide Conservation for a Freshwater Mussel at Risk

Despite repeatedly being referenced as uncharismatic, few organisms can bring together 21 different agencies, drawing on collaborations from 14 states – but that is just what is happening with a freshwater mussel in the Northeast.

Scientists Without Borders - Range-Wide Conservation for a Freshwater Mussel at Risk

Despite repeatedly being referenced as uncharismatic, few organisms can bring together 21 different agencies, drawing on collaborations from 14 states – but that is just what is happening with a freshwater mussel in the Northeast.
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