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Comprehensive Areal Model of Earthquake-Induced Landslides: Technical Specification and User Guide

This report describes the complete design of a comprehensive areal model of earthquakeinduced landslides (CAMEL). This report presents the design process, technical specification of CAMEL. It also provides a guide to using the CAMEL source code and template ESRI ArcGIS map document file for applying CAMEL, both of which can be obtained by contacting the authors. CAMEL is a regional-scale model of
Scott B. Miles, David K. Keefer

Seismology inside the fault zone: Applications to fault-zone properties and rupture dynamics

No abstract available.
W.L. Ellsworth, P.E. Malin, K. Imanishi, S.W. Roecker, R. Nadeau, V. Oye, C.H. Thurber, F. Waldhauser, N. L. Boness, S.H. Hickman, M.D. Zobach

Crust and lithospheric structure – Global crustal structure

The Earth’s crust has played an important role in all aspects of this planet’s evolution. This chapter presents a review of our current understanding of the physical properties of the crust on a global basis. This understanding comes from extensive seismic measurements using many techniques, as well as nonseismic geophysics, including gravity, magnetic, geoelectric, and heat flow measurements. Sei
Walter D. Mooney

Beating effect identified from seismic responses of instrumented buildings

Beating effects observed in the recorded responses of buildings are examined in this paper. Beating is a periodic, resonating and prolonged vibrational behavior caused by distinctive close coupling of translational and torsional modes of a lightly damped structure. Repetitively stored potential energy during the coupled translational and torsional deformations turns into repetitive vibrational ene
Mehmet Çelebi

A 3-Dimensional Model of Water-Bearing Sequences in the Dominguez Gap Region, Long Beach, California

A 3-dimensional computer model of the Quaternary sequence stratigraphy in the Dominguez gap region of Long Beach, California has been developed to provide a robust chronostratigraphic framework for hydrologic and tectonic studies. The model consists of 13 layers within a 16.5 by 16.1 km (10.25 by 10 mile) square area and extends downward to an altitude of -900 meters (-2952.76 feet). Ten sequences
Daniel J. Ponti, Kenneth D. Ehman, Brian D. Edwards, John C. Tinsley, Thomas Hildenbrand, John W. Hillhouse, Randall T. Hanson, Kristen McDougall, Charles L. Powell, Elmira Wan, Michael Land, Shannon Mahan, Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki

3D Visualization of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms Using ArcScene

We created a new tool, 3D Focal Mechanisms (3DFM), for viewing earthquake focal mechanism symbols three dimensionally. This tool operates within the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI®) GIS software ArcScene® 9.x. The program requires as input a GIS point dataset of earthquake locations containing strike, dip, and rake values for a nodal plane of each earthquake. Other information, suc
Keith A. Labay, Peter J. Haeussler

Protecting your family from earthquakes: The seven steps to earthquake safety

This book is provided here because of the importance of preparing for earthquakes before they happen. Experts say it is very likely there will be a damaging San Francisco Bay Area earthquake in the next 30 years and that it will strike without warning. It may be hard to find the supplies and services we need after this earthquake. For example, hospitals may have more patients than they can treat,
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Protecting Your Family From Earthquakes-The Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety (in Spanish and English)

This book is provided here to share an important message on emergency preparedness. Historically, we have suffered earthquakes here in the San Francisco Bay Area that have caused severe hardship for residents and incredible damage to our cities. It is likely we will experience a severe earthquake within the next 30 years. Many of us come from other countries where we have experienced earth- qu
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Protegiendo a su familia de los terremotos-Los siete pasos a la seguridad para prepararse en caso de un terremoto (en espa?ol y en ingles)

Les escribimos esta carta para comunicarle un mensaje sumamente importante sobre las preparaciones de emergencia. Historicamente, hemos sufrido terremotos aqui en el Area de la Bahia de San Francisco que han causado graves privaciones para los residentes de la comunidad y da?os increibles a nuestras ciudades. Es probable que suframos un terremoto de gran magnitud en los proximos 30 a?os. Mucho
Asian Pacific Fund Desarrollado por American Red Cross

Crystal growth of ice-I/hydrate eutectic binary solutions

No abstract available. 
C. McCarthy, K.D. Rieck, Stephen H. Kirby, W. B. Durham, L.A. Stern, R.F. Cooper