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Electrical properties and anisotropy of schists and fault rocks from New Zealand’s Southern Alps under confining pressure

Magnetotelluric models spanning the Pacific–Australian Plate boundary in New Zealand’s South Island indicate a localized zone of low electrical resistivity that is spatially coincident with theductile mid-crustal part of the Alpine Fault Zone (AFZ). We explored the source of this anomaly bymeasuring the electrical properties of samples collected from surface outcrops approaching the AFZthat have a
Katherine E Kluge, Virginia G. Toy, David A. Lockner

An efficient, analytic solution using order statistics for probabilistic seismic‐hazard assessment without the Poisson assumption

Standard approaches to probabilistic seismic‐hazard assessment (PSHA) assume that earthquakes are random, independent events that follow a Poisson distribution of occurrences in a given time period (Cornell, 1968). To overcome the limitations of the Poisson assumption, such as ignoring earthquake clustering, we introduce an analytic method for PSHA that uses order statistics to allow for arbitrary
Andrew J. Michael, Andrea L. Llenos

Quantifying the sensitivity of microearthquake slip inversions to station distribution using a dense nodal array

To investigate the sensitivity of slip inversions to station distribution and choice of empirical Green’s function (EGF), we examine three microearthquakes that occurred within the high‐density LArge‐n Seismic Survey in Oklahoma (LASSO) nodal seismic array. The LASSO array’s dense distribution of 1825 geophones provides an exceptional level of spatial and azimuthal coverage, allowing for more accu
Colin Nathanael Pennington, Hilary Chang, Justin Rubinstein, Rachel E Abercrombie, Nori Nakata, Takahiko Uchide, Elizabeth S. Cochran

A unified perspective of seismicity and fault coupling along the San Andreas Fault

The San Andreas Fault (SAF) showcases the breadth of possible earthquake sizes and occurrence behavior; in particular, the central SAF is a microcosm of such diversity. This section also exhibits the spectrum of fault coupling from locked to creeping. Here, we show that the observations of aseismic slip, temporal clustering of seismicity, and spatial variations in earthquake size distributions are
Y.-K. Liu, Z. Ross, Elizabeth S. Cochran, N. Lapusta

Validating predicted site response in sedimentary basins from 3D ground motion simulations

We introduce procedures to validate site response in sedimentary basins as predicted using ground motion simulations. These procedures aim to isolate contributions of site response to computed intensity measures relative to those from seismic source and path effects. In one of the validation procedures, simulated motions are analyzed in the same manner as earthquake recordings to derive non-ergodi
Chukwuebuka C Nweke, Jonathan P. Stewart, Robert Graves, Christine A. Goulet, Scott J Brandenberg

Partitioning ground motion uncertainty when conditioned on station data

Rapid estimation of earthquake ground shaking and proper accounting of associated uncertainties in such estimates when conditioned on strong‐motion station data or macroseismic intensity observations are crucial for downstream applications such as ground failure and loss estimation. The U.S. Geological Survey ShakeMap system is called upon to fulfill this objective in light of increased near‐real‐
Davis T. Engler, Charles Worden, Eric M. Thompson, Kishor S. Jaiswal

Three Mw ≥ 4.7 earthquakes within the Changning (China) shale gas field ruptured shallow faults intersecting with hydraulic fracturing wells

From 2017 to 2019, three destructive earthquakes (27 January 2017 Mw 4.7, 16 December 2018 Mw 5.2, and 3 January 2019 Mw 4.8) occurred in the Changning shale gas field in the southwest Sichuan Basin, China. Previous seismological studies attributed these events to hydraulic fracturing (HF), but were unable to identify the causative seismogenic faults and their slip behaviors. Here, we use Sentinel
Shuai Wang, Guoyan Jiang, Xinglin Lei, Andrew Barbour, Xibin Tan, Caijun Xu, Xiwei Xu

Fast rupture of the 2009 Mw 6.9 Canal de Ballenas earthquake in the Gulf of California dynamically triggers seismicity in California

In the Gulf of California, Mexico, the relative motion across the North America-Pacific boundary is accommodated by a series of marine transform faults and spreading centers. About 40 M>6 earthquakes have occurred in the region since 1960. On 3 August 2009, an Mw 6.9 earthquake occurred near Canal de Ballenas in the region. The earthquake was a strike-slip event with a shallow hypocenter that is l
Wenyuan Fan, Ryo Okuwaki, Andrew Barbour, Yihe Huang, Guoqing Lin, Elizabeth S. Cochran

Observation-constrained multicycle dynamic models of the southern San Andreas and the northern San Jacinto Faults: Addressing complexity in paleoearthquake extent and recurrence with realistic 2D fault geometry

Understanding mechanical conditions that lead to complexity in earthquakes is important to seismic hazard analysis. In this study, we simulate physics-based multicycle dynamic models of the San Andreas fault (Carrizo through San Bernardino sections) and the San Jacinto fault (Claremont and Clark strands). We focus on a complex fault geometry based on the Southern California Earthquake Center Commu
Dunyu Liu, Benchuan Duan, Katherine Scharer, Doug Yule

Impact of fluid-rock interaction on strength and hydraulic transmissivity rvolution in shear fractures under hydrothermal conditions

Reactivated shear fractures contribute to the creation of pervasive fracture networks in geothermal systems. The creation, reactivation, and sustainability of fracture networks depend on complex coupling among thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical (THMC) processes. However, most laboratory experiments focus either solely on how fluid transport properties evolve in stationary fractures at el
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner

Prospective and retrospective evaluation of the U.S. Geological Survey public aftershock forecast for the 2019-2021 Southwest Puerto Rico Earthquake and aftershocks

The Mw 6.4 Southwest Puerto Rico Earthquake of 7 January 2020 was accompanied by a robust fore‐ and aftershock sequence. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has issued regular aftershock forecasts for more than a year since the mainshock, available on a public webpage. Forecasts were accompanied by interpretive and informational material, published in English and Spanish. Informational products incl
Nicholas van der Elst, Jeanne L. Hardebeck, Andrew J. Michael, Sara McBride, Elizabeth Vanacore

Empirical map-based nonergodic models of site response in the greater Los Angeles area

We develop empirical estimates of site response at seismic stations in the Los Angeles area using recorded ground motions from 414 M 3–7.3 earthquakes in southern California. The data are from a combination of the Next Generation Attenuation‐West2 project, the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes, and about 10,000 newly processed records. We estimate site response using an iterative mixed‐effects residuals
Grace Alexandra Parker, Annemarie S. Baltay
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