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Land Management Research Program

The Land Management Research Program conducts research to improve the effectiveness of land management and inform restoration of priority ecosystems on millions of acres including public lands such as National Parks, refuges, and other critical landscapes that support the biodiversity of fish, wildlife, and plant species, as well as thriving economies.


Carbon isotope trends across a century of herbarium specimens suggest CO2 fertilization of C4 grasses.

Increasing atmospheric CO2 is changing the dynamics of tropical savanna vegetation. C3 trees and grasses are known to experience CO2 fertilization, whereas responses to CO2 by C4 grasses are more ambiguous.Here, we sample stable carbon isotope trends in herbarium collections of South African C4 and C3 grasses to reconstruct 13C discrimination.We found that C3 grasses showed no trends in 13C discri
Isa del Toro, Madelon Florence Case, Allison Karp, Jasper Slingsby, A. Carla Staver

Structural heterogeneity predicts ecological resistance and resilience to wildfire in arid shrublands

ContextDynamic feedbacks between physical structure and ecological function drive ecosystem productivity, resilience, and biodiversity maintenance. Detailed maps of canopy structure enable comprehensive evaluations of structure–function relationships. However, these relationships are scale-dependent, and identifying relevant spatial scales to link structure to function remains challenging.Objectiv
Andrii Zaiats, Megan E Cattau, David Pilliod, Rongsong Liu, Patricia Kaye T. Dumandan, Ahmad Hojatimalekshah, Donna M. Delparte, Trevor Caughlin

Propensity score matching mitigates risk of faulty inferences in observational studies of effectiveness of restoration trials

Determining effectiveness of restoration treatments is an important requirement of adaptive management, but it can be non-trivial where only portions of large and heterogeneous landscapes of concern can be treated and sampled. Bias and non-randomness in the spatial deployment of treatment and thus sampling is nearly unavoidable in the data available for large-scale management trials, and the bioph
Chad Raymond Kluender, Matthew Germino, Christopher A Anthony


Walrus Research

The USGS Alaska Science Center conducts long-term research on the Pacific walrus to provide scientific information to Department of Interior management agencies and Alaska Native co-management partners. In addition, the USGS Pacific walrus research program collaborates with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the State of Alaska’s Department of Fish and Game and Alaska Native co...

Walrus Research

The USGS Alaska Science Center conducts long-term research on the Pacific walrus to provide scientific information to Department of Interior management agencies and Alaska Native co-management partners. In addition, the USGS Pacific walrus research program collaborates with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the State of Alaska’s Department of Fish and Game and Alaska Native co...
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Evaluating Cultural Resource Vulnerability To Fires And Post-Fire Impacts

Cultural resources are tangible and intangible elements connected to the physical presence, practices, cultural identity, and/or spirituality of past and present societies.

Evaluating Cultural Resource Vulnerability To Fires And Post-Fire Impacts

Cultural resources are tangible and intangible elements connected to the physical presence, practices, cultural identity, and/or spirituality of past and present societies.
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Advancing Fire Behavior Modeling For Post-Fire Hazards Assessments

Fire behavior is a complex and highly variable process in both space and time. The interdisciplinary PHIRE team includes USGS scientists from across the Mission Areas, research collaborators from universities and federal agencies, and federal, state, and tribal practitioners and stakeholders.

Advancing Fire Behavior Modeling For Post-Fire Hazards Assessments

Fire behavior is a complex and highly variable process in both space and time. The interdisciplinary PHIRE team includes USGS scientists from across the Mission Areas, research collaborators from universities and federal agencies, and federal, state, and tribal practitioners and stakeholders.
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