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Tertiary plate tectonics and high-pressure metamorphism in New Caledonia

The sialic basement of New Caledonia is a Permian-Jurassic greywacke sequence which was folded and metamorphosed to prehnite-pumpellyite or low-grade greenschist facies by the Late Jurassic. Succeeding Cretaceous-Eocene sediments unconformably overlie this basement and extend outwards onto oceanic crust. Tertiary tectonism occurred in three distinct phases.1. During the Late Eocene a nappe of peri
R.N. Brothers, M. C. Blake

Cretaceous mafic conglomerate near Gualala offset 350 miles by San Andreas fault from oceanic crustal source near Eagle Rest Peak, California

Upper Cretaceous mafic conglomerate and quartz-plagioclase arkose that crop out on the southwest side of the San Andreas fault near Gualala, Calif., may have been eroded from a gabbroic terrane that now lies about 350 miles to the southeast, on the opposite side of the San Andreas fault. The plagioclase arkose near Gualala contains little or no K-feldspar, and the conglomerate is characterized by
Donald C. Ross, Carl M. Wentworth, Edwin D. McKee

Structure of Sierra Madera, Texas, as a guide to central peaks of lunar craters

Like hundreds of other lunar craters of probable impact origin, Copernicus contains central peaks presumed to expose rocks uplifted from beneath the crater floor. A possible analog of these peaks on Earth is the central uplift of the Sierra Madera cryptoexplosion structure, a probable impact scar (astrobleme) in stratified Permian and Cretaceous rocks of west Texas. The most conspicuous part of th
Keith A. Howard, Terry W. Offield, H. G. Wilshire

Geologic setting of the Apollo 15 samples

The samples and photographs returned from the Apollo 15 site show that Hadley Delta is largely underlain by breccias whose clasts are mainly fragments of coarse-grained feldspathic rocks and nonmare-type basalt. Conspicuous sets of lineaments, visible in surface and orbital photographs of Mount Hadley and Hadley Delta, may represent systematic layering or fracture sets. The mare surface, with rego
G.A. Swann, N. G. Bailey, R. M. Batson, V. L. Freeman, M. H. Hait, H. E. Holt, K.B. Larson, V. S. Reed, G. G. Schaber, R. L. Sutton, E.W. Wolfe, Keith A. Howard, H. G. Wilshire, J.W. Head, J.B. Irwin, D.R. Scott, W.R. Muehlberger, L. T. Silver, J. J. Rennilson

Paleomagnetic correlations and Potassium-Argon dating of Middle Tertiary ash-flow sheets in the eastern Great Basin, Nevada and Utah

Directions of natural remanent magnetization are used to identify and correlate individual cooling units in the middle Tertiary ash-flow province in central and eastern Nevada and western Utah. Potassium-argon dating indicates that the minimum time between eruptions of individual but genetically related ash-flow cooling units is on the order of 0.8 m.y. As this interval is long in comparison with
C. S. Grommé, E.H. McKee, M. Clark Blake

Paleomagnetism and potassium-argon ages of the Sonoma Volcanics, California

Paleomagnetic data and potassium-argon ages indicate that the Sonoma Volcanics was erupted during the Pliocene Gilbert reversed and Gauss normal polarity epochs. The Gilbert reversed epoch is represented in the Howell Mountains east of Napa and east of St. Helena, in the mountains immediately east of the Valley of the Moon, and on the hill just north of Santa Rosa. The Gauss normal epoch is repres
Edward A. Mankinen

Principal facts for gravity stations in the San Francisco district and adjoining areas, Utah

Observed gravity values, station locations, terrain corrections, and Bouguer gravity data are provided in tabular form for approximately 450 gravity observations in southwestern Utah.
Donald L. Peterson

Geological Survey research 1972, Chapter C

This collection of 37 short papers is the second published chapter of "Geological Survey Research 1972." The papers report on scientific and economic results of current work by members of the Conservation, Geologic, and Water Resources Divisions of the U.S. Geological Survey.Chapter A, to be published later in the year, will present a summary of significant results of work done ~n fiscal year 1972
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