Learn more about Species Management Research through the data sets listed below.
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Evaluating bias in roadside surveys of secretive marsh birds in the Prairie Pothole Region, MN, ND, and SD 2008-2009
The data set consists of data to evaluate bias in roadside surveys of secretive marsh birds in 2008 and 2009 in wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota during three survey periods (survey number). The data set includes detection values (species heard, species seen, species seen and heard) of seven focal marsh bird species (four-letter alpha codes and sci
Supporting data: Spatial network clustering reveals elk population structure and local variation in prevalence of chronic wasting disease at Wind Cave National Park, 2005--18
These data were used for preparation of Sargeant et al. (2021), "Spatial network clustering reveals elk population structure and local variation in the prevalence of chronic wasting disease." They include locations of elk that were monitored with global positioning system collars at Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota (WICA) during 2005--08 and 2011--13; coordinates of a polygon describing the b
Carcass weights, 28S rRNA alignment file and parasite sample vouchers collected from California tiger salamanders (Ambystoma californiense) CTS and Santa Cruz long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum) SCLT from Prospect or Ellicott Pond, on E
Animal identification number, weight in grams for carcasses of California tiger salamanders (Ambystoma californiense) CTS and Santa Cruz long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum) SCLT from Prospect or Ellicott Pond, on Ellicott Slough National Wildlife Refuge, California U.S.A. submitted to U.S. Geological Survey, National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) for determination of cause of de
Experimental evaluation of predator exclosures on nest, chick, and adult survival data for the Northern Great Plains piping plover, 2014 - 2016
This dataset presents four tabular data files that evaluate the effect of predator exclosures around piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nests on plover nest, chick, within-season, and annual adult survival. During 2014-2016, we designed an experiment to examine nest (n = 418), chick (n = 453), and adult (n = 367) survival at alkaline wetlands of the Northern Great Plains. Alkaline wetlands were di
The ontogeny of eDNA shedding during early development in Chinook Salmon
We conducted a lab study to explore eDNA shedding during early life history (from fertilized eggs until near yolk sac absorption) in Chinook Salmon at three biomasses: 10 eggs, 100 eggs, and 1,000 eggs, and each egg biomass was replicated (indicated as replicates 1 and 2). Water samples were collected at several time points before, during, and after hatch for detection of Chinook Salmon DNA. On da
Behavior of female adult Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) exposed to natural and synthesized odors
We investigated the behavioral response of female Pacific lamprey to three odors and to differences in water flow. Adult lamprey were challenged with: 1) washings from conspecifics, 2) with washings from adult males, and 3) with an artificial odor that mimicked a component of a natural lamprey pheromone. In addition, we conducted parallel tests to check for rheotaxis. The fish were tested in two Y
The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Analysis Results 1966 - 2019
This data product consists of a database of population change and abundance estimates for North American birds, estimated from North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data. Data are presented for 548 species of birds in 4 spreadsheets containing trend estimates and annual indices for 2 time periods. Estimates are derived for each species using the 1 of 4 alternative models, and a cross-validatio
Disruption of Francisella noatunensis orientalis pdpA gene results in virulence attenuation and protection in zebrafish
Several Francisella spp. including F. noatunensis are regarded as important emerging pathogens of wild and farmed fish. However, very few studies have investigated the virulence factors that allow these bacterial species to be pathogenic in fish. The Francisella Pathogenicity Island (FPI) is a well-described, gene-dense region encoding major virulence factors for the genus Francisella. PdpA is a m
Evaluating injury and mortality to larval lamprey collected out of sediment using a portable suction dredge
Dataset describes the findings of a combination of field and laboratory tests to see if larval lamprey were injured or killed after they were collected from their burrows in sediment using a portable suction dredge.
North American Bird Banding Program Dataset 1960-2020 retrieved 2020-06-26
The North American Bird Banding Program is directed in the United States by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL), Eastern Ecological Science Center at the Patuxent Research Refuge (EESC) and in Canada by the Bird Banding Office (BBO), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). The respective banding offices have similar functions and policies and use the same bands, r
Wolf survival and cause-specific mortality from 1968-2018 in the Superior National Forest. In
This dataset contains gray wolf (Canis lupus) survival and cause-specific mortality data from radiocollared wolves (n=756 collared-wolf tenures) from 1968-2018 in the USGS Wolf Project study area (2,060 km2) of the Superior National Forest, USA, an area that also includes the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Also, included are the annual resident winter wolf counts for the study area.
Laboratory challenge of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii to Vibrio anguillarum and V. ordallii
Controlled waterborne exposures of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) to Vibrio anguillarum and V. ordalii failed to result in overt signs of disease or mortality from vibriosis. Cumulative mortalities among Vibrio - exposed Pacific herring (3.3 - 5.0 percent) were similar to those of saline-exposed negative controls (10 percent) and significantly less (P less than 0.001) than those of Vibrio - exp