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NRDA: Deepwater ROV Sampling to Assess Potential Impacts to Hardbottom Coral Communities and Associates from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
The MC252 oil spill introduced hydrocarbons, dispersants, and drilling muds into the Gulf of Mexico, potentially adversely affecting the seafloor environment surrounding the spill site.
Identifying Fish Nursery Habitats Using Otolith Elemental Fingerprints
Fish otoliths - ear bones - can be used to identify the fish nursery habitat used by estuarine fish.
Adaptive Habitat Conservation for Flatwoods Salamanders
USGS scientists investigate adaptive habitat conservation for Flatwoods salamanders.
Monitoring Mercury's Risk to Wildlife in California Lakes
USGS scientists sampled grebes in California lakes to compare mercury levels in these predators versus the small fish they prey on—developing a new tool for water quality monitoring.
Use of Amphibian Communities as Indicators of Restoration Success in the Greater Everglades
Habitat alteration and climate, when combined, are serious threats to amphibians and other wildlife. Habitat suitability models are being used to predict the responses of an amphibian community to hydrological and habitat restoration in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem.