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These publications showcase the significant science conducted in our Science Centers.

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Reproductive vulnerability: Parental attendance around hatching in roseate (Sterna dougallii) and common (S. hirundo) terns

Presence of one or both members of a pair at the nest site during the incubation and early chick stage reduces reproductive losses due to predation and weather stresses. The authors monitored the presence of pair members by the temporary removal of one member of several pairs of Roseate (Sterna dougallii ) and Common (Sterna hirundo ) Terns at nests at Cedar Beach, New York, to determine if vulner
J. Burger, M. Gochfeld

Survival and band recovery rates of sympatric grey ducks and mallards in New Zealand

We used band recovery data from grey ducks (Anas superciliosa) and mallards. (A. platyrhynchos) banded sympatrically during 1957-74 to estimate annual survival and recovery rates. Young birds tended to have higher recovery rates and lower survival rates than adults for both species. Both species showed strong evidence of year-to-year variation in annual survival rates. Survival rates of male malla
T. Caithness, M. Williams, J. D. Nichols

Population dynamics of American dog ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) along park trails

We conducted a mark–recapture study in which drag-collected ticks were removed from some park trails weekly from April to July. Weekly survival rates (probability of surviving and remaining on the trails) were significantly lower on trails used heavily by hikers, horses, and pets than on trails used less frequently. Although usage was the only obvious difference among these trails, differences in
J. F. Carroll, E. Russek-Cohen, J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines

Green coloration of recently laid black-crowned night-heron eggs

Color of Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) eggs of known laying order was quantified in a Wisconsin (USA) colony. Eggs were of greener intensity on the day of laying and one day thereafter than earlier laid eggs within a clutch. Egg color can be used to identify clutches within one day after clutch completion and to assign laying order within clutches during this period.
T. W. Custer

Specimens and probable breeding activity of the band-rumped storm-petrel on Hawaii

Specimens (a downy fledgling and a hatch-year juvenile) and nocturnal calling of the Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma custro) are evidence that this rare seabird breeds on the island of Hawaii. Nocturnal calling over land and sightings near the coast indicate that populations nest on the southwest rift and possibly the upper western slope of Mauna Loa.
W.E. Banko, P.C. Banko, R.E. David

Growth rates of great egret, snowy egret and black-crowned night-heron chicks

Growth rates of Great Erget (Casmerodius albus), Snowy Erget (Egretta thula), and Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) chicks to 18 days-of-age were estimated from repeated measurements of chicks in broods of three young. Weight gain (g/day) or increase in length (mm/day) of forearm, tarsus, or culmen did not between Black-crowned Night-Heron chicks at a colony in Rhode Island and
T. W. Custer, D.W. Peterson

Gray wolf density and its association with weights and hematology of pups from 1970 to 1988

We examined weights and hematologic profiles of gray wolf (Canis lupus) pups and the associated wolf density in the east-central Superior National Forest of northeastern Minnesota (USA) during 1970 to 1988. We collected weight and hematologic data from 117 pups (57 females, 60 males) during 1 September to 22 November each year. The wolf density (wolves/800 km2) trend was divided into three phases:
Glenn D. DelGiudice, L. David Mech, U. S. Seal

Captive breeding and reintroduction of the endangered masked bobwhite

Efforts to restore the endangered masked bobwhite (Colinus virginianus ridgwayi) to its former range have required 1) habitat acquisition, restoration, and preservation; 2) captive propagation; and 3) reintroduction .bf captive-bred stock. In its role to recover the masked bobwhite, the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (U.S. Fish and Wildli e Service) has refined captive breeding techniques; pro
J. W. Carpenter, R. R. Gabel, J.G. Goodwin

Raptor responses to low-level jet aircraft and sonic booms

We estimated effects of low-level military jet aircraft and mid- to high-altitude sonic booms (actual and simulated) on nesting peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) and seven other raptors by observing their responses to test stimuli, determining nesting success for the test year, and evaluating site reoccupancy rates for the year following the tests. Frequent and nearby jet aircraft passes: (1) s
David H. Ellis, Catherine H. Ellis, David P. Mindell

Canada goose die-off related to simultaneous application of three anticholinesterase insecticides

No abstract available.
L. J. Blus, R. K. Stroud, G.M. Sutton, Karen A. Smith, T.J. Shelton, G.A. Vanderkoppel, N.D. Pederson, W.E. Olson

Indicators of severe undernutrition in urine of free-ranging elk during winter

No abstract available.
G. D. DelGiudice, U. S. Seal, L. D. Mech
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