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Staff of USGS Science Centers in Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin collect a wide variety of natural resource data types including spatial, geologic, hydrologic, and biologic. Data included in USGS-series publications that are not publicly available in USGS databases are published in Data Releases. Short descriptions and links to Data Releases produced by Region 7 Science Centers are shown below.

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Biophysical assessment for indemnity selection of federal lands in Colorado

Information on the biophysical features of federal lands identified as suitable for transfer to the State of Colorado was requested by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). This information is intended for use in conducting an environmental assessment prior to transfer of ownership (conveyance) to the State. The Enabling Act of 1864 provided for the conveyance of federal lands to the State for the

Broad-scale assessment of biophysical features in Colorado

Information on ecological communities, soil salinity, and land use was synthesized and summarized for all lands in Colorado. This biophysical information was requested by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for use in conducting an environmental assessment prior to the transfer of ownership (conveyance) of federal lands to the State of Colorado. The Enabling Act of 1864 provided for the conveyance

Data Release for Geologic Map of the Pagosa Springs 7.5-minute quadrangle, Archuleta County, Colorado

The Pagosa Springs geologic map is of the 7.5-minute quadrangle of the same name. It is located in southwestern Colorado, USA and shows the town of Pagosa Springs. The mapped area is southwest of the San Juan volcanic mountains (Oligocene) and north of the San Juan Basin. All bedrock units exposed in the map area are Upper Cretaceous in age except a minor canyon outcrop of Upper Jurassic rock. Pre

Metagenetic analysis of stream community composition based on environmental DNA

A survey of environmental DNA was performed in Tunison Creek downstream of the USGS Tunison Aquatic Laboratory. The goal of the survey was to characterize the source ecological community at multiple trophic or taxonomic levels by associating DNA fragments with reference databases. Three taxonomically informative genetic loci were used: the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 locus, the mitochondria

Photographs Showing Change in Riparian Vegetation in the Grand Canyon, 1889, 1991, 2010 and other years

The viewpoints were first photographed by Stanton in 1889, and then re-photographed in about 1991, 2010 and sometimes other years. This set of photos focuses on change in riparian vegetation and partially overlaps a larger set of Stanton viewpoints re-photographed by Webb and others and available at The file of descriptive inf

Laboratory Data on Cabbage Looper Moth Response to Xanthotoxin, 2018

A dataset of caterpillar performance in an experiment manipulating mean and variance of xanthotoxin levels in diet. Caterpillar growth, development time, and egg production of mated females is presented. Data were collected by all authors in 2017 in a laboratory at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Calibration datasets and model archive summaries for regression models developed to estimate metal concentrations at nine sites on the Animas and San Juan Rivers, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah

This data release supports the following publication: Mast, M. A., 2018, Estimating metal concentrations with regression analysis and water-quality surrogates at nine sites on the Animas and San Juan Rivers, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5116. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U. S. Environmental Protection Age

Spatial data sets to support conservation planning along the Colorado River in Utah

With the help of local and regional natural resource professionals, we developed a broad-scale, spatially-explicit assessment of 146 miles (~20,000 acres) of the Colorado River mainstem in Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah that can be used to support conservation planning and riparian restoration prioritization. For the assessment we: 1) acquired, modified or created spatial datasets of Colorado R

Topographic Survey and Streambed-Sediment Data of Fountain Creek between Colorado Springs and the Confluence of Fountain Creek at the Arkansas River, Colorado, 2018

In 2012, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with Colorado Springs Utilities selected 10 study reaches along Fountain Creek between Colorado Springs, Colorado and the confluence of Fountain Creek with the Arkansas River for annual bed and bank characterization and topographic surveys. The 10 study reaches are approximately 5 to 20 bank-full channel widths in length. Data were collecte

Data release for estimating soil respiration in a subalpine landscape using point, terrain, climate and greenness data

Landscape carbon (C) flux estimates are necessary for assessing the ability of terrestrial ecosystems to buffer further increases in anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Advances in remote sensing have allowed for coarse-scale estimates of gross primary productivity (GPP) (e.g., MODIS 17), yet efforts to assess spatial patterns in respiration lag behind those of GPP. Here, we demonstrate

Data release for Time series of high-resolution images enhances efforts to monitor post-fire condition and recovery, Waldo Canyon fire, Colorado, USA

Interpretations of post-fire condition and rates of vegetation recovery can influence management priorities, actions, and perception of latent risks from landslides and floods. In this study, we used the Waldo Canyon fire (2012, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA) as a case study to explore how a time series (2011-2016) of high-resolution images can be used to delineate burn extent and severity, as w

Spatial datasets to support analysis of the influence of tributary junctions on patterns of fluvial features and riparian vegetation along the Colorado and Dolores Rivers (Utah and Colorado).

To examine potential influence of tributaries on riparian habitat complexity along ~216 km of the Colorado River in Utah and ~300km of the Dolores River in Colorado and Utah, we first classified fluvial features and land cover of the bottomland on remotely sensed imagery. We then examined riparian and geomorphic patterns within the near channel zone with variably-sized spatial units. We used super
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