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Staff of USGS Science Centers in Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin collect a wide variety of natural resource data types including spatial, geologic, hydrologic, and biologic. Data included in USGS-series publications that are not publicly available in USGS databases are published in Data Releases. Short descriptions and links to Data Releases produced by Region 7 Science Centers are shown below.

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Bedrock geologic map database for the Durango 1-degree x 2-degree quadrangle, southern Colorado: Contributions to the National Geologic Map (ver. 2.0, June 2024)

This data release presents geologic map data for the bedrock geology of the Durango 1-degree by 2-degree quadrangle. Geologic mapping incorporates new interpretive contributions and compilation from published geologic map data sources primarily ranging from 1:24,000 to 1:50,000 scale. Much of the geology incorporated from published geologic maps is adjusted based on digital elevation model and nat

Surficial geologic map database of the Durango 1-degree by 2-degree quadrangle, southern Colorado: Contributions to the National Geologic Map

This data release presents geologic map data for the surficial geology of the Durango 1-degree by 2-degree quadrangle and adjacent areas along the northern boundary of the quadrangle. The map area lies within two physiographic provinces of Fenneman (1928): the Southern Rocky Mountains province, and the Colorado Plateau province, Navajo section. Geologic mapping is mostly compiled from published ge

Data release for Independent age estimates resolve the controversy of ancient human footprints at White Sands

Human footprints at White Sands National Park, New Mexico, USA, reportedly date to between ~23,000 and 21,000 years ago according to radiocarbon dating of seeds from the aquatic plant Ruppia cirrhosa. These ages remain controversial because of potential old carbon reservoir effects that could compromise their accuracy. We present new calibrated 14C ages of terrestrial pollen collected from the sam

Reduced representation sequencing and genotyping of Arizona Toads (Anaxyrus microscaphus) from the southwestern United States

The dataset consists of genotypes (diploid base calls at variant sites) at 3,601 anonymous sites of the Arizona Toad (Anaxyrus microscaphus) nuclear genome. The genotyped samples are representative of the range of the species and its major population units, and the genotyped loci have a high degree of completeness. This data release consists of several files: 1. sample.metadata.txt, which contain

Occurrences of Apis mellifera filamentous virus (AmFV) sequences in public accessions of Apis mellifera and Varroa destructor

Honey bees (Apis mellifera), a critical agricultural pollinator in many areas, have a high rate of infection with a large DNA virus, Apis mellifera filamentous virus (AmFV), yet little is known about its ecology or impact on honey bee colonies, other than its ubiquity and apparent low virulence. This study scanned over 5,000 public data sets to detect AmFV sequences in honey bees as well as a para

Vegetation and geomorphic surfaces in the Elwha River delta, Washington, after dam removal, derived from 2016 and 2018 aerial imagery and 2007, 2014, and 2018 field surveys

Removal of two large dams from the Elwha River, Washington USA, in 2011-2014 released ~20.5 metric tons (Mt) of impounded sediment, ~5.4 Mt of which was deposited in the river delta and estuary. This dataset presents measurements of geomorphic surfaces, vegetation colonization, and plant community development in the Elwha River delta and estuary after dam removal. Geomorphic surfaces and vegetatio

Capsaicin-treated bait trials for Argentine Black and White Tegu lizards in Georgia and Florida, USA 2020-2021

Invasive Argentine Black and White Tegu lizards (Salvator merianae) are trapped with chicken eggs when populations are discovered in the United States. Unfortunately, non-targeted mammals are trapped in tegu lizard traps which reduces trap efficacy. We evaluated if non-target mammal captures could be reduced by coating the chicken eggs with a known irritant to mammals (capsaicin) while maintaining

Sample collection information and microsatellite data for Northern Black Swifts in 6 colonies across Colorado, New Mexico and Idaho

This dataset contains sample collection information and microsatellite genotype data for Northern Black Swifts in 6 colonies across Colorado, New Mexico and Idaho. This data was collected to examine levels of genetic diversity and connectivity among Black Swift colonies and also to assess parentage at a subset of those sites. This study helps clarify the breeding system of the Black Swift and is t

Data on black-tailed prairie dog body mass, distance to nearest male and female black-footed ferret, distance to nearest American badger, and reencounter from early to late summer 2005 (Montana) and 2009 (South Dakota)

Our study was conducted in 2005 on 3 colonies of black-tailed prairie dogs on lands in Phillips County, Montana administered by the Bureau of Land Management and in 2009 on a colony of black-tailed prairie dogs on Buffalo Gap National Grassland, Pennington County, South Dakota managed by U.S. Forest Service. We live-trapped black-tailed prairie dogs in daylight with wire mesh traps and marked thei

Data on the effects of F1-V plague antigen vaccination and deltamethrin dust on black-tailed prairie dog annual survival and flea parasitism, South Dakota, 2007-2009

We studied black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) on the Conata Basin, Buffalo Gap National Grassland, South Dakota, USA, 2007-2009. We live-trapped and sampled prairie dogs in 2007 (before known invasion of the plague bacterium Yersinia pestis), 2008 (the year of confirmed invasion), and 2009 (after invasion). Sampling was completed on three 9-ha plots treated annually with deltamethrin

Data on flea control using lufenuron and nitenpyram baits with black-tailed prairie dogs, South Dakota, 2021

We collected fleas from a colony of black-tailed prairie dogs on Buffalo Gap National Grassland, South Dakota, 2021. We collected flea data by combing prairie dogs and swabbing their burrows for fleas. Regarding combing, we anesthetized trapped prairie dogs (and their fleas) with isoflurane in induction chambers for processing. We combed each individual with a fine-tooth comb for 30 seconds to rem

North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Integrated Summer Species Distribution Model: Predicted Tricolored Bat Occupancy Probabilities

These data contain the results from the North American Bat Monitoring Program's (NABat) integrated species distribution model (iSDM) for tricolored bats (Perimyotis subflavus). The provided tabular data include predictions (with uncertainty) for tricolored bat occupancy probabilities (i.e., probability of presence) based on data from the entire summer season (May 1–Aug 31), averaged from 2017-2022
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