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PopEquus: A Predictive Modeling Tool to Support Management Decisions for Free-roaming Horse Populations, Version 1.0.1

February 21, 2023

PopEquus is a website application that can be used to understand trade-offs and inform decisions in free-roaming horse (Equus caballus) population management. The application ( contains a predictive population modeling tool that can be used to simulate how different management actions drive changes in horse population size, while measuring management costs and other metrics related to management. Users can specify features of a horse population and select from among six management actions to be applied to the population, either alone or in combination with other actions. The model then projects how population size might be expected to change through time, given the selected management alternatives, while accounting for important metrics related to management decisions. Results are summarized with figures, tables, and text. In general, PopEquus provides users (e.g., natural resource managers, stakeholders, etc.) a tool to understand trade-offs that arise among management alternatives and ultimately helps identify management alternatives that might be effective at maintaining populations within target population size ranges, minimizing handling of horses during management, and reducing cost. The application includes documentation about how it works and guidance for users.

Publication Year 2023
Title PopEquus: A Predictive Modeling Tool to Support Management Decisions for Free-roaming Horse Populations, Version 1.0.1
DOI 10.5066/P9NMRQDG
Authors Brian P Folt, Lars S Ekernas, David R Edmunds, Mark T Hannon, Kathryn A Schoenecker
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Fort Collins Science Center
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