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USGS Projects in Afghanistan

For more than 75 years, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been involved in projects in dozens of countries that focus on helping cooperators develop mineral, water, and energy resources, identify hazards, utilize remote sensing and mapmaking technologies, and access geosciences information. 


Virtual training prepared for the former Afghanistan Ministry of Energy and Water—Streamgaging, fluvial sediment sampling, bathymetry, and streamflow and sediment modeling

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) created a virtual training series for the Afghanistan Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW), now known as the National Water Affairs Regulation Authority (NWARA), to provide critical hydrological training as an alternative to an in-person training. The USGS was scheduled to provide in-person surface-water training for NWARA during 2020; however, travel was...
Joel T. Groten, Joshua F. Valder, Brenda K. Densmore, Logan W. Neal, Justin Krahulik, Thomas J. Mack

Remote sensing inventory and geospatial analysis of brick kilns and clay quarrying in Kabul, Afghanistan

Reconstruction and urban development in Kabul, Afghanistan, has prompted vast expansion of the clay quarrying and brick making industry. This study identified the extent and distribution of clay quarrying and brick kilns in the greater Kabul area between 1965 and 2018. Very high-resolution satellite imagery was interpreted to quantify and characterize the type, number, and location of...
Jessica D. DeWitt, Peter G. Chirico, Marissa A. Alessi, Kathleen M Boston

Managing the water-energy-food nexus: Opportunities in Central Asia

This article examines impacts of infrastructure development and climate variability on economic outcomes for the Amu Darya Basin in Central Asia. It aims to identify the most economically productive mix of expanded reservoir storage for economic benefit sharing to occur, in which economic welfare of all riparians is improved. Policies examined include four combinations of storage...
Shokhrukh Jaliliv, Saud A. Amer, Frank Ward
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