The Natural Water Cycle
Learn about water science through pictures!
Detailed Description
Diagram of the process of water use from source (surface water, groundwater, reuse water) through transmission, utility reservoir, water treatment, distribution, and withdrawal for industry, residential, and commercial.
Diagram of the process of water use from source (surface water, groundwater, reuse water) through transmission, utility reservoir, water treatment, distribution, and withdrawal for industry, residential, and commercial.
USGS scientists walk into the Rio Grande to collect water samples for a PFAS study near Valle de Oro, New Mexico.
linkUSGS scientists Kimberly Beisner and Keely Miltenberger walk into the Rio Grande to collect water samples for a PFAS study near Valle de Oro, New Mexico.
USGS scientists walk into the Rio Grande to collect water samples for a PFAS study near Valle de Oro, New Mexico.
linkUSGS scientists Kimberly Beisner and Keely Miltenberger walk into the Rio Grande to collect water samples for a PFAS study near Valle de Oro, New Mexico.
This diagram, released in English and Spanish in 2022, depicts the global water cycle. It shows how human water use affects where water is stored, how it moves, and how clean it is. This diagram is also available in other languages available on our Downloadable Products page.
This diagram, released in English and Spanish in 2022, depicts the global water cycle. It shows how human water use affects where water is stored, how it moves, and how clean it is. This diagram is also available in other languages available on our Downloadable Products page.
This diagram, released in English and Spanish in 2022, depicts the global water cycle. It shows how human water use affects where water is stored, how it moves, and how clean it is. This diagram is also available in other languages available on our Downloadable Products page.
This diagram, released in English and Spanish in 2022, depicts the global water cycle. It shows how human water use affects where water is stored, how it moves, and how clean it is. This diagram is also available in other languages available on our Downloadable Products page.
This diagram, released in English and Spanish in 2022, depicts the global water cycle. It shows how human water use affects where water is stored, how it moves, and how clean it is. This diagram is also available in other languages available on our Downloadable Products page.
This diagram, released in English and Spanish in 2022, depicts the global water cycle. It shows how human water use affects where water is stored, how it moves, and how clean it is. This diagram is also available in other languages available on our Downloadable Products page.
Where is Earth’s water? Series of 3 interconnected tree maps for all Earth’s water, all freshwater, and surface & other freshwater. All Earth’s water tree map is broken down in size order displaying oceans, other saline water, and freshwater.
Where is Earth’s water? Series of 3 interconnected tree maps for all Earth’s water, all freshwater, and surface & other freshwater. All Earth’s water tree map is broken down in size order displaying oceans, other saline water, and freshwater.
Where is Earth’s water? Series of 3 landscapes depicting where water is in blue for all Earth’s water, all freshwater, and surface & other freshwater.
Where is Earth’s water? Series of 3 landscapes depicting where water is in blue for all Earth’s water, all freshwater, and surface & other freshwater.
This diagram, released in 2022, depicts the global water cycle. It shows how human water use affects where water is stored, how it moves, and how clean it is. This diagram is available in English and Spanish.
This diagram, released in 2022, depicts the global water cycle. It shows how human water use affects where water is stored, how it moves, and how clean it is. This diagram is available in English and Spanish.
Este diagrama, publicado en 2022, representa el ciclo global del agua. Muestra cómo el uso humano del agua afecta dónde se almacena el agua, cómo se mueve y qué tan limpia es. Este diagrama está disponible en inglés y en español.
Este diagrama, publicado en 2022, representa el ciclo global del agua. Muestra cómo el uso humano del agua afecta dónde se almacena el agua, cómo se mueve y qué tan limpia es. Este diagrama está disponible en inglés y en español.
A thumbnail image of the first slide of the virtual release party for the new Water Cycle Diagram. The party was titled Stories of the Water Cycle.
A thumbnail image of the first slide of the virtual release party for the new Water Cycle Diagram. The party was titled Stories of the Water Cycle.
Hey, I'm Drippy!
Hi, I'm Salty, Drippy's saline counterpart! Did you know that one way to produce table salt is to evaporate saline water in evaporation ponds, a technique used by people for thousands of years?
Hi, I'm Salty, Drippy's saline counterpart! Did you know that one way to produce table salt is to evaporate saline water in evaporation ponds, a technique used by people for thousands of years?
AQSh Geologiya xizmati va Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotining Oziq-ovqat va qishloq xo'jaligi tashkiloti (FAO) maktablar uchun suv aylanishining sxemasini ishlab chiqdi.
Shahriyor Toshevning tarjimasi Geologiya fanlari universiteti magistranti
AQSh Geologiya xizmati va Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotining Oziq-ovqat va qishloq xo'jaligi tashkiloti (FAO) maktablar uchun suv aylanishining sxemasini ishlab chiqdi.
Shahriyor Toshevning tarjimasi Geologiya fanlari universiteti magistranti
332,5 million kub mil suvning 96 foizdan ko'prog'ini sho'r suv bilan ta'minlaydigan dunyoning umumiy suv ta'minoti qanday ekanligiga e'tibor bering. Umumiy chuchuk suvlarning 68 foizdan ko'prog'i muz va muzliklarda yashiringan. Chuchuk suvning yana 30 foizi er ostidadir.
332,5 million kub mil suvning 96 foizdan ko'prog'ini sho'r suv bilan ta'minlaydigan dunyoning umumiy suv ta'minoti qanday ekanligiga e'tibor bering. Umumiy chuchuk suvlarning 68 foizdan ko'prog'i muz va muzliklarda yashiringan. Chuchuk suvning yana 30 foizi er ostidadir.
Learn About Water!
Learn About Water!
АҚШ Геологиялық қызметі мен БҰҰ Азық-түлік және ауылшаруашылық ұйымы (ФАО) мектептер үшін су айналымының сызбасын жасады.
АҚШ Геологиялық қызметі мен БҰҰ Азық-түлік және ауылшаруашылық ұйымы (ФАО) мектептер үшін су айналымының сызбасын жасады.
Жер шарындағы су әрдайым қозғалыста болады. Гидрологиялық цикл ретінде белгілі табиғи су айналымы судың Жер бетіндегі және астындағы үздіксіз қозғалысын сипаттайды. Табиғатта су сұйық, мұз және бу күйінде кездеседі. Ол үнемі бір күйден екінші күйге ауысып отырады және бұл үдеріс миллиондаған жылдар бойы жүріп келеді.
Жер шарындағы су әрдайым қозғалыста болады. Гидрологиялық цикл ретінде белгілі табиғи су айналымы судың Жер бетіндегі және астындағы үздіксіз қозғалысын сипаттайды. Табиғатта су сұйық, мұз және бу күйінде кездеседі. Ол үнемі бір күйден екінші күйге ауысып отырады және бұл үдеріс миллиондаған жылдар бойы жүріп келеді.
The World's Water - Distribution of Earth's Water
The World's Water - Distribution of Earth's Water