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September 15, 2023

Reproducible workflows and stakeholder engagement enable open forecasts that are valuable for decision makers. 

Decisions depend on our ability to predict the future with imperfect information. Forecasts that offer both predictions and uncertainty information are valuable tools for decision makers. Transparent decision making is essential to gain public trust.  

One decision-making scenario that USGS work supports involves drinking water for the people of New York City (NYC). Managers need to sensibly release some reservoir water to cool stream temperatures in the Delaware River Basin. This water release is crucial for protecting trout and other important species in the basin. However, managers also need to ensure that they reserve enough water supply for NYC. They have created a "thermal bank," a set volume of water available for release, to use when river site temperatures are expected to exceed 75°F. Predicting these temperature spikes can be challenging, and that is one area where USGS can help.  

Scientists at USGS have developed forecasts of stream water temperature with associated uncertainties in the Delaware River Basin. We use public datasets to teach deep learning models how to accurately predict stream temperature dynamics.  Each day, our model makes public forecasts of stream temperature. These forecasts help reservoir managers anticipate warm periods and release the appropriate amount of water. The forecasts are also useful for ecotourists and other scientists in the basin.   

We engaged NYC reservoir managers at many stages in the development process. Their feedback was instrumental for creating an effective open science product. They provided input on the model setup, forecast visualization, and data delivery. This input enabled us to produce a tool that is useful for water management decision making.  

We provide all our code, datasets, and methods in open access repositories. This transparency allows others to build upon and learn from our experiences. 



Journal Article 1:

Journal Article 2:

Data Release 1:

Data Release 2: 

Data Release 3:

Code Release:


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