Adam Ringler, Ph.D.
I am a scientist at the Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory. I like to work on problems related to instrumentation and data quality. If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me.
Ringler, A. T., R. E. Anthony, R. C. Aster, C. J. Ammon, S. Arrowsmith, H. Benz, C. Ebeling, W. -Y. Kim, H. C. P. Lau, V. Lekić, P. G. Richards, D. P. Schaff, M. Vallée, and W. Yeck (2021). Achievements and prospects of global broadband seismic networks after 30 years of continuous geophysical observations, in review.
Ringler, A. T., R. E. Anthony, P. Davis, K. Hafner, R. Mellors, S. Schneider, and D. C. Wilson (2021). Improved resolution across the Global Seismographic Network: A new era in low-frequency seismology, in review.
Anthony, R. E., A. T. Ringler, and D. C. Wilson (2021). Seismic background noise levels across the Continental United States from USArray Transportable Array: The influence of geology and geopgraphy, in review.
Yang, Y., X. Song, and A. T. Ringler (2021). An evaluation of the timing accuracy of global and regional seismic stations and networks, Seis. Res. Lett., in press.
Wilson, D. C., E. Wolin, W. Yeck, R. E. Anthony, and A. T. Ringler (2021). Modeling seismic network detection thresholds using production picking algorithms, Seis. Res. Lett., in press.
Ringler, A. T. and R. E. Anthony (2021). Local variations in broadband sensor installations: Orientations, sensitivities, and noise levels, Pure Appl. Geophys., in press.
Zürn, W., T. Forbriger, R. Widmer-Schnidrig, P. Duffner, and A. T. Ringler (2021). Modeling tilt noise caused by atmospheric processes at long periods for several horizontal seismometers at BFO - A reprise, Geophys. J. Int., DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab336 [Link]
Ringler, A. T., D. B. Mason, G. Laske, T. Storm, and M. Templeton (2021). Why do my squiggles look funny? A gallery of compromised seismic signals, Seis. Res. Lett., DOI: 10.1785/0220210094 [Link]
Ringler, A. T., R. E. Anthony, C. A. Dalton, and D. C. Wilson (2021). Rayleigh-wave amplitude uncertainty across the Global Seismographic Network and potential implications for global tomography, Bull. Seis. Soc. Amer., 111 (3), 1273-1292. [Link]
Ringler, A. T., R. E. Anthony, D. C. Wilson, D. Auerbach, S. Bargabus, P. Davis, M. Gunnels, K. Hafner, J. F. Holland, A. Kearns, and E. Klimczak (2021). A review of timing accuracy across the Global Seismographic Network, Seis. Res. Lett., 92 (4), 2270-2281 [Link]
Anthony, R. E., A. T. Ringler, M. DuVernois, K. R. Anderson, and D. C. Wilson (2021). Six decades of seismology at South Pole, Antarctica: Current limitiations and future opportunities to facilitate new geophysical observations, Seis. Res. Lett., 92 (5), 2718-2735. [Link]
Tape, C., A. T. Ringler, and D. L. Hampton (2020). Recording the Aurora at seismometers across Alaska, Seis. Res. Lett., 91 (6), 3039-3053. [Link]
Alejandro, A. C. B., A. T. Ringler, D. C. Wilson, R. E. Anthony, and S. V. Moore (2020). Towards understanding relationships between atmo
Science and Products
Auroras and Earthquakes: Strange Companions
U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program decadal science strategy, 2024–33
Evaluation of an open earthquake early warning system in Mexico, and laboratory tests of their sensors
Reply to “comment on ‘an evaluation of the timing accuracy of global and regional seismic stations and networks’ by Yang et al. (2021)” by Xin Zhang and Lianxing Wen
Uncertainty and spatial correlation in station measurements for mb magnitude estimation
Apparent non-double-couple components as artifacts of moment tensor inversion
Preface to focus section on new frontiers and advances in global seismology
Noise constraints on global body‐wave measurement thresholds
Background seismic noise levels among the Caribbean network and the role of station proximity to coastline
Erratum to an evaluation of the timing accuracy of global and regional seismic stations and networks
Global seismic networks operated by the U.S. Geological Survey
Increasing ocean wave energy observed in Earth’s seismic wavefield since the late 20th century
Comment on “A new decade in seismoacoustics (2010–2022)” by Fransiska Dannemann Dugick, Clinton Koch, Elizabeth Berg, Stephen Arrowsmith, and Sarah Albert
ASL Sensor Test Suite
This program is used to analyze various aspects of seismic sensor data in order to determine information about their configuration, such as gain and orientation.
Science and Products
Auroras and Earthquakes: Strange Companions
U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program decadal science strategy, 2024–33
Evaluation of an open earthquake early warning system in Mexico, and laboratory tests of their sensors
Reply to “comment on ‘an evaluation of the timing accuracy of global and regional seismic stations and networks’ by Yang et al. (2021)” by Xin Zhang and Lianxing Wen
Uncertainty and spatial correlation in station measurements for mb magnitude estimation
Apparent non-double-couple components as artifacts of moment tensor inversion
Preface to focus section on new frontiers and advances in global seismology
Noise constraints on global body‐wave measurement thresholds
Background seismic noise levels among the Caribbean network and the role of station proximity to coastline
Erratum to an evaluation of the timing accuracy of global and regional seismic stations and networks
Global seismic networks operated by the U.S. Geological Survey
Increasing ocean wave energy observed in Earth’s seismic wavefield since the late 20th century
Comment on “A new decade in seismoacoustics (2010–2022)” by Fransiska Dannemann Dugick, Clinton Koch, Elizabeth Berg, Stephen Arrowsmith, and Sarah Albert
ASL Sensor Test Suite
This program is used to analyze various aspects of seismic sensor data in order to determine information about their configuration, such as gain and orientation.