Alexa J. McKerrow, PhD (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 1731
Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus) bWAVIx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Warbling Vireo. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Sagebrush Vole (Lemmiscus curtatus) mSAVOx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Sagebrush Vole. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Mt. Graham Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis) mRESQg_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Mt. Graham Red Squirrel. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) mPTPDx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Black-tailed Prairie Dog. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Graphic Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus grammicus) rGPSLx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Graphic Spiny Lizard. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Olympic Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa olympica) mSEWEo_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Mountain Beaver olympica. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Silky Pocket Mouse (Perognathus flavus) mSLMOx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Silky Pocket Mouse. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Merriam's Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami) mMKRAx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Merriam's Kangaroo Rat. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Red-faced Warbler (Cardellina rubrifrons) bRFWAx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Red-faced Warbler. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Chihuahuan Black-headed Snake (Tantilla wilcoxi) rCBHSx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Chihuahuan Black-headed Snake. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Loggerhead Musk Turtle (Sternotherus minor) rLMTUx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Loggerhead Musk Turtle. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Desert Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos) rDHLIx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Desert Horned Lizard. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Filter Total Items: 34
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 1731
Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus) bWAVIx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Warbling Vireo. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Sagebrush Vole (Lemmiscus curtatus) mSAVOx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Sagebrush Vole. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Mt. Graham Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis) mRESQg_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Mt. Graham Red Squirrel. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) mPTPDx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Black-tailed Prairie Dog. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Graphic Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus grammicus) rGPSLx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Graphic Spiny Lizard. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Olympic Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa olympica) mSEWEo_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Mountain Beaver olympica. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Silky Pocket Mouse (Perognathus flavus) mSLMOx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Silky Pocket Mouse. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Merriam's Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami) mMKRAx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Merriam's Kangaroo Rat. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Red-faced Warbler (Cardellina rubrifrons) bRFWAx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Red-faced Warbler. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Chihuahuan Black-headed Snake (Tantilla wilcoxi) rCBHSx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Chihuahuan Black-headed Snake. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Loggerhead Musk Turtle (Sternotherus minor) rLMTUx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Loggerhead Musk Turtle. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Desert Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos) rDHLIx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map
This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Desert Horned Lizard. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.
Filter Total Items: 34