Bernard A. Chouet, PhD (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 86
Spatial extent of a hydrothermal system at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, determined from array analyses of shallow long-period seismicity 1. Method
We present a probabilistic method to locate the source of seismic events using seismic antennas. The method is based on a comparison of the event azimuths and slownesses derived from frequency-slowness analyses of array data, with a slowness vector model. Several slowness vector models are considered including both homogeneous and horizontally layered half-spaces and also a more complex medium rep
J. Almendros, B. Chouet, P. Dawson
Trends in long-period seismicity related to magmatic fluid compositions
Sound speeds and densities are calculated for three different types of fluids: gas-gas mixture; ash-gas mixture; and bubbly liquid. These fluid properties are used to calculate the impedance contrast (Z) and crack stiffness (C) in the fluid-driven crack model (Chouet: J. Geophys. Res., 91 (1986) 13,967; 101 (1988) 4375; A seismic model for the source of long-period events and harmonic tremor. In:
M.M. Morrissey, B. A. Chouet
The dependence of acoustic properties of a crack on the resonance mode and geometry
We examine the dependence of the acoustic properties of a crack containing magmatic or hydrothermal fluids on the resonance mode and geometry to quantify the source properties of long-period (LP) events observed in volcanic areas. Our results, based on spectral analyses of synthetic waveforms generated with a fluid-driven crack model, indicate that the basic features of the dimensionless frequency
Hiroyuki Kumagai, B. A. Chouet
Evolution of the December 14, 1989 precursory long-period event swarm at Redoubt volcano, Alaska
The intermittency pattern and evolution in waveforms of long-period (LP) seismic events during the intense, 23-h swarm that preceded the December 14, 1989 eruption of Redoubt volcano are investigated. Utilizing cross correlation to exploit the high degree of similarity among waveforms, a substantially more complete event catalog is generated than was available from near realtime detection based on
C.D. Stephens, B. A. Chouet
Wavefield properties of a shallow long-period event and tremor at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
The wavefields of tremor and a long-period (LP) event associated with the ongoing eruptive activity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, are investigated using a combination of dense small-aperture (300 m) and sparse large-aperture (5 km) arrays deployed in the vicinity of the summit caldera. Measurements of azimuth and slowness for tremor recorded on the small-aperture array indicate a bimodal nature of t
G. Saccorotti, B. Chouet, P. Dawson
Acoustic properties of a crack containing magmatic or hydrothermal fluids
We estimate the acoustic properties of a crack containing magmatic or hydrothermal fluids to quantify the source properties of long-period (LP) events observed in volcanic areas assuming that a crack-like structure is the source of LP events. The tails of synthetic waveforms obtained from a model of a fluid-driven crack are analyzed by the Sompi method to determine the complex frequencies of one o
Hiroyuki Kumagai, B. A. Chouet
Very long-period signals associated with vulcanian explosions at Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico
Very long period (VLP) seismic signals associated with large summit eruptions of Popocatepetl volcano in the last four years are investigated using data from a broadband seismometer (0.04-120 s) deployed on the north flank of the volcano at a radial distance of 5 km from the active crater. The VLP signals associated with individual eruptions share similar waveforms. Discrete VLP signals accompanyi
A. Arciniega-Ceballos, B. A. Chouet, P. Dawson
The complex frequencies of long-period seismic events as probes of fluid composition beneath volcanoes
Long-period (LP) events have been widely observed in relation to magmatic and hydrothermal activities in volcanic areas. LP waveforms characterized by their harmonic signature have been interpreted as oscillations of a fluid-filled resonator, and mixtures of liquid and gas in the form of bubbly liquids have been mainly assumed for the fluid. To investigate the characteristic properties of the reso
Hiroyuki Kumagai, B. A. Chouet
Broadband measurements of the sources of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
During September–October 1997, 21 three-component broadband seismometers were deployed on Stromboli Volcano at radial distances of 0.3–2.2 km from the active crater to investigate the source mechanisms of Strombolian explosions. In the 2–50 s band, the very-long period (VLP) signals associated with explosions are consistent with two stationary sources repeatedly activated in time. VLP particle mot
B. Chouet, G. Saccorotti, P. Dawson, M. Martini, R. Scarpa, G. De Luca, G. Milana, M. Cattaneo
Three-dimensional velocity structure of the Kilauea caldera, Hawaii
High-resolution velocity models (0.5 km resolution) of the Kilauea caldera region are obtained by the tomographic inversion of both P- and S-wave arrival times. Data are from the permanent Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) seismic network, a broadband seismic network, and a temporary array of stations centered on the southern boundary of the caldera. A low-velocity P-wave anomaly is imaged center
P.B. Dawson, B. A. Chouet, P. G. Okubo, A. Villasenor, H.M. Benz
Bayesian statistics applied to the location of the source of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
We present a method for determining the location and spatial extent of the source of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, based on a Bayesian inversion of the slowness vector derived from frequency-slowness analyses of array data. The method searches for source locations that minimize the error between the expected and observed slowness vectors. For a given set of model parameters, the conditio
G. Saccorotti, B. Chouet, M. Martini, R. Scarpa
Waveform inversion of very long period impulsive signals associated with magmatic injection beneath Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
We use data from broadband seismometers deployed around the summit of Kilauea Volcano to quantify the mechanism associated with a transient in the flow of magma feeding the east rift eruption of the volcano. The transient is marked by rapid inflation of the Kilauea summit peaking at 22 μrad 4.5 hours after the event onset, followed by slow deflation over a period of 3 days. Superimposed on the sum
T. Ohminato, B. A. Chouet, P. Dawson, S. Kedar
Non-USGS Publications**
Chouet, B. , and L. R. Young, Tracking with head position using an electro-optical monitor, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC-4, 192-204, 1974; also in Proc. 10th Ann. Conf. Manual Control , Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 1974.
McGetchin, T. R., M. Settle, and B. Chouet , Cinder cone growth modelled after North East Crater, Mt. Etna, Sicily, J. Geophys. Res., 79, 3257-3272, 1974.
Chouet, B. , N. T. Hamisevicz, and T. R. McGetchin, Photoballistics of volcanic jet activity at Stromboli, Italy, J. Geophys. Res., 79, 4961-4976, 1974.
Aki, K., and B. Chouet, Origin of coda waves: source, attenuation and scattering effects, J. Geophys. Res., 80, 3322-3342, 1975.
McGetchin, T. R., and B. Chouet , Energy transport mechanisms and apparent permeability of the Volcano Stromboli, Italy, in Solid Earth Geosciences Research Activities at LASL July 1-December 31, 1974 , compiled by T. R. McGetchin, Progress Report LA-5956-PR, Los Alamos National Lab., Los Alamos, NM, 73-77, 1975.
Chouet, B. , Source, scattering and attenuation effects on high frequency seismic waves, Ph.D. thesis, Mass. Inst. Tech., Cambridge, MA, 183 pp., 1976.
Aki, K., M. Bouchon, B. Chouet , and S. Das, Quantitative prediction of strong motion for a potential earthquake fault, Annali di Geofisica, 30, 341-368, 1977.
Chouet, B. , K. Aki, and M. Tsujiura, Regional variation of the scaling law of earthquake source spectra, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 68, 49-79, 1978.
Aki, K., B. Chouet , M. Fehler, G. Zandt, R. Koyanagi, J. Colp, and R. G. Hay, Seismic properties of a shallow magma reservoir in Kilauea Iki by active and passive experiments, J.Geophys. Res., 83, 2273-2282, 1978.
Chouet, B. , Temporal variation in the attenuation of earthquake coda near Stone Canyon, California, Geophys. Res. Lett., 6, 143-146, 1979.
Chouet, B. , Sources of seismic events in the cooling lava lake of Kilauea Iki, Hawaii, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 2315-2330, 1979.
McGetchin, T. R., and B. Chouet , Energy budget of the volcano Stromboli, Italy, Geophys. Res. Lett., 6, 317-320, 1979.
Chouet, B., and K. Aki, Seismic structure and seismicity of the cooling lava lake of Kilauea Iki, Hawaii, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 9, 41-56, 1981.
Chouet, B. , Ground motion in the near field of a fluid-driven crack and its interpretation in the study of shallow volcanic tremor, J. Geophys. Res., 86, 5985-6016, 1981.
Chouet, B. , Free surface displacements in the near field of a tensile crack expanding in three dimensions, J. Geophys. Res., 87, 3868-3872, 1982.
Fehler, M., and B. Chouet, Operation of a digital seismic network on Mt. St. Helens volcano and observations of long-period seismic events that originate under the volcano, Geophys. Res. Lett., 9, 1017-1020, 1982.
Chouet, B., Ground motion near an expanding preexisting crack, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 19, 367-379, 1983.
Chouet, B. , and B. R. Julian, Dynamics of an expanding fluid-filled crack, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 11,187-11,198, 1985.
Lee, W. H. K., K. Aki, B. Chouet , P. Johnson, S. Marks, J. T. Newberry, A. S. Ryall, S. M. Stewart, and D. M. Tottingham, A preliminary study of coda Q in California and Nevada, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 76, 1143-1150, 1986.
Chouet, B. , Dynamics of a fluid-driven crack in three dimensions by the finite difference method, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 13,967-13,992, 1986.
Chouet, B. , Representation of an extended seismic source in a propagator-based formalism, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 77, 14-27, 1987.
Peng, J. Y., K. Aki, B. Chouet , P. Johnson, W. H. K. Lee, S. Marks, J. T. Newberry, A. S. Ryall, S. W. Stewart, and D. M. Tottingham, Temporal change in coda Q associated with the Round Valley, California, earthquake of November 23, 1984, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 3507-3526, 1987.
Chouet, B., Quantitative volcano seismology applied to the study of magmatic and eruptive processes, contribution to U.S. Geol. Surv. Circular on the Long-Range Plan for the USGS Volcano Hazards Program, 17 pp., 1989.
Alaska Volcano Observatory Staff, The 1989-1990 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, EOS, 71, 265-275, 1990.
Ferrazzini, V., B. Chouet , M. Fehler, and Aki, K., Quantitative analysis of long-period events recorded during hydrofracture experiments at Fenton Hill, New Mexico, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 21,871-21,884, 1990.
Ferrazzini, V., K. Aki, and B. Chouet , Characteristics of seismic waves composing Hawaiian volcanic tremor and gas-piston events observed by a near-source array, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 6,199-6,209, 1991.
Chouet, B. , A Seismic Model for the Source of Long-Period Events and Harmonic Tremor, in Volcanic Seismology, P. Gasparini, R. Scarpa and K. Aki (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 133-156, 1992.
Alaska Volcano Observatory , Mt. Spurr's 1992 eruptions, EOS, 74, 217 and 221-222, 1993.
Goldstein, P., and B. Chouet , Array measurements and modeling of sources of shallow volcanic tremor at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 2637-2652, 1994.
Stephens, C. D., B. A. Chouet , R. A. Page, J. C. Lahr, and J. A. Power, Seismological aspects of the 1989-1990 eruptions at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: the SSAM perspective, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 62, 153-182, 1994.
Lahr, J. C., B. A. Chouet , C. D. Stephens, J. A. Power, and R. A. Page, Earthquake classification, location, and error analysis in a volcanic environment: implications for the magmatic system of the 1989-1990 eruptions at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 62, 137-151, 1994.
Chouet, B. A. , Dawson, P. B., Falsaperla, S., and E. Privitera, A characterization of long-period events recorded during the eruptive activity of Mount Etna, Italy, in 1992, Acta Vulcanologica, 4, 81-86, 1994.
Chouet, B. A. , Long-period volcano seismicity: Its source and use in eruption forecasting, Nature, 380, 309{316, 1996.
Chouet, B. A. , New methods and future trends in seismological volcano monitoring, in Monitoring and Mitigation of Volcano Hazards, R. Scarpa and R. I. Tilling (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 23-97, 1996.
Ohminato, T, and B. A. Chouet , A free-surface boundary condition for including 3D topography in the finite difference method, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 87, 494-515, 1997.
McNutt, S. R., Y. Ida, B. A. Chouet , P. Okubo, J. Oikawa, and G.Saccorotti (Japanese-U. S. Working Group on Volcano Seismology), Kilauea Volcano provides hot seismic data for joint Japanese-U. S. experiment, EOS, 78, pp. 105, 111, 1997.
Chouet, B. , P. Dawson, G. De Luca, M. Martini, G. Milana, G. Saccorotti, and R. Scarpa, Array analyses of seismic wavefields radiated by eruptive activity at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, CNR-Gruppo Nazionale per la Vulcanologia, Felici Press, Pisa, 158 pp., 1998.
Chouet, B. , P. Dawson, G. De Luca, M. Martini, G. Milana, G. Saccorotti, and R. Scarpa, Array analyses of seismic sources at Stromboli, Acta Vulcanologica, 10, 367-382, 1998.
Dawson, P. B., B. A. Chouet , P. G. Okubo, A. Villaseñor, and H. M. Benz, Three-dimensional velocity structure of Kilauea caldera, Hawaii, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2805-2808, 1999.
Almendros, J., B. Chouet , and P. Dawson, Array detection of a moving source, Seism. Res. Lett., 73, 153-165, 2002.
Falsaperla, S., E. Privitera, B. Chouet , and P. Dawson, Analysis of long-period events recorded at Mount Etna (Italy) in 1992, and their relationship to eruptive activity, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 114, 419-440, 2002.
Hidayat, D., B. Chouet , B. Voight, P. Dawson, and A. Ratdomopurbo, Correction to "Source mechanism of very-long-period signals accompanying dome growth activity at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia", Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(10), 1502, 2003.
Chouet, B. , P. Dawson, T. Ohminato, M. Martini, G. Saccorotti, F. Giudicepietro, G. De Luca, G. Milana, and R. Scarpa, Source mechanisms of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, determined from moment-tensor inversions of very-long-period data, J. Geophys. Res., 108(B1), 2019, 2003.
James, M. R., S. J. Lane, B. Chouet , and J. S. Gilbert, Pressure changes associated with the ascent and bursting of gas slugs in liquid-filled vertical and inclined conduits, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 129, 61-82, 2004.
Chouet, B. A. , and R. S. Matoza, A multi-decadal view of seismic methods for detecting precursors of magma movement and eruption, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 252, 108-175, 2013.
Chouet, B. , Introduction to Quantitative Volcano Seismology: Fluid-Driven Sources, in Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, Chapter 15, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C. Lopes, Cambridge University Press, pp. 331-358, 2013.
Matoza, R. S., A. Jolly, D. Fee, R. Johnson, B. Chouet , P. Dawson, G. Kilgour, B. Christenson, E. Garaebeti, A. lezzi, A. Austin, B. Kennedy, R. Fitzgerald, and N. Key, Seismo-acoustic wavefield of strombolian explosions at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu, using a broadband seismoacoustic network, infrasound arrays, and infrasonic sensors on tethered balloons, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141, 3566,, 2017.
Dawson, P., and B. Chouet , Long period seismicity at Mammoth Mountain, California, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 6751-6778,, 2019.
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 86
Spatial extent of a hydrothermal system at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, determined from array analyses of shallow long-period seismicity 1. Method
We present a probabilistic method to locate the source of seismic events using seismic antennas. The method is based on a comparison of the event azimuths and slownesses derived from frequency-slowness analyses of array data, with a slowness vector model. Several slowness vector models are considered including both homogeneous and horizontally layered half-spaces and also a more complex medium rep
J. Almendros, B. Chouet, P. Dawson
Trends in long-period seismicity related to magmatic fluid compositions
Sound speeds and densities are calculated for three different types of fluids: gas-gas mixture; ash-gas mixture; and bubbly liquid. These fluid properties are used to calculate the impedance contrast (Z) and crack stiffness (C) in the fluid-driven crack model (Chouet: J. Geophys. Res., 91 (1986) 13,967; 101 (1988) 4375; A seismic model for the source of long-period events and harmonic tremor. In:
M.M. Morrissey, B. A. Chouet
The dependence of acoustic properties of a crack on the resonance mode and geometry
We examine the dependence of the acoustic properties of a crack containing magmatic or hydrothermal fluids on the resonance mode and geometry to quantify the source properties of long-period (LP) events observed in volcanic areas. Our results, based on spectral analyses of synthetic waveforms generated with a fluid-driven crack model, indicate that the basic features of the dimensionless frequency
Hiroyuki Kumagai, B. A. Chouet
Evolution of the December 14, 1989 precursory long-period event swarm at Redoubt volcano, Alaska
The intermittency pattern and evolution in waveforms of long-period (LP) seismic events during the intense, 23-h swarm that preceded the December 14, 1989 eruption of Redoubt volcano are investigated. Utilizing cross correlation to exploit the high degree of similarity among waveforms, a substantially more complete event catalog is generated than was available from near realtime detection based on
C.D. Stephens, B. A. Chouet
Wavefield properties of a shallow long-period event and tremor at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
The wavefields of tremor and a long-period (LP) event associated with the ongoing eruptive activity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, are investigated using a combination of dense small-aperture (300 m) and sparse large-aperture (5 km) arrays deployed in the vicinity of the summit caldera. Measurements of azimuth and slowness for tremor recorded on the small-aperture array indicate a bimodal nature of t
G. Saccorotti, B. Chouet, P. Dawson
Acoustic properties of a crack containing magmatic or hydrothermal fluids
We estimate the acoustic properties of a crack containing magmatic or hydrothermal fluids to quantify the source properties of long-period (LP) events observed in volcanic areas assuming that a crack-like structure is the source of LP events. The tails of synthetic waveforms obtained from a model of a fluid-driven crack are analyzed by the Sompi method to determine the complex frequencies of one o
Hiroyuki Kumagai, B. A. Chouet
Very long-period signals associated with vulcanian explosions at Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico
Very long period (VLP) seismic signals associated with large summit eruptions of Popocatepetl volcano in the last four years are investigated using data from a broadband seismometer (0.04-120 s) deployed on the north flank of the volcano at a radial distance of 5 km from the active crater. The VLP signals associated with individual eruptions share similar waveforms. Discrete VLP signals accompanyi
A. Arciniega-Ceballos, B. A. Chouet, P. Dawson
The complex frequencies of long-period seismic events as probes of fluid composition beneath volcanoes
Long-period (LP) events have been widely observed in relation to magmatic and hydrothermal activities in volcanic areas. LP waveforms characterized by their harmonic signature have been interpreted as oscillations of a fluid-filled resonator, and mixtures of liquid and gas in the form of bubbly liquids have been mainly assumed for the fluid. To investigate the characteristic properties of the reso
Hiroyuki Kumagai, B. A. Chouet
Broadband measurements of the sources of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
During September–October 1997, 21 three-component broadband seismometers were deployed on Stromboli Volcano at radial distances of 0.3–2.2 km from the active crater to investigate the source mechanisms of Strombolian explosions. In the 2–50 s band, the very-long period (VLP) signals associated with explosions are consistent with two stationary sources repeatedly activated in time. VLP particle mot
B. Chouet, G. Saccorotti, P. Dawson, M. Martini, R. Scarpa, G. De Luca, G. Milana, M. Cattaneo
Three-dimensional velocity structure of the Kilauea caldera, Hawaii
High-resolution velocity models (0.5 km resolution) of the Kilauea caldera region are obtained by the tomographic inversion of both P- and S-wave arrival times. Data are from the permanent Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) seismic network, a broadband seismic network, and a temporary array of stations centered on the southern boundary of the caldera. A low-velocity P-wave anomaly is imaged center
P.B. Dawson, B. A. Chouet, P. G. Okubo, A. Villasenor, H.M. Benz
Bayesian statistics applied to the location of the source of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
We present a method for determining the location and spatial extent of the source of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, based on a Bayesian inversion of the slowness vector derived from frequency-slowness analyses of array data. The method searches for source locations that minimize the error between the expected and observed slowness vectors. For a given set of model parameters, the conditio
G. Saccorotti, B. Chouet, M. Martini, R. Scarpa
Waveform inversion of very long period impulsive signals associated with magmatic injection beneath Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
We use data from broadband seismometers deployed around the summit of Kilauea Volcano to quantify the mechanism associated with a transient in the flow of magma feeding the east rift eruption of the volcano. The transient is marked by rapid inflation of the Kilauea summit peaking at 22 μrad 4.5 hours after the event onset, followed by slow deflation over a period of 3 days. Superimposed on the sum
T. Ohminato, B. A. Chouet, P. Dawson, S. Kedar
Non-USGS Publications**
Chouet, B. , and L. R. Young, Tracking with head position using an electro-optical monitor, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC-4, 192-204, 1974; also in Proc. 10th Ann. Conf. Manual Control , Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 1974.
McGetchin, T. R., M. Settle, and B. Chouet , Cinder cone growth modelled after North East Crater, Mt. Etna, Sicily, J. Geophys. Res., 79, 3257-3272, 1974.
Chouet, B. , N. T. Hamisevicz, and T. R. McGetchin, Photoballistics of volcanic jet activity at Stromboli, Italy, J. Geophys. Res., 79, 4961-4976, 1974.
Aki, K., and B. Chouet, Origin of coda waves: source, attenuation and scattering effects, J. Geophys. Res., 80, 3322-3342, 1975.
McGetchin, T. R., and B. Chouet , Energy transport mechanisms and apparent permeability of the Volcano Stromboli, Italy, in Solid Earth Geosciences Research Activities at LASL July 1-December 31, 1974 , compiled by T. R. McGetchin, Progress Report LA-5956-PR, Los Alamos National Lab., Los Alamos, NM, 73-77, 1975.
Chouet, B. , Source, scattering and attenuation effects on high frequency seismic waves, Ph.D. thesis, Mass. Inst. Tech., Cambridge, MA, 183 pp., 1976.
Aki, K., M. Bouchon, B. Chouet , and S. Das, Quantitative prediction of strong motion for a potential earthquake fault, Annali di Geofisica, 30, 341-368, 1977.
Chouet, B. , K. Aki, and M. Tsujiura, Regional variation of the scaling law of earthquake source spectra, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 68, 49-79, 1978.
Aki, K., B. Chouet , M. Fehler, G. Zandt, R. Koyanagi, J. Colp, and R. G. Hay, Seismic properties of a shallow magma reservoir in Kilauea Iki by active and passive experiments, J.Geophys. Res., 83, 2273-2282, 1978.
Chouet, B. , Temporal variation in the attenuation of earthquake coda near Stone Canyon, California, Geophys. Res. Lett., 6, 143-146, 1979.
Chouet, B. , Sources of seismic events in the cooling lava lake of Kilauea Iki, Hawaii, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 2315-2330, 1979.
McGetchin, T. R., and B. Chouet , Energy budget of the volcano Stromboli, Italy, Geophys. Res. Lett., 6, 317-320, 1979.
Chouet, B., and K. Aki, Seismic structure and seismicity of the cooling lava lake of Kilauea Iki, Hawaii, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 9, 41-56, 1981.
Chouet, B. , Ground motion in the near field of a fluid-driven crack and its interpretation in the study of shallow volcanic tremor, J. Geophys. Res., 86, 5985-6016, 1981.
Chouet, B. , Free surface displacements in the near field of a tensile crack expanding in three dimensions, J. Geophys. Res., 87, 3868-3872, 1982.
Fehler, M., and B. Chouet, Operation of a digital seismic network on Mt. St. Helens volcano and observations of long-period seismic events that originate under the volcano, Geophys. Res. Lett., 9, 1017-1020, 1982.
Chouet, B., Ground motion near an expanding preexisting crack, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 19, 367-379, 1983.
Chouet, B. , and B. R. Julian, Dynamics of an expanding fluid-filled crack, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 11,187-11,198, 1985.
Lee, W. H. K., K. Aki, B. Chouet , P. Johnson, S. Marks, J. T. Newberry, A. S. Ryall, S. M. Stewart, and D. M. Tottingham, A preliminary study of coda Q in California and Nevada, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 76, 1143-1150, 1986.
Chouet, B. , Dynamics of a fluid-driven crack in three dimensions by the finite difference method, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 13,967-13,992, 1986.
Chouet, B. , Representation of an extended seismic source in a propagator-based formalism, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 77, 14-27, 1987.
Peng, J. Y., K. Aki, B. Chouet , P. Johnson, W. H. K. Lee, S. Marks, J. T. Newberry, A. S. Ryall, S. W. Stewart, and D. M. Tottingham, Temporal change in coda Q associated with the Round Valley, California, earthquake of November 23, 1984, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 3507-3526, 1987.
Chouet, B., Quantitative volcano seismology applied to the study of magmatic and eruptive processes, contribution to U.S. Geol. Surv. Circular on the Long-Range Plan for the USGS Volcano Hazards Program, 17 pp., 1989.
Alaska Volcano Observatory Staff, The 1989-1990 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, EOS, 71, 265-275, 1990.
Ferrazzini, V., B. Chouet , M. Fehler, and Aki, K., Quantitative analysis of long-period events recorded during hydrofracture experiments at Fenton Hill, New Mexico, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 21,871-21,884, 1990.
Ferrazzini, V., K. Aki, and B. Chouet , Characteristics of seismic waves composing Hawaiian volcanic tremor and gas-piston events observed by a near-source array, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 6,199-6,209, 1991.
Chouet, B. , A Seismic Model for the Source of Long-Period Events and Harmonic Tremor, in Volcanic Seismology, P. Gasparini, R. Scarpa and K. Aki (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 133-156, 1992.
Alaska Volcano Observatory , Mt. Spurr's 1992 eruptions, EOS, 74, 217 and 221-222, 1993.
Goldstein, P., and B. Chouet , Array measurements and modeling of sources of shallow volcanic tremor at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 2637-2652, 1994.
Stephens, C. D., B. A. Chouet , R. A. Page, J. C. Lahr, and J. A. Power, Seismological aspects of the 1989-1990 eruptions at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: the SSAM perspective, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 62, 153-182, 1994.
Lahr, J. C., B. A. Chouet , C. D. Stephens, J. A. Power, and R. A. Page, Earthquake classification, location, and error analysis in a volcanic environment: implications for the magmatic system of the 1989-1990 eruptions at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 62, 137-151, 1994.
Chouet, B. A. , Dawson, P. B., Falsaperla, S., and E. Privitera, A characterization of long-period events recorded during the eruptive activity of Mount Etna, Italy, in 1992, Acta Vulcanologica, 4, 81-86, 1994.
Chouet, B. A. , Long-period volcano seismicity: Its source and use in eruption forecasting, Nature, 380, 309{316, 1996.
Chouet, B. A. , New methods and future trends in seismological volcano monitoring, in Monitoring and Mitigation of Volcano Hazards, R. Scarpa and R. I. Tilling (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 23-97, 1996.
Ohminato, T, and B. A. Chouet , A free-surface boundary condition for including 3D topography in the finite difference method, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 87, 494-515, 1997.
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Chouet, B. , P. Dawson, T. Ohminato, M. Martini, G. Saccorotti, F. Giudicepietro, G. De Luca, G. Milana, and R. Scarpa, Source mechanisms of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, determined from moment-tensor inversions of very-long-period data, J. Geophys. Res., 108(B1), 2019, 2003.
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Chouet, B. A. , and R. S. Matoza, A multi-decadal view of seismic methods for detecting precursors of magma movement and eruption, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 252, 108-175, 2013.
Chouet, B. , Introduction to Quantitative Volcano Seismology: Fluid-Driven Sources, in Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, Chapter 15, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C. Lopes, Cambridge University Press, pp. 331-358, 2013.
Matoza, R. S., A. Jolly, D. Fee, R. Johnson, B. Chouet , P. Dawson, G. Kilgour, B. Christenson, E. Garaebeti, A. lezzi, A. Austin, B. Kennedy, R. Fitzgerald, and N. Key, Seismo-acoustic wavefield of strombolian explosions at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu, using a broadband seismoacoustic network, infrasound arrays, and infrasonic sensors on tethered balloons, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141, 3566,, 2017.
Dawson, P., and B. Chouet , Long period seismicity at Mammoth Mountain, California, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 6751-6778,, 2019.
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