Eli Whitehead-Zimmers
Eli Whitehead-Zimmers is a Hydrologic Technician with the Pennsylvania Water Science Center.
Science and Products
Data in support of flow statistics for the Delaware River Basin
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) operates a dense network of streamgages within the Delaware River Basin (DRB) that provides near real-time and daily mean streamflow values, many of which have a decades long period of record. This long-term, historical dataset of daily mean streamflows is crucial for prediction of flows at ungaged stream reaches by means of parameter-based regression...
Using Continuous Water Quality to Guide Conservation Efforts
This geonarrative describes USGS data collection and analysis efforts to assess water-quality conditions and measure the effects of conservation practices in the Chiques and Swatara Creek watersheds in central Pennsylvania, both within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Philadelphia Water Resources Monitoring
The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) and USGS have been working together to create and expand the water-quality monitoring network for Philadelphia. Data from these gaging stations will allow PWD scientists and engineers to monitor spatial and temporal water quality/quantity trends in support of watershed restoration initiatives occurring in Philadelphia.
Science and Products
Data in support of flow statistics for the Delaware River Basin
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) operates a dense network of streamgages within the Delaware River Basin (DRB) that provides near real-time and daily mean streamflow values, many of which have a decades long period of record. This long-term, historical dataset of daily mean streamflows is crucial for prediction of flows at ungaged stream reaches by means of parameter-based regression...
Using Continuous Water Quality to Guide Conservation Efforts
This geonarrative describes USGS data collection and analysis efforts to assess water-quality conditions and measure the effects of conservation practices in the Chiques and Swatara Creek watersheds in central Pennsylvania, both within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Philadelphia Water Resources Monitoring
The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) and USGS have been working together to create and expand the water-quality monitoring network for Philadelphia. Data from these gaging stations will allow PWD scientists and engineers to monitor spatial and temporal water quality/quantity trends in support of watershed restoration initiatives occurring in Philadelphia.