USGS Hydrologist Molly Maupin and USGS Research Physical Scientist Gabriel Senay discuss how Landsat imagery has been used by the National Water Census and in studying water use trends.
Gabriel B Senay, Ph.D.
Gabriel Senay is a scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, co-located with the North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (NC CASC) in Boulder, Colorado. He is also an adjunct professor at South Dakota State University and a Faculty Affiliate with Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Senay, with a background in agricultural engineering, hydrology, and remote sensing, conducts applied research on landscape water use assessment and monitoring using satellite-derived data and hydrologic modeling. He has taught courses on remote sensing of water resources and land surveying.
Research topics include:
1) Evapotranspiration modeling for crop water use mapping, drought monitoring, and water budget studies.
2) Runoff and soil moisture modeling for groundwater recharge estimation, small reservoir (pond) monitoring, and ecological drought assessment.
3) Interactions between land cover change and hydrology and their impact on water resources.
4) Spatiotemporal dynamics and trend analyses of agro-hydrologic processes and climatic drivers.
Education and Certifications
Licensed professional engineer (PE) in Civil Engineering (Water Resources)
PhD from The Ohio State University, USA.
MSc in Hydrology from Wageningen University, The Netherlands
BSc in Agricultural Engineering from Alemaya University, Ethiopia
Science and Products
Towards an Integrated Understanding of Terrestrial Evapotranspiration
Using Satellite Imagery to Estimate Consumptive Water Use from Irrigated Lands in the Milk River Basin, United States and Canada
Eyes on Earth Episode 35 – Watching the Water Supply with OpenET
Moving towards EarthMAP: Establishing linkages among USGS land use, water use, runoff, and recharge models
Eyes on Earth Episode 17 – Evapotranspiration
Webinar: Monitoring the Exchange of Moisture Between the Land and Atmosphere to Improve Our Understanding of Drought
Ecological Drought Across the Country
Landscape Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (L-WRSI) from 1982 to Present at Dekadal Time Scale
Water balance evapotranspiration (2002-2015 average) and bias adjustment factor for SSEBop ET across HUC8 basins in the conterminous United States
Monthly Ensemble Mean Evapotranspiration (EMET) Product for the Los Planes basin in Baja California Sur, Mexico from January 2006 through December 2021: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release
Streamflow Predictions (2006-2014) from LSTM Models in Water- and Energy-limited Regions in the United States
Hydrologic gridded runoff and routed discharge data for Africa from 2000-2021
Seasonal Blue Water Evapotranspiration 1986 – 2020 for the Croplands in the High Plains Aquifer Region
Rainfed and Irrigated Cropland Areas for Africa
VegET v2.0 illustrative products and evaluation
Vegetation and Water Monitoring Datasets for selected locations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands from 2017-2022
SSEBop Evapotranspiration Data from 2012 to Present: Dekadal (10-day), Monthly, Seasonal, and Annual Time Scales
Monthly Satellite-Estimated Precipitation Reports for the Republic of the Marshall Islands (ver. 2.1, January 2025)
Bias estimation for seven precipitation datasets for the eastern MENA region
![Landsat in Action - Water Use with Molly Maupin and Gabriel Senay](
USGS Hydrologist Molly Maupin and USGS Research Physical Scientist Gabriel Senay discuss how Landsat imagery has been used by the National Water Census and in studying water use trends.
Advancing water security in Africa with new high-resolution discharge data
Challenges and future directions in quantifying terrestrial evapotranspiration
Developing version 2 of satellite-estimated precipitation monthly reports for selected locations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Responses of marginal and intrinsic water-use efficiency to changing aridity using FLUXNET observations
An ensemble mean method for remote sensing of actual evapotranspiration to estimate water budget response across a restoration landscape
Evaluation of streamflow predictions from LSTM models in water- and energy-limited regions in the United States
SSEBop evapotranspiration estimates using synthetically derived Landsat data from the continuous change detection and classification algorithm
Assessing the accuracy of OpenET satellite-based evapotranspiration data to support water resource and land management applications
A global long-term daily reanalysis of reference evapotranspiration for drought and food-security monitoring
Developing satellite-estimated precipitation monthly reports for selected locations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Improvements and evaluation of the agro-hydrologic VegET model for large-area water budget analysis and drought monitoring
Satellite precipitation bias estimation and correction using in situ observations and climatology isohyets for the MENA region
SSEBop ESPA Open Source
A Google Earth Engine Application for Exploring Potential Changes in Design Peak-flow of US Urban Areas Driven by Land Cover Change
Science and Products
Towards an Integrated Understanding of Terrestrial Evapotranspiration
Using Satellite Imagery to Estimate Consumptive Water Use from Irrigated Lands in the Milk River Basin, United States and Canada
Eyes on Earth Episode 35 – Watching the Water Supply with OpenET
Moving towards EarthMAP: Establishing linkages among USGS land use, water use, runoff, and recharge models
Eyes on Earth Episode 17 – Evapotranspiration
Webinar: Monitoring the Exchange of Moisture Between the Land and Atmosphere to Improve Our Understanding of Drought
Ecological Drought Across the Country
Landscape Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (L-WRSI) from 1982 to Present at Dekadal Time Scale
Water balance evapotranspiration (2002-2015 average) and bias adjustment factor for SSEBop ET across HUC8 basins in the conterminous United States
Monthly Ensemble Mean Evapotranspiration (EMET) Product for the Los Planes basin in Baja California Sur, Mexico from January 2006 through December 2021: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release
Streamflow Predictions (2006-2014) from LSTM Models in Water- and Energy-limited Regions in the United States
Hydrologic gridded runoff and routed discharge data for Africa from 2000-2021
Seasonal Blue Water Evapotranspiration 1986 – 2020 for the Croplands in the High Plains Aquifer Region
Rainfed and Irrigated Cropland Areas for Africa
VegET v2.0 illustrative products and evaluation
Vegetation and Water Monitoring Datasets for selected locations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands from 2017-2022
SSEBop Evapotranspiration Data from 2012 to Present: Dekadal (10-day), Monthly, Seasonal, and Annual Time Scales
Monthly Satellite-Estimated Precipitation Reports for the Republic of the Marshall Islands (ver. 2.1, January 2025)
Bias estimation for seven precipitation datasets for the eastern MENA region
![Landsat in Action - Water Use with Molly Maupin and Gabriel Senay](
USGS Hydrologist Molly Maupin and USGS Research Physical Scientist Gabriel Senay discuss how Landsat imagery has been used by the National Water Census and in studying water use trends.
USGS Hydrologist Molly Maupin and USGS Research Physical Scientist Gabriel Senay discuss how Landsat imagery has been used by the National Water Census and in studying water use trends.