Gina Belair
Gina works on the Alaska Landslide Hazards Project and the National Landslide Hazard Maps Project. She works on subprojects that range from landslide inventory development and compilation, susceptibility analyses, and structural mapping for rock mass characterization.
Professional Experience
Geologist – U.S. Geological Survey, Landslide Hazards Program, Geologic Hazards Science Center (May 2021-present)
Education and Certifications
M.S., Geosciences – University of Montana
B.A., Physics and Geophysics - University of California, Berkeley
Science and Products
Parsimonious high-resolution landslide susceptibility modeling at continental scales
Landslide susceptibility maps are fundamental tools for risk reduction, but the coarse resolution of current continental-scale models is insufficient for local application. Complex relations between topographic and environmental attributes characterizing landslide susceptibility at local scales are not transferrable across areas without landslide data. Existing maps with multiple...
Benjamin B. Mirus, Gina Marie Belair, Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Sabrina N. Martinez
U.S. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map
A web-based interactive map that combines the national landslide inventory compilation with the national landslide susceptibility map. This searchable map integrates contributions from various local, state, and federal agencies and offers links to the original digital inventory files for more detailed information.
Science and Products
Parsimonious high-resolution landslide susceptibility modeling at continental scales
Landslide susceptibility maps are fundamental tools for risk reduction, but the coarse resolution of current continental-scale models is insufficient for local application. Complex relations between topographic and environmental attributes characterizing landslide susceptibility at local scales are not transferrable across areas without landslide data. Existing maps with multiple...
Benjamin B. Mirus, Gina Marie Belair, Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Sabrina N. Martinez
U.S. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map
A web-based interactive map that combines the national landslide inventory compilation with the national landslide susceptibility map. This searchable map integrates contributions from various local, state, and federal agencies and offers links to the original digital inventory files for more detailed information.