Jason B Dunham
I am a Supervisory Research Ecologist at the Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center in Corvallis, Oregon
My research is focused on landscape ecology of aquatic ecosystems, conservation biology of focal species, ecology of natural disturbance, biological invasions, and monitoring.
Professional Experience
2005 - Present: USGS, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Supervisory Research Ecologist, Corvallis, Oregon
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biology, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Science and Products
Aquatic & Landscape Ecology Research Team (FRESC)
If you are unable to access or download a product, email fresc_outreach@usgs.gov a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
If you are unable to access or download a product, email fresc_outreach@usgs.gov a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
If you are unable to access or download a product, email fresc_outreach@usgs.gov a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
Microsatellite variation reveals weak genetic structure and retention of genetic variability in threatened Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) within a Snake River watershed
Fine-scale natal homing and localized movement as shaped by sex and spawning habitat in chinook salmon
Emerging concepts for management of river ecosystems and challenges to applied integration of physical and biological sciences in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Landscape attributes and life history variability shape genetic structure of trout populations in a stream network
Effects of constant and cyclical thermal regimes on growth and feeding of juvenile cutthroat trout of variable sizes
The case for regime-based water quality standards
Combining inferences from models of capture efficiency, detectability, and suitable habitat to classify landscapes for conservation of threatened bull trout
Effects of fire on fish populations: Landscape perspectives on persistance of native fishes and nonnative fish invasions
Protocol for determining bull trout presence
Influences of spatial and temporal variation on fish-habitat relationships defined by regression quantiles
Alien invasions in aquatic ecosystems: Toward an understanding of brook trout invasions and potential impacts on inland cutthroat trout in western North America
Effects of food limitation and emigration on self-thinning in experimental minnow cohorts
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
To request an interview, contact fresc_outreach@usgs.gov or call (541) 750-1030.
Science and Products
Aquatic & Landscape Ecology Research Team (FRESC)
If you are unable to access or download a product, email fresc_outreach@usgs.gov a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
If you are unable to access or download a product, email fresc_outreach@usgs.gov a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
If you are unable to access or download a product, email fresc_outreach@usgs.gov a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
Microsatellite variation reveals weak genetic structure and retention of genetic variability in threatened Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) within a Snake River watershed
Fine-scale natal homing and localized movement as shaped by sex and spawning habitat in chinook salmon
Emerging concepts for management of river ecosystems and challenges to applied integration of physical and biological sciences in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Landscape attributes and life history variability shape genetic structure of trout populations in a stream network
Effects of constant and cyclical thermal regimes on growth and feeding of juvenile cutthroat trout of variable sizes
The case for regime-based water quality standards
Combining inferences from models of capture efficiency, detectability, and suitable habitat to classify landscapes for conservation of threatened bull trout
Effects of fire on fish populations: Landscape perspectives on persistance of native fishes and nonnative fish invasions
Protocol for determining bull trout presence
Influences of spatial and temporal variation on fish-habitat relationships defined by regression quantiles
Alien invasions in aquatic ecosystems: Toward an understanding of brook trout invasions and potential impacts on inland cutthroat trout in western North America
Effects of food limitation and emigration on self-thinning in experimental minnow cohorts
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
To request an interview, contact fresc_outreach@usgs.gov or call (541) 750-1030.