USGS scientist Nick Voichick rafted about 150 miles in nine days on the Grand Canyon portion of the Colorado River to collect groundwater samples from springs in remote locations.
John E Solder (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Stable isotopic ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in groundwater and calculated fraction of recharge from winter precipitation, South Rim Grand Canyon, Arizona
Lumped parameter models of groundwater age from the Columbia Plateau Aquifer, Vertical Flowpath Study Network
Lumped parameter models of groundwater age and noble gas models of recharge conditions in support of Groundwater and Surface-Water Resources near Red Fleet Reservoir, Uintah County, Utah
Lumped parameter models of groundwater age, Spanish Valley Watershed, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah
Noble gas isotopes and lumped parameter model results for environmental tracer based groundwater ages, South Rim Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
Dissolved gas and tracer concentrations from the Columbia Plateau Aquifer, Vertical Flowpath Study Network
Dissolved Gas and Tracer Concentrations for the High Plains Aquifer, Vertical Flowpath Study Network
Hydrologic, biogeochemical, and radon data collected within and adjacent to the Little Wind River near Riverton, Wyoming
Data for Groundwater Age and Susceptibility of Poorly Consolidated Sedimentary Aquifers of the United States Gulf Coast: Results from the Southeast Coastal Plain (SECP), Coastal Lowland (CLOW), Mississippi Embayment and Texas Coastal Upland (METX) Princip
Geochemical Correction of Carbon-14 in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon used for Groundwater Age Dating in the Glacial Aquifer System, Conterminous United States
Dissolved Gas, Environmental Tracer Concentrations, and Lumped Parameter Modeling Results for Groundwater Age Dating in the Glacial Aquifer System, Conterminous United States
Soil Methane and Combustible Gas Concentrations from Oil-Gas Well Pads in Utah, U.S.A.
USGS scientist Nick Voichick rafted about 150 miles in nine days on the Grand Canyon portion of the Colorado River to collect groundwater samples from springs in remote locations.
USGS scientists Tom Porter and Joel Unema warm up in the sun as the scientific expedition moves downstream to the next sample location.
USGS scientists Tom Porter and Joel Unema warm up in the sun as the scientific expedition moves downstream to the next sample location.
USGS scientist Joel Unema hikes to National Canyon Spring to collect groundwater samples from a remote location near the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Joel Unema was part of a group of USGS and National Park Service scientists that rafted 150 miles in nine days to better understand natural resources.
USGS scientist Joel Unema hikes to National Canyon Spring to collect groundwater samples from a remote location near the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Joel Unema was part of a group of USGS and National Park Service scientists that rafted 150 miles in nine days to better understand natural resources.
Hydrogeologic characterization of Area B, Fort Detrick, Maryland
Interaction of a legacy groundwater contaminant plume with the Little Wind River from 2015 through 2017, Riverton Processing site, Wyoming
Age and water-quality characteristics of groundwater discharge to the South Loup River, Nebraska, 2019
Rethinking a groundwater flow system using a multiple-tracer geochemical approach: A case study in Moab-Spanish Valley, Utah
Groundwater age and susceptibility of south Atlantic and Gulf Coast principal aquifers of the contiguous United States
Rethinking groundwater flow on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, USA: Characterizing recharge sources and flow paths with environmental tracers
Critical evaluation of stable isotope mixing end-members for estimating groundwater recharge sources: Case study from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
Geochemical characterization of groundwater evolution south of Grand Canyon, Arizona (USA)
Evaluation of soil zone processes and a novel radiocarbon correction approach for groundwater with mixed sources
Environmental tracer evidence for connection between shallow and bedrock aquifers and high intrinsic susceptibility to contamination of the conterminous U.S. glacial aquifer
Using age tracers and decadal sampling to discern trends in nitrate, arsenic and uranium in groundwater beneath irrigated cropland
Groundwater and surface-water resources near Red Fleet Reservoir, Uintah County, Utah
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Stable isotopic ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in groundwater and calculated fraction of recharge from winter precipitation, South Rim Grand Canyon, Arizona
Lumped parameter models of groundwater age from the Columbia Plateau Aquifer, Vertical Flowpath Study Network
Lumped parameter models of groundwater age and noble gas models of recharge conditions in support of Groundwater and Surface-Water Resources near Red Fleet Reservoir, Uintah County, Utah
Lumped parameter models of groundwater age, Spanish Valley Watershed, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah
Noble gas isotopes and lumped parameter model results for environmental tracer based groundwater ages, South Rim Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
Dissolved gas and tracer concentrations from the Columbia Plateau Aquifer, Vertical Flowpath Study Network
Dissolved Gas and Tracer Concentrations for the High Plains Aquifer, Vertical Flowpath Study Network
Hydrologic, biogeochemical, and radon data collected within and adjacent to the Little Wind River near Riverton, Wyoming
Data for Groundwater Age and Susceptibility of Poorly Consolidated Sedimentary Aquifers of the United States Gulf Coast: Results from the Southeast Coastal Plain (SECP), Coastal Lowland (CLOW), Mississippi Embayment and Texas Coastal Upland (METX) Princip
Geochemical Correction of Carbon-14 in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon used for Groundwater Age Dating in the Glacial Aquifer System, Conterminous United States
Dissolved Gas, Environmental Tracer Concentrations, and Lumped Parameter Modeling Results for Groundwater Age Dating in the Glacial Aquifer System, Conterminous United States
Soil Methane and Combustible Gas Concentrations from Oil-Gas Well Pads in Utah, U.S.A.
USGS scientist Nick Voichick rafted about 150 miles in nine days on the Grand Canyon portion of the Colorado River to collect groundwater samples from springs in remote locations.
USGS scientist Nick Voichick rafted about 150 miles in nine days on the Grand Canyon portion of the Colorado River to collect groundwater samples from springs in remote locations.
USGS scientists Tom Porter and Joel Unema warm up in the sun as the scientific expedition moves downstream to the next sample location.
USGS scientists Tom Porter and Joel Unema warm up in the sun as the scientific expedition moves downstream to the next sample location.
USGS scientist Joel Unema hikes to National Canyon Spring to collect groundwater samples from a remote location near the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Joel Unema was part of a group of USGS and National Park Service scientists that rafted 150 miles in nine days to better understand natural resources.
USGS scientist Joel Unema hikes to National Canyon Spring to collect groundwater samples from a remote location near the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Joel Unema was part of a group of USGS and National Park Service scientists that rafted 150 miles in nine days to better understand natural resources.
Hydrogeologic characterization of Area B, Fort Detrick, Maryland
Interaction of a legacy groundwater contaminant plume with the Little Wind River from 2015 through 2017, Riverton Processing site, Wyoming
Age and water-quality characteristics of groundwater discharge to the South Loup River, Nebraska, 2019
Rethinking a groundwater flow system using a multiple-tracer geochemical approach: A case study in Moab-Spanish Valley, Utah
Groundwater age and susceptibility of south Atlantic and Gulf Coast principal aquifers of the contiguous United States
Rethinking groundwater flow on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, USA: Characterizing recharge sources and flow paths with environmental tracers
Critical evaluation of stable isotope mixing end-members for estimating groundwater recharge sources: Case study from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
Geochemical characterization of groundwater evolution south of Grand Canyon, Arizona (USA)
Evaluation of soil zone processes and a novel radiocarbon correction approach for groundwater with mixed sources
Environmental tracer evidence for connection between shallow and bedrock aquifers and high intrinsic susceptibility to contamination of the conterminous U.S. glacial aquifer
Using age tracers and decadal sampling to discern trends in nitrate, arsenic and uranium in groundwater beneath irrigated cropland
Groundwater and surface-water resources near Red Fleet Reservoir, Uintah County, Utah
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.