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Keith Bouma-Gregson

Keith Bouma-Gregson is a Research Biologist at the California Water Science Center.  

Keith researches algae and cyanobacteria and how they impact the flow of energy and cycling of nutrients through aquatic ecosystems. He has researched algae and freshwater harmful algal blooms (HABs) since 2012 and joined USGS in 2021. Keith uses a variety of methods, from metagenomics to remote sensing, to understand how algae and cyanobacteria impact water quality and food webs. The goal of his research is to identify the processes, and relevant spatial and temporal scales, that control the community composition of algae and cyanobacteria, and when blooms may produce toxins. With this knowledge, he hopes to improve models and sensors to predict when HABs will occur. Working with academic and agency collaborators in the USA and abroad, he strives to generate actionable information and create tools that can improve ecosystem management and inform water policy.


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