Biological Science Technician surveying breeding birds on a grassland managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Lawrence Igl, PhD
Larry Igl is a Research Ecologist at the USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center in Jamestown, North Dakota.
His research interests are avian ecology and conservation, with an emphasis on grassland, wetland, and agricultural ecosystems in the Midwest and Great Plains. Specific areas of interest include avian responses to habitat management and disturbances, Farm Bill and agriculture programs, grassland bird ecology, cowbird brood parasitism, and nesting ecology. He has conducted surveys of breeding, migrating, and wintering birds throughout the southern, central, and northern Great Plains. Recent investigations include a long-term evaluation of breeding bird communities in grasslands enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Montana; an eco-immunology study of New World Blackbirds; a study relating wetland management to mercury in songbirds and ducks; an evaluation of the effects of livestock stocking rates on breeding birds in grasslands managed by the U.S. Forest Service; and an investigation of the response of grassland birds to adaptive management treatments that are being used to restore floristic composition of native grasslands owned by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service.
Professional Experience
2010-present. Research Ecologist, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Jamestown, ND
1992–2010. Ecologist, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Jamestown, ND
Education and Certifications
Ph.D., Zoology, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
M.S., Animal Ecology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
B.S., Triple major (Biology, Wildlife Ecology, and Natural Resources Management), University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, WI
Science and Products
Seasonal and breeding phenologies of 38 grassland bird species in the midcontinent of North America
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)
Climate-induced shifts in grassland bird nesting phenology have implications for grassland management
Converting CRP grasslands to cropland, grazing land, or hayland: Effects on breeding bird abundances in the northern Great Plains of the United States
Application of habitat association models across regions: Useful explanatory power retained in wetland bird case study
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Dickcissel (Spiza americana)
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Clay-colored Sparrow (Spizella pallida)
Potential effects of energy development on environmental resources of the Williston Basin in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota—Species of conservation concern
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea)
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus)
Decision support for restoration and management of Service-owned native prairies: Implications for grassland bird communities
Long-term changes in pollinator resources (alfalfa, sweetclover, milkweed) and monarch butterfly populations in CRP grasslands
Immune components in eggs of New World blackbirds
The effects of management practices on grassland birds
Response of grassland birds to habitat characteristics, oil wells, and roads in managed grasslands in the Little Missouri National Grassland in North Dakota
Developing techniques to census and monitor American white pelicans and other colonial waterbirds at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge in North Dakota
Breeding bird use of grasslands enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program in the northern Great Plains
Conversion of CRP Grasslands to Cropland, Grazing Lands, or Hayland: Effects on Breeding Bird Abundances in the Northern Great Plains, 1996-2017, data release
Evaluation of Survey Methods for Colonial Waterbirds at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota, data release
Do life history traits influence patterns of maternal immune elements in New World blackbirds (Icteridae) data release
Wetland water-management may influence mercury bioaccumulation in songbirds and ducks at a mercury hotspot data release
Adaptive management in native grasslands managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Implications for grassland birds, 2011-2013 data release
The influence of local- and landscape-level factors on wetland breeding birds in the Prairie Pothole Region of North and South Dakota dataset
Biological Science Technician surveying breeding birds on a grassland managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Great egret at a multi-species waterbird nesting colony at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota.
Great egret at a multi-species waterbird nesting colony at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota.
Biological Science Technician surveying breeding birds on both idle and hayed portions of a CRP grassland in Sheridan County, Montana
Biological Science Technician surveying breeding birds on both idle and hayed portions of a CRP grassland in Sheridan County, Montana
Image of Upland Sandpiper fledgling taken during Breeding Bird Surveys in Day County, South Dakota.
Image of Upland Sandpiper fledgling taken during Breeding Bird Surveys in Day County, South Dakota.
Little blue herons are a species recorded in the historical bird phenology cards.
Little blue herons are a species recorded in the historical bird phenology cards.
Yellow-headed blackbird fledgling. This species is also recorded in the Bird Phenology Program cards.
Yellow-headed blackbird fledgling. This species is also recorded in the Bird Phenology Program cards.
Little blue heron siblings.
A colorful clay-colored sparrow nest. These sparrows live in brushy grasslands and prairie habitats.
A colorful clay-colored sparrow nest. These sparrows live in brushy grasslands and prairie habitats.
Science and Products
Seasonal and breeding phenologies of 38 grassland bird species in the midcontinent of North America
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)
Climate-induced shifts in grassland bird nesting phenology have implications for grassland management
Converting CRP grasslands to cropland, grazing land, or hayland: Effects on breeding bird abundances in the northern Great Plains of the United States
Application of habitat association models across regions: Useful explanatory power retained in wetland bird case study
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Dickcissel (Spiza americana)
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Clay-colored Sparrow (Spizella pallida)
Potential effects of energy development on environmental resources of the Williston Basin in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota—Species of conservation concern
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea)
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus)
Decision support for restoration and management of Service-owned native prairies: Implications for grassland bird communities
Long-term changes in pollinator resources (alfalfa, sweetclover, milkweed) and monarch butterfly populations in CRP grasslands
Immune components in eggs of New World blackbirds
The effects of management practices on grassland birds
Response of grassland birds to habitat characteristics, oil wells, and roads in managed grasslands in the Little Missouri National Grassland in North Dakota
Developing techniques to census and monitor American white pelicans and other colonial waterbirds at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge in North Dakota
Breeding bird use of grasslands enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program in the northern Great Plains
Conversion of CRP Grasslands to Cropland, Grazing Lands, or Hayland: Effects on Breeding Bird Abundances in the Northern Great Plains, 1996-2017, data release
Evaluation of Survey Methods for Colonial Waterbirds at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota, data release
Do life history traits influence patterns of maternal immune elements in New World blackbirds (Icteridae) data release
Wetland water-management may influence mercury bioaccumulation in songbirds and ducks at a mercury hotspot data release
Adaptive management in native grasslands managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Implications for grassland birds, 2011-2013 data release
The influence of local- and landscape-level factors on wetland breeding birds in the Prairie Pothole Region of North and South Dakota dataset
Biological Science Technician surveying breeding birds on a grassland managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Biological Science Technician surveying breeding birds on a grassland managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Great egret at a multi-species waterbird nesting colony at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota.
Great egret at a multi-species waterbird nesting colony at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota.
Biological Science Technician surveying breeding birds on both idle and hayed portions of a CRP grassland in Sheridan County, Montana
Biological Science Technician surveying breeding birds on both idle and hayed portions of a CRP grassland in Sheridan County, Montana
Image of Upland Sandpiper fledgling taken during Breeding Bird Surveys in Day County, South Dakota.
Image of Upland Sandpiper fledgling taken during Breeding Bird Surveys in Day County, South Dakota.
Little blue herons are a species recorded in the historical bird phenology cards.
Little blue herons are a species recorded in the historical bird phenology cards.
Yellow-headed blackbird fledgling. This species is also recorded in the Bird Phenology Program cards.
Yellow-headed blackbird fledgling. This species is also recorded in the Bird Phenology Program cards.
Little blue heron siblings.
A colorful clay-colored sparrow nest. These sparrows live in brushy grasslands and prairie habitats.
A colorful clay-colored sparrow nest. These sparrows live in brushy grasslands and prairie habitats.