Pete Steeves
Pete Steeves is a Physical Scientist in the New England Water Science Center.
Pete Steeves has a long history with hydrography mapping in USGS, having been the original water program geospatial liaison to the National Geospatial Program (NGP). Pete has been involved in national and international hydrography mapping for decades and served as the USGS hydrography lead on the highly successful efforts to 'harmonize' hydrography and watershed boundaries with Canada along the international border. Pete attended a vast majority of the annual National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Management meetings from the earliest years (late 90s) and provided many insights from the water program perspective. Pete started what would become StreamStats with Kernell Ries in the early 90s and has been a member of the National StreamStats Team since its inception in the early 2000s. One of Pete's primary roles in StreamStats early on was to co-develop tools to preprocess raster (elevation) and vector (hydrography, watershed boundaries) data, and to train others on the use of those tools. This process was adopted by national products over the ensuing decades.
Professional Experience
Physical Scientist, U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center, 1988 to Present
Education and Certifications
B.S. History and Geography, North Adams State College, North Adams MA
Additional post B.S. education at Northeastern University related to biology, math, and earth sciences.
Science and Products
Delineating High-Resolution Urban Drainage Systems for Stormwater Management in the Neponset River Watershed
Delineating High-Resolution Urban Drainage Systems for Stormwater Management in the Mystic River Watershed
Digital elevation model and derivative datasets to support the integration of stormwater drainage into the Washington, D.C. Stormwater StreamStats application
Basin characteristics data for the Washington, D.C. StreamStats application
Digital Elevation Model and Derivative Datasets to Support the Integration of Stormwater Drainage into the StreamStats Application for the Mystic River Watershed, Massachusetts
Basin Characteristics Data for the StreamStats Application in the Mystic River Basin, Massachusetts
Basin Characteristics Rasters for Delaware StreamStats 2020
Fundamental Dataset Rasters for Delaware StreamStats 2020
Basin characteristics and point locations of road crossings in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island for highway-runoff mitigation analyses using the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model
Basin Characteristics Rasters for Pennsylvania StreamStats 2020
StreamStats—A quarter century of delivering web-based geospatial and hydrologic information to the public, and lessons learned
Peak-flow and low-flow magnitude estimates at defined frequencies and durations for nontidal streams in Delaware
Techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak flows on small streams in the binational U.S. and Canadian Lake of the Woods–Rainy River Basin upstream from Kenora, Ontario, Canada, based on data through water year 2013
Using the NHD, WBD, and NHDPlus to solve problems
StreamStats, version 4
Compilation of streamflow statistics calculated from daily mean streamflow data collected during water years 1901–2015 for selected U.S. Geological Survey streamgages
Equations for estimating selected streamflow statistics in Rhode Island
Towards a publicly available, map-based regional software tool to estimate unregulated daily streamflow at ungauged rivers
The Massachusetts Sustainable-Yield Estimator: A decision-support tool to assess water availability at ungaged stream locations in Massachusetts
Use of the U.S. Geological Survey StreamStats Web Application for dam safety analysis
Local and Cumulative Impervious Cover of Massachusetts Stream Basins
Stream-network navigation in the U.S. Geological Survey stream stats web application
StreamStats Data Preparation Tools, version 4
A Python package to pre-process and hydro-enforce digital elevation models using hydrography features for use in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) StreamStats project.
Science and Products
Delineating High-Resolution Urban Drainage Systems for Stormwater Management in the Neponset River Watershed
Delineating High-Resolution Urban Drainage Systems for Stormwater Management in the Mystic River Watershed
Digital elevation model and derivative datasets to support the integration of stormwater drainage into the Washington, D.C. Stormwater StreamStats application
Basin characteristics data for the Washington, D.C. StreamStats application
Digital Elevation Model and Derivative Datasets to Support the Integration of Stormwater Drainage into the StreamStats Application for the Mystic River Watershed, Massachusetts
Basin Characteristics Data for the StreamStats Application in the Mystic River Basin, Massachusetts
Basin Characteristics Rasters for Delaware StreamStats 2020
Fundamental Dataset Rasters for Delaware StreamStats 2020
Basin characteristics and point locations of road crossings in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island for highway-runoff mitigation analyses using the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model
Basin Characteristics Rasters for Pennsylvania StreamStats 2020
StreamStats—A quarter century of delivering web-based geospatial and hydrologic information to the public, and lessons learned
Peak-flow and low-flow magnitude estimates at defined frequencies and durations for nontidal streams in Delaware
Techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak flows on small streams in the binational U.S. and Canadian Lake of the Woods–Rainy River Basin upstream from Kenora, Ontario, Canada, based on data through water year 2013
Using the NHD, WBD, and NHDPlus to solve problems
StreamStats, version 4
Compilation of streamflow statistics calculated from daily mean streamflow data collected during water years 1901–2015 for selected U.S. Geological Survey streamgages
Equations for estimating selected streamflow statistics in Rhode Island
Towards a publicly available, map-based regional software tool to estimate unregulated daily streamflow at ungauged rivers
The Massachusetts Sustainable-Yield Estimator: A decision-support tool to assess water availability at ungaged stream locations in Massachusetts
Use of the U.S. Geological Survey StreamStats Web Application for dam safety analysis
Local and Cumulative Impervious Cover of Massachusetts Stream Basins
Stream-network navigation in the U.S. Geological Survey stream stats web application
StreamStats Data Preparation Tools, version 4
A Python package to pre-process and hydro-enforce digital elevation models using hydrography features for use in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) StreamStats project.