Rufus D Catchings, PhD
Rufus Catchings is a seismologist working on
• Earthquake hazards
• Hydrogeology
• Regional imaging of resources
• Induced seismicity
Dr. Catchings’ scientific interests include seismic evaluation of the subsurface, particularly as it relates to earthquake and other hazards, groundwater and other resources, and tectonics. Catchings also develops seismic methodologies. He has conducted numerous studies and served as advisor for more than 60 local, state, federal, and international government agencies, and private organizations. He has served as research advisor for 15 M.S. and Ph.D. students. Catchings has more than 430 published works, including journal articles, reports, conference papers, and abstracts.
Dr. Catchings has been a Research Geophysicst at USGS since 1981. He served as Chief Scientist for the Earthquake Hazards Team, 2005–2008.
- Bromery Award, Geological Society of America, 2018
- Superior Service Award, U.S. Department of the Interior, 2000
- Special Act Award, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1990, 2006
- Fellow, Geological Society of America, 1997
- Stanford University, PhD Geophysics, 1987
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, MS Geophysics, 1983
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysics, 1980
- Appalachian State University, BS Geophysics, 1979
External Research Database
Science and Products
Seismic-reflection images of the crust beneath the 2001 M = 7.7 Kutch (Bhuj) epicentral region, western India
Structure and Velocities of the Northeastern Santa Cruz Mountains and the Western Santa Clara Valley, California, from the SCSI-LR Seismic Survey
High-resolution seismic-reflection image of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia
Using twelve years of USGS refraction lines to calibrate the Brocher and others (1997) 3D velocity model of the Bay Area
Velocity models, first-arrival travel times, and geometries of 1991 and 1993 USGS land-based controlled-source seismic investigations in the San Francisco Bay area, California: In-line shots
Data report for the main line of the PSINE seismic survey across the San Andreas Fault and SAFOD Site near Parkfield, California
A Look Inside the San Andreas fault at Parkfield Through Vertical Seismic Profiling
High-resolution seismic velocities and shallow structure of the San Andreas fault zone at Middle Mountain, Parkfield, California
Stratigraphic and structural characterization of the OU-1 area at the former George Air Force Base, Adelanto, southern California
Seismic images and fault relations of the Santa Monica thrust fault, West Los Angeles, California
High-resolution seismic imaging for environmental and earthquake hazards assessment at the Raychem site, Menlo Park, California
Steep-dip seismic imaging of the shallow San Andreas Fault near Parkfield
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Seismic-reflection images of the crust beneath the 2001 M = 7.7 Kutch (Bhuj) epicentral region, western India
Structure and Velocities of the Northeastern Santa Cruz Mountains and the Western Santa Clara Valley, California, from the SCSI-LR Seismic Survey
High-resolution seismic-reflection image of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia
Using twelve years of USGS refraction lines to calibrate the Brocher and others (1997) 3D velocity model of the Bay Area
Velocity models, first-arrival travel times, and geometries of 1991 and 1993 USGS land-based controlled-source seismic investigations in the San Francisco Bay area, California: In-line shots
Data report for the main line of the PSINE seismic survey across the San Andreas Fault and SAFOD Site near Parkfield, California
A Look Inside the San Andreas fault at Parkfield Through Vertical Seismic Profiling
High-resolution seismic velocities and shallow structure of the San Andreas fault zone at Middle Mountain, Parkfield, California
Stratigraphic and structural characterization of the OU-1 area at the former George Air Force Base, Adelanto, southern California
Seismic images and fault relations of the Santa Monica thrust fault, West Los Angeles, California
High-resolution seismic imaging for environmental and earthquake hazards assessment at the Raychem site, Menlo Park, California
Steep-dip seismic imaging of the shallow San Andreas Fault near Parkfield
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.