Steven Markstrom
Steven Markstrom is a Research Hydrologist with the USGS Water Resources Mission Area.
Steve Markstrom is a hydrologist with the USGS National Research Program, Central Region, Denver, Colorado. He has been a member of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling research group since 1991. The research group has the broad goal of understanding precipitation-runoff processes and developing improved hydrologic models.
Steve Markstrom has worked as hydrologist at the USGS National Research Program, Central Region, Denver, Colorado since 1991 where he is a member of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling research group. The research group has the broad goal of understanding precipitation-runoff processes and developing improved hydrologic models. He is currently part of the team developing an integrated gound- and surface- water simulation model (GSFLOW). He is a technical team leader for the Watershed and River Systems Management Program (WARSMP), a cooperative effort between the USGS and US Bureau of Reclamation to develop decision support systems and tools that integrate physically based process models and resource management models. Also, he develops and supports the Modular Modeling System (MMS).