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Theodore Castro-Santos

Research Ecologist at the Eastern Ecological Science Center's S.O. Conte Research Laboratory in Turners Falls, MA

Human activities have caused extensive fragmentation of riverine corridors.  Dams, culverts, and other barriers prevent migratory and riverine fishes from accessing key habitats.  This is particularly problematic for diadromous fishes like Atlantic salmon and American shad that must transition between fresh- and saltwater habitats in order to complete their life cycles.  Swimming performance and behavioral responses to hydraulic conditions (turbulence, velocity, etc.) are major interests, as is development of quantitative methods for identifying and characterizing barriers.  This work has broad relevance, not only to stewardship and management of aquatic resources, but also to understanding fundamental aspects of the ecology and evolution of fishes. Some current projects include:

  • Sprint-swimming performance of migratory and riverine species
  • Effects of turbulence on swimming performance, biomechanics, and behavior
  • Modeling fish passage through culverts
  • Bioenergetics models of anadromous fish migration

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