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Tobias J Kock


Toby is a Supervisory Research Fish Biologist in the Western Fisheries Research Center who works out of the Columbia River Research Laboratory in Cook, Washington. His research is focused on Pacific salmon, dam passage and survival, ecology, and fish reintroductions throughout the western United States. His research is highly collaborative and includes State, Federal, Tribal and Private partners. 

Toby’s research team conducts investigations focused on dam passage and survival for juvenile and adult Pacific salmon, assesses fish collection and passage devices, researches the ecological effects of high-head dams and reservoirs on anadromous fish, and evaluates various aspects of salmon and steelhead reintroductions upstream of impassable dams.  He is currently working on studies that evaluate the effects of flow management on juvenile salmon survival, the responses of adult salmon and steelhead to trap-and-haul, assessment of dam-passage survival of juvenile salmon, and developing methods to estimate survival of salmon fry in reservoirs. His research is highly collaborative. Toby works closely with Tribal, State, Federal, and Private partners to provide unbiased science for use by a diverse group of partners in several watersheds across the western United States. 

*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government

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