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SUTRA Models Used to Evaluate Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage Performance in the United States

This data release documents eight 30-year SUTRA simulations summarized in Pepin and others (2025) and provides output from one short (1-year) simulation to provide verification that the model code runs properly. The most recent, but not-yet published, version of SUTRA (version 4.0) was used to evaluate reservoir thermal energy storage performance by simulating radially symmetric...

SnowModel Simulations for the 2022–23 Water Years, near Coal Creek, San Juan Mountains, Colorado, USA

This data release contains SnowModel snow evolution simulation output from water years 2022 to 2023 (October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2023) on a 100-meter (m) geospatial grid for a 3 kilometer (km) × 2 km model domain near Coal Creek off Coal Bank Pass in the San Juan Mountains in southwest Colorado, USA. The three quantities simulated for this release were snow water equivalent...

Datasets for Colorado River Basin Salinity Interactive Map

Since its formation, the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Forum and its partners have completed a substantial amount of work in an ongoing effort to reduce salinity concentrations and loads in the Colorado River. These efforts and related monitoring have generated a large volume of data and information. This data release includes geospatial datasets that provide information on...

Long-term trends in annual, seasonal, and monthly streamflow metrics at streamgages in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1981-2022

Identifying long-term trends in water availability, including surface water quantity, is a key part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Integrated Water Availability Assessments (IWAAs) mission. This data release includes input and output data used in Mann-Kendall trend analyses to characterize streamflow conditions at 124 USGS streamgages in the Upper Colorado River Basin for water...

Groundwater-flow model of the Wet Mountain Valley alluvial aquifer, Custer and Fremont Counties, Colorado

The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District, created a numerical groundwater-flow model for the Wet Mountain Valley alluvial aquifer using the finite-difference MODFLOW code with the Newton formulation solver. This numerical groundwater-flow model simulates water-budget components, groundwater and surface-water interactions, and evaluates...

Precipitation, river surface velocity, and river stage measurements within the Spring Creek Burn Scar, Colorado, USA, during select storms in 2019 and 2021

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) installed and operated several flood and debris flow warning gages within or downstream from the Spring Creek burn scar, Colorado, U.S.A. The warning gages were operated during several years post fire (2019-21) in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). The USGS warning gages were part of a larger post-wildfire...

Elevation Data from Fountain Creek between Colorado Springs and the Confluence of Fountain Creek at the Arkansas River, Colorado, 2024

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Colorado Springs Utilities, has been collecting topographic data annually since 2012 at 10 study areas along Fountain Creek, Colorado. The 10 study areas are located along Fountain Creek between Colorado Springs and the confluence of Fountain Creek and the Arkansas River in Pueblo. This data release presents topographic survey data, Light...

Low flow water quality data for the Animas River, Arrastra Creek to Silverton, Colorado, September 2021

A synoptic sampling campaign was conducted on the Animas River near Silverton, Colorado, under low-flow conditions in September 2021. The sampling campaign was designed to quantify constituent loading and identify sources of contamination along a 3.8-kilometer study reach. The study reach began approximately 170 meters upstream of Arrastra Creek and extended downstream to U.S. Geological...

MODFLOW-6 model of variable-density groundwater flow and brine discharge to the Dolores River in the Paradox Valley, Colorado

MODFLOW-6 with the Groundwater Flow (GWF) and Groundwater Transport (GWT) models was used to simulate the geohydrology of the aquifer system of the Paradox Valley in western Colorado. Salinity of the Colorado River is a major concern in both the United States and the Republic of Mexico. The Colorado River and its tributaries supply water for about 40 million people and irrigation of...

Compilation of water-quality data, discharge data, and geochemical equilibrium models for streams, draining mine adits, and springs in the Upper Animas River Watershed, Colorado, 1987–2020

Acid mine drainage (AMD) can cause ecological harm throughout the state of Colorado, including in the Upper Animas River watershed near Silverton. In the Upper Animas River watershed, a technique that includes the emplacement of hydraulic bulkheads within draining mines has been used to remediate AMD. Data for major ions and trace metal concentrations, isotopic compositions, and...

In-stream and laboratory fDOM data from wildfire affected streams of the western United States, 2021-22

After wildfires occurred in the western United States during 2020, in-stream water quality monitors and automatic samplers were deployed in four burned watersheds and one unburned watershed. In-stream water temperature, turbidity, and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (fDOM) were measured at high frequency, and the fDOM data were corrected for temperature and turbidity effects...

Daily potable water deliveries and effluent discharge by Colorado Springs Utilities: 2008–22

This data release includes data provided by Colorado Springs Utilities to the U.S. Geological Survey. Two types of data are included here. First are daily average effluent discharge rates from the Las Vegas Street Wastewater Treatment Facility and JD Phillips Water Resource Recovery Facility along with the sum of rates on dates with available data. Second are daily total volumes of...
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