Web Tools
Below is a listing of web tools from the Colorado Water Science Center and collaborators
USGS Science Collaboration Portal for the Colorado River Basin
To help resource managers plan and mitigate long-term drought impacts in the Colorado River Basin, the USGS has launched a platform that brings together science, data, and mapping and analytical tools from across the basin in a central location.
Ecosystems Mission Area, Energy and Minerals Mission Area, Natural Hazards Mission Area, Biological Threats and Invasive Species Research Program, Environmental Health Program, Land Management Research Program, Species Management Research Program, Arizona Water Science Center, California Water Science Center, Colorado Water Science Center, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Fort Collins Science Center, Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center, Nevada Water Science Center, New Mexico Water Science Center, Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center, Southwest Biological Science Center, Utah Water Science Center, Western Ecological Research Center (WERC), Western Geographic Science Center, Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center, Colorado River Basin: Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology, Drought
Colorado Three Lakes System
The Three Lakes System of Colorado includes Grand Lake, Shadow Mountain Reservoir, and Granby Reservoir. This system is located within the headwaters of the Upper Colorado River Basin near the west entrance of Rocky Mountain National Park. This geonarrative focuses primarily on the drainage basin of the Three Lakes System and the Colorado River downstream to Windy Gap Reservoir.
Colorado Legacy Mine Lands Watershed Delineation and Scoring tool (WaDeS)
This web application, a summarized compilation of central Colorado water chemistry datasets from USGS and EPA, identifies legacy mine sites within the headwaters of central Colorado that could be good candidates for future remediation work based on stream metal concentrations, the number and complexity of mine features, and the potential for high natural background metal concentrations.
National Water Dashboard (NWD)
The National Water Dashboard (NWD) is a mobile, interactive tool that provides real-time information on water levels, weather, and flood forecasts - all in one place on a computer, smartphone, or other mobile device. The NWD presents real-time stream, lake and reservoir, precipitation, and groundwater data from more than 13,500 USGS observation stations across the country.
Water Resources Mission Area, Alaska Science Center, Arizona Water Science Center, California Water Science Center, Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center (CFWSC), Central Midwest Water Science Center, Colorado Water Science Center, Dakota Water Science Center, Idaho Water Science Center, Kansas Water Science Center, Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center, Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Water Science Center, Nebraska Water Science Center, Nevada Water Science Center, New England Water Science Center, New Jersey Water Science Center, New Mexico Water Science Center, New York Water Science Center, Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Water Science Center, Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center, Oregon Water Science Center, Pacific Islands Water Science Center, Pennsylvania Water Science Center, South Atlantic Water Science Center (SAWSC), Upper Midwest Water Science Center, Utah Water Science Center, Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center, Washington Water Science Center, Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center, Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility (HIF), Office of Risk and Resilience, Saline Lake Ecosystems Integrated Water Availability Assessment
National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper
The National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper provides access to over 1.5 million sites contained in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), including sites where current and historical surface-water, groundwater, springs, and atmospheric data has been collected. Users can search by site type, data type, site number, or place.
Water Resources Mission Area, Central Midwest Water Science Center, Colorado Water Science Center, Dakota Water Science Center, Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Water Science Center, New England Water Science Center, New Jersey Water Science Center, New Mexico Water Science Center, New York Water Science Center, South Atlantic Water Science Center (SAWSC), Upper Midwest Water Science Center, National Water Quality Laboratory
Current Streamflow and Water-Quality Monitoring at Select Sites in the Animas and San Juan River Basins, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah
The USGS monitors current streamflow and water-quality conditions at various sites in the Animas and San Juan River Basins in Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, including areas below the Gold King Mine release area. These streamgages provide continuous data on streamflow and select water-quality constituents including specific conductance, water temperature, pH, and turbidity.
North American Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Digital Reference Collection (NAAMDRC)
Aquatic invertebrates are a key component of freshwater ecosystems, and an understanding of aquatic invertebrate taxonomy is central to freshwater science. The North American Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Digital Reference Collection (NAAMDRC) was created by the USGS Aquatic Experimental Lab (AXL) to provide users with high-quality digital microscopy photographs.
Flood Database for Colorado
An easy-to-use, Web-based geodatabase of historical flood and paleoflood information which includes links to sources of flood data. The interface makes this collection of information useful to water-resource managers to better understand the historic events for improved flood-frequency estimates of the largest floods in Colorado.
Arkansas River and Fountain Creek Water Quality Dashboard
Web based application to compare, on a real-time basis, estimated dissolved-solids concentration and load as a surrogate for water-quality conditions in the Arkansas River and Fountain Creek in Colorado and determine whether future water-quality conditions are significantly different from background conditions.