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Guidance Document

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Developing inter-agency templates for FAIR genetic data archiving

Standardized archiving of genetic data is essential for reuse in monitoring biodiversity and data syntheses.

Developing inter-agency templates for FAIR genetic data archiving

Standardized archiving of genetic data is essential for reuse in monitoring biodiversity and data syntheses.
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Low Distortion Map Projections for the Artemis III Candidate Landing Sites

Creation of a survey grade product to support Artemis mission operations and lunar surface science.

Low Distortion Map Projections for the Artemis III Candidate Landing Sites

Creation of a survey grade product to support Artemis mission operations and lunar surface science.
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3DEPPCC: An automated DL-based point cloud classification tool for 3DEP point clouds

This toolkit will enhance 3DEP classification accuracy and automation, broadening its usability to external users

3DEPPCC: An automated DL-based point cloud classification tool for 3DEP point clouds

This toolkit will enhance 3DEP classification accuracy and automation, broadening its usability to external users
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Beginners Git, GitLab & Software Release Carpentries-like Training for USGS Personnel to Facilitate Open Science

Teach USGS personnel Git within to develop, track, share, and publish their code.

Beginners Git, GitLab & Software Release Carpentries-like Training for USGS Personnel to Facilitate Open Science

Teach USGS personnel Git within to develop, track, share, and publish their code.
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Communicating stream fish vulnerability to climate change

We will develop a vulnerability assessment R Shiny web application and present to stakeholders. The stakeholder feedback will be summarized into a one page ‘lessons learned’ document that will assist researchers in designing effective climate change visualizations and an R markdown ‘quick start’ guide on R Shiny applications.

Communicating stream fish vulnerability to climate change

We will develop a vulnerability assessment R Shiny web application and present to stakeholders. The stakeholder feedback will be summarized into a one page ‘lessons learned’ document that will assist researchers in designing effective climate change visualizations and an R markdown ‘quick start’ guide on R Shiny applications.
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Connecting with our stakeholders - developing a better understanding of use and usability for science products

The value of USGS tools and products can be assessed by collecting use metrics, user feedback, and examples of practical application. We will pilot an approach to assess the utility of two Coastal Change Hazards product releases and establish a guide for tracking the use and user experience of USGS products.

Connecting with our stakeholders - developing a better understanding of use and usability for science products

The value of USGS tools and products can be assessed by collecting use metrics, user feedback, and examples of practical application. We will pilot an approach to assess the utility of two Coastal Change Hazards product releases and establish a guide for tracking the use and user experience of USGS products.
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Extracting data from maps: applying lessons learned from the AI for Critical Mineral Assessment Competition

This project will share techniques developed in two AI/ML competitions run in Fall 2022, Automated Map Georeferencing, and Automated Map Feature Extraction with USGS stakeholders. We will develop a strategy to operationalize successful approaches, benefiting any activity that uses legacy map data.

Extracting data from maps: applying lessons learned from the AI for Critical Mineral Assessment Competition

This project will share techniques developed in two AI/ML competitions run in Fall 2022, Automated Map Georeferencing, and Automated Map Feature Extraction with USGS stakeholders. We will develop a strategy to operationalize successful approaches, benefiting any activity that uses legacy map data.
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Availability, documentation, & community support for an open-source machine learning tool

We will make cutting-edge spectral analysis and machine learning algorithms available to remote sensing and chemical quantification communities, regardless of the user’s programming skills, by releasing, documenting, presenting, and developing tutorials for the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool.

Availability, documentation, & community support for an open-source machine learning tool

We will make cutting-edge spectral analysis and machine learning algorithms available to remote sensing and chemical quantification communities, regardless of the user’s programming skills, by releasing, documenting, presenting, and developing tutorials for the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool.
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Enhancing usability of 3DEP data and web services with Jupyter notebooks

We propose to develop a suite of Jupyter notebooks that leverage existing APIs, cloud storage, and open source tools to make it easier for users to efficiently access USGS 3DEP data and to produce data processing and visualization workflows. These notebooks will enhance data utilization, stimulate creative applications, and generate significant return on investment for 3DEP.

Enhancing usability of 3DEP data and web services with Jupyter notebooks

We propose to develop a suite of Jupyter notebooks that leverage existing APIs, cloud storage, and open source tools to make it easier for users to efficiently access USGS 3DEP data and to produce data processing and visualization workflows. These notebooks will enhance data utilization, stimulate creative applications, and generate significant return on investment for 3DEP.
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CorVis: A lidar point cloud tool for visualization and analysis of corridors such as hydrologic, energy, and transportation networks

An open-source tool for 3D visualization of lidar point cloud data along a vector line network and output of related lidar metrics. This tool will make available the valuable attribute data of point clouds to enable research such as riparian zone and migration corridor vegetation structure analysis or characterizing the related built environment.

CorVis: A lidar point cloud tool for visualization and analysis of corridors such as hydrologic, energy, and transportation networks

An open-source tool for 3D visualization of lidar point cloud data along a vector line network and output of related lidar metrics. This tool will make available the valuable attribute data of point clouds to enable research such as riparian zone and migration corridor vegetation structure analysis or characterizing the related built environment.
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Database tools for standardization & automation of eDNA workflows

We propose to bring in expertise from multiple USGS environmental DNA (eDNA) labs to create a database to track samples from initial collection through analysis and reporting and to long-term storage. We will publish this tracking template so it can be implemented within eDNA labs across the USGS.

Database tools for standardization & automation of eDNA workflows

We propose to bring in expertise from multiple USGS environmental DNA (eDNA) labs to create a database to track samples from initial collection through analysis and reporting and to long-term storage. We will publish this tracking template so it can be implemented within eDNA labs across the USGS.
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Modernizing sensor data workflows to leverage Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud-based technologies

Drought is a major problem in the American Southwest that is expected to worsen under the effects of climate change. Currently, the Southwest Biological Science Center is monitoring the effects of drought with soil moisture probes in a range of ecosystems across an elevational gradient on the Colorado Plateau. These data are used in multiple studies to analyze the effects of drought on...

Modernizing sensor data workflows to leverage Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud-based technologies

Drought is a major problem in the American Southwest that is expected to worsen under the effects of climate change. Currently, the Southwest Biological Science Center is monitoring the effects of drought with soil moisture probes in a range of ecosystems across an elevational gradient on the Colorado Plateau. These data are used in multiple studies to analyze the effects of drought on vegetation
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